MMORPG大型游戏设计与开发(客户端架构 part3 of vegine)

时间:2021-12-24 20:19:26




* PAP Engine ( -- )
* $Id math.h
* @link -- for the canonical source repository
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2013-2014 viticm( )
* @license
* @user viticm<>
* @date 2014-3-12 11:15:08
* @uses the base config macros and defines, also with system include
#define VENGINE_MATH_BASE_H_ #include "vengine/config.h" namespace vengine_math { namespace base { struct VENGINE_API twofloat_vector_t {
inline twofloat_vector_t& operator = (const twofloat_vector_t& vector) {
x = vector.x;
y = vector.y;
return *this;
} inline bool operator == (const twofloat_vector_t& vector) const {
return (x == vector.x && y == vector.y);
} inline bool operator != (const twofloat_vector_t& vector) const {
return ( x != vector.x || y != vector.y );
} inline twofloat_vector_t operator +
(const twofloat_vector_t& vector) const {
twofloat_vector_t sum;
sum.x = x + vector.x;
sum.y = y + vector.y;
return sum;
} inline twofloat_vector_t operator -
(const twofloat_vector_t& vector) const {
twofloat_vector_t diff;
diff.x = x - vector.x;
diff.y = y - vector.y;
return diff;
} inline twofloat_vector_t operator * (float scalar ) const {
twofloat_vector_t prod;
prod.x = scalar * x;
prod.y = scalar * y;
return prod;
} inline friend twofloat_vector_t operator *
(float scalar, const twofloat_vector_t& vector) {
twofloat_vector_t prod;
prod.x = scalar * vector.x;
prod.y = scalar * vector.y;
return prod;
} inline float length() const;
float normalise(float aimlength = 1.0f);
twofloat_vector_t() : x(0.0f), y(0.0f) {}
twofloat_vector_t(float _x, float _y) : x(_x), y(_y) {}
float x;
float y;
}; //tow int32_t vector struct
struct VENGINE_API twoint_vector_t {
twoint_vector_t() : x(), y() {}
twoint_vector_t(int32_t _x, int32_t _y) : x(_x), y(_y) {}
int32_t x;
int32_t y;
}; struct VENGINE_API threefloat_vector_t {
inline threefloat_vector_t& operator =
(const threefloat_vector_t& vector) {
x = vector.x;
y = vector.y;
z = vector.z;
return *this;
} inline bool operator == ( const threefloat_vector_t& vector) const {
return (x == vector.x && y == vector.y && z == vector.z);
} inline bool operator != ( const threefloat_vector_t& vector ) const {
return (x != vector.x || y != vector.y || z != vector.z);
} inline threefloat_vector_t operator +
(const threefloat_vector_t& vector) const {
threefloat_vector_t sum;
sum.x = x + vector.x;
sum.y = y + vector.y;
sum.z = z + vector.z;
return sum;
} inline threefloat_vector_t operator -
(const threefloat_vector_t& vector) const {
threefloat_vector_t diff;
diff.x = x - vector.x;
diff.y = y - vector.y;
diff.z = z - vector.z;
return diff;
} inline threefloat_vector_t operator * (const float& mult) const {
threefloat_vector_t vector;
vector.x = x * mult;
vector.y = y * mult;
vector.z = z * mult;
return vector;
} inline float length() const; float normalise(float aimlength = 1.0f); public:
threefloat_vector_t() : x(0.0f), y(0.0f), z(0.0f) {}
threefloat_vector_t(float _x, float _y, float _z) : x(_x), y(_y), z(_z) {}
float x;
float y;
float z;
}; struct VENGINE_API threeint_vector_t {
threeint_vector_t() : x(), y(), z() {}
threeint_vector_t(int32_t _x, int32_t _y, int32_t _z) :
x(_x), y(_y), z(_z) {}
int32_t x;
int32_t y;
int32_t z;
}; struct VENGINE_API floatray {
threefloat_vector_t origin;
threefloat_vector_t direction;
}; }; //namespace base }; //namespace vengine_math #endif //VENGINE_MATH_BASE_H_




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