MMORPG大型游戏设计与开发(客户端架构 part15 of vegine)

时间:2021-11-12 13:09:26



模块kernel 文件base.h

* PAP Engine ( -- )
* $Id config.h
* @link -- for the canonical source repository
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2013-2014 viticm( )
* @license
* @user viticm<>
* @date 2014-3-12 11:15:08
* @uses the vengine kernel base class
#include "vengine/config.h"
#include "vengine/kernel/node.h" //插件必须导出一个名为DllMagicCode的U32整数,
#define VENGINE_DLL_MAGIC_CODE (static_cast<uint32_t>(0XC0DE0000)) namespace vengine_kernel { //for plugin
typedef void (__stdcall* function_dllinit)(void*);
typedef void (__stdcall* function_dllrelease)(void); class VENGINE_API Base { public:
virtual ~Base(); public:
void registerclass(class_t* newclass);
bool isinheritance(const class_t* thisclass, const class_t* baseclass) const;
class_t* getclass(const char* name); //node operator
virtual Node* newnode(const char* classname,
const char* position,
const char* nodename);
virtual Node* newnode(const char* classname,
Node* parentnode,
const char* nodename);
//get node by node name, sample: getnode("bin\\data")
virtual Node* getnode(const char* name); //plugin
bool loadplugin(const char* name, void* param);
void shutdown(); //kernel close public:
static Base* getself();
static void* get_userdata();
static void set_userdata(void* data); protected:
static Base* self_;
static void* userdata_;
std::map<STRING, class_t*> classmap_; //is a map not a list
class_t* firstclass_inmap_;
Node noderoot_; protected:
struct plugininfo_t {
HMODULE hmodule;
STRING pluginfile;
function_dllinit dllinit_pointer;
function_dllrelease dllrelease_pointer;
void free_allplugin();
std::vector<plugininfo_t> pluginlist_; //all plugin in a vector
}; }; //namespace vengine_kernel

模块kernel 文件class.h

* PAP Engine ( -- )
* $Id class.h
* @link -- for the canonical source repository
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2013-2014 viticm( )
* @license
* @user viticm<>
* @date 2014-3-17 16:28:41
* @uses vengine kernel class module
#define VENGINE_KERNEL_CLASS_H_ #include "vengine/config.h"
#include "vengine/exception/base.h" namespace vengine_kernel { class Node; struct VENGINE_API class_t {
const char* name; //class name
int32_t objectsize; //class size
Node* (__stdcall* newobject_pointer)(); //函数指针,用于生成一个Node类实例
class_t* baseclass; //基类
class_t* nextclass; //下一个类
Node* newobject(const char* name); //生成对象方法
}; }; //namespace vengine_kernel //variableflag 为命名空间准备的变量标识,
//如name1::name2::class1 则此值在函数中为name1_name2_class1
//如果不是命名空间直接填写类名即可 //据类名取得定义类
#define VENGINE_KERNEL_GETCLASS(classname, variableflag) (&classname::class_##variableflag##_) //定义声明宏
#define VENGINE_KERNEL_DECLARE_DYNAMIC(variableflag) \
public: \
static vengine_kernel::class_t class_##variableflag##_; \
virtual const vengine_kernel::class_t* getclass() const; \
static vengine_kernel::Node* __stdcall newobject(); //定义实现宏
#define VENGINE_KERNEL_IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(classname, baseclass, variableflag) \
static char name_##variableflag[] = #classname; \
vengine_kernel::class_t classname::class_##variableflag##_ = { \
name_##variableflag, sizeof(classname), classname::newobject, baseclass, NULL \
}; \
const vengine_kernel::class_t* classname::getclass() const { \
return &classname::class_##variableflag##_; \
}; \
vengine_kernel::Node* classname::newobject() { \
return new classname; \
} //纯虚类类定义实现宏
#define VENGINE_KERNEL_IMPLEMENT_VIRTUAL_DYNAMIC(classname, baseclass, variableflag) \
static char name_##variableflag[] = #classname; \
vengine_kernel::class_t classname::class_##variableflag##_ = { \
name_##variableflag, sizeof(classname), classname::newobject, baseclass, NULL \
}; \
const vengine_kernel::class_t* classname::getclass() const { \
return &classname::class_##variableflag##_; \
}; \
vengine_kernel::Node* classname::newobject() { \
VENGINE_SHOW("pure a virtual class"); \
return NULL; \
} #define VENGINE_KERNEL_DECLARE_LOGICAL(havelogical) \
public: \
virtual inline bool is_havelogical() { return havelogical; } #endif //VENGINE_KERNEL_CLASS_H_

模块kernel 文件node.h

* PAP Engine ( -- )
* $Id node.h
* @link -- for the canonical source repository
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2013-2014 viticm( )
* @license
* @user viticm<>
* @date 2014-3-12 11:15:08
* @uses vengine kernel node class module
#define VENGINE_KERNEL_NODE_H_ #include "vengine/config.h"
#include "vengine/kernel/class.h" namespace vengine_kernel { class VENGINE_API Node {
Node(const char* name);
virtual ~Node();
int32_t get_childnumber() const;
virtual const STRING& getname() const;
virtual std::list<Node*>& get_childlist();
virtual Node* getparent() const;
virtual void init(void*) {}; //空指针,子类可以用这个继承这个指针初始化
virtual void tick(); public:
virtual Node* lookup_child(const char* name);
virtual void addchild(Node* node);
virtual bool removechild(Node* node);
virtual void remove_allchild();
virtual void release(); VENGINE_KERNEL_DECLARE_DYNAMIC(vengine_kernel_Node); //类节点自动定义实现 protected:
typedef std::list<Node*> childlist;
STRING name_; //节点名
childlist childlist_; //子节点列表
Node* parent_; //父节点指针
friend struct class_t; }; }; //namespace vengine_kernel #endif //VENGINE_KERNEL_NODE_H_

