
时间:2022-10-06 11:11:07

Scut提供Unity3d Sdk包,方便开发人员快速与Scut游戏服务器对接; 先看Unity3d示例如下:


打开Scutc.svn\SDK\Unity3d\Assets目录下的TestScene.unity项目文件,选中Main Camera,将TestGUI.cs文件拖动到Inspector窗口的Script,如图:




1)       Net:封装Http与Socket请求操作,以及网络协议的数据解析和请求参数的打包,其中NetWriter里有SetMd5Key为设置网络协议请求参数的Key,用于跟服务校验请求参数的有效性

2)       Reflect层:提供高性能的反射功能
3)       Security层:加密操作
4)       Serialization层:封装对象的序列化操作
5)       Game:游戏业务逻辑层代码实现功能,此目录下的Action和Behaviour目录,根据业务自己实现代码
6)       CustomHeadFormater类:自定的结构消息头解析器
7)       TestGUI.cs为测试脚本


using UnityEngine;

public class TestGUI : MonoBehaviour
{ // Use this for initialization
void Start()
//todo 启用自定的结构
Net.Instance.HeadFormater = new CustomHeadFormater();
} // Update is called once per frame
void Update()
{ } void OnGUI()
{ // Now create any Controls you like, and they will be displayed with the custom Skin
if (GUILayout.Button("Click Http"))
Net.Instance.Send((int)ActionType.RankSelect, null);
} // Any Controls created here will use the default Skin and not the custom Skin
if (GUILayout.Button("Click Socket"))
Net.Instance.Send((int)ActionType.RankSelect, null);




using System;
using GameRanking.Pack;
using ZyGames.Framework.Common.Serialization; /// <summary>
/// 定制的头部结构解析
/// </summary>
public class CustomHeadFormater : IHeadFormater
public bool TryParse(byte[] data, out PackageHead head, out byte[] bodyBytes)
bodyBytes = null;
head = null;
int pos = 0;
if (data == null || data.Length == 0)
return false;
int headSize = GetInt(data, ref pos);
byte[] headBytes = new byte[headSize];
Buffer.BlockCopy(data, pos, headBytes, 0, headBytes.Length);
pos += headSize;
ResponsePack resPack = ProtoBufUtils.Deserialize<ResponsePack>(headBytes); head = new PackageHead();
head.StatusCode = resPack.ErrorCode;
head.MsgId = resPack.MsgId;
head.Description = resPack.ErrorInfo;
head.ActionId = resPack.ActionId;
head.StrTime = resPack.St; int bodyLen = data.Length - pos;
if (bodyLen > 0)
bodyBytes = new byte[bodyLen];
Buffer.BlockCopy(data, pos, bodyBytes, 0, bodyLen);
bodyBytes = new byte[0];
} //UnityEngine.Debug.Log(string.Format("ActionId:{0}, ErrorCode:{1}, len:{2}", resPack.ActionId, resPack.ErrorCode, bodyBytes.Length)); return true;
} private int GetInt(byte[] data, ref int pos)
int val = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, pos);
pos += sizeof(int);
return val;



/// <summary>
/// 自定结构Action代理基类
/// </summary>
public abstract class BaseAction : GameAction
protected BaseAction(int actionId)
: base(actionId)
} protected override void SetActionHead(NetWriter writer)
MessagePack headPack = new MessagePack()
MsgId = Head.MsgId,
ActionId = ActionId,
SessionId = Head.SessionId,
UserId = Head.UserId
byte[] data = ProtoBufUtils.Serialize(headPack);



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using GameRanking.Pack;
using ZyGames.Framework.Common.Serialization; public class Action1001 : BaseAction
private Response1001Pack _responseData; public Action1001()
: base((int)ActionType.RankSelect)
} protected override void SendParameter(NetWriter writer, object userData)
Request1001Pack requestPack = new Request1001Pack()
PageIndex = 1,
PageSize = 10
byte[] data = ProtoBufUtils.Serialize(requestPack);
} protected override void DecodePackage(NetReader reader)
if (reader.StatusCode == 0)
_responseData = ProtoBufUtils.Deserialize<Response1001Pack>(reader.Buffer); }
} protected override void Process(object userData)
if (_responseData != null)
UnityEngine.Debug.Log(string.Format("ok, count:{0}", _responseData.PageCount));


完整例子Sample For Unity3d源码下载


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