
时间:2021-12-01 08:13:44

I have this function for a Go Fish Card game.

我有一个Go Fish Card游戏的功能。

// Remove a Card from the player's hand


// In: _index The index of the card to remove from the array

/ In: _index是要从数组中删除的卡片的索引

// _discard A reference to store that value in

// _rid一个引用来存储该值

// // Return: True if there was a card actually stored at that index.

// // Return:如果有一张卡实际存储在该索引处,则为True。

// False if the index was "empty"


bool Player::Discard(int _index, Card& _discard)
        return true;

Should store the requested card into the reference being passed in. After that, "shift" the array back to show this card has been removed.


Example: [ 7♥ 3♣ 5♦ 9♥ ] m_numCards: 4


  • discarding index 1 (the 3♣) *
  • 丢弃指数1(3♣)*

[ 7♥ 5♦ 9♥ 9♥ ] m_numCards: 3

(7 5♦9 9♥♥♥)m_numCards:3

  • Even though it looks like there are two 9♥, we won't ever be displaying that to the user, and it will be the first one that gets overwritten if another card is added to the hand. **/

    尽管它看起来像有两个9♥,我们不会被显示给用户,并将成为第一个被覆盖如果添加另一张牌的手。* * /

    // Just here for compilation


in the header i have this member variables.


char m_name[32];    
Card m_hand[7];
int m_numCards; 
int m_maxCards; 
int m_score;    

I had this inside to do the first part But im pretty sure im missing something.


      if (m_hand[_index] != FALSE)
    _discard = m_hand[_index];
    return true;
    return false;

4 个解决方案



If you define your "hand" as an array:


Card m_hand[7];

Then you always have 7 cards. Sure you could add a "sentinel" Card value or something, but really there's always 7 cards. You can't remove or append to a raw array. On the other hand, if you used a dynamic container instead:


std::vector<Card> m_hand;

Now, you can have a variable-sized hand and add and remove cards as you see fit. And your discard function becomes easy:


bool Player::Discard(int _index, Card& _discard)
    if (m_hand.size() > _index) {
        _discard = m_hand[_index];
        m_hand.erase(m_hand.begin() + _index);
        return true;
    else {
        return false;

Although with Go Fish, it probably makes more sense to discard a card by value:

虽然有了Go Fish,按价值丢弃卡片可能更有意义:

bool Player::Discard(Card const& card)
    size_t cur = m_hand.size();
    m_hand.erase(std::remove(m_hand.begin(), m_hand.end(), card), m_hand.end());
    return m_hand.size() != cur;



There are 52 cards in a standard deck and an unsigned char can represent more than 52 distinct values.


Assign zero as a 'no card' value and use values 1 - 52 to represent the cards. Instead of removing cards from the array and then rearranging it, simply overwrite the value to be erased with zero.

将0指定为“无卡”值,并使用值1 - 52表示卡片。不要从数组中删除卡片,然后重新排列它们,只需用0覆盖要擦除的值。

When adding a card to the array, iterate until you find an index where the value is zero.




ok so I figured it out


bool Player::Discard(int _index, Card& _discard)
   if (_index < m_numCards)
    _discard = m_hand[_index];

    for (int i = _index + 1; i < m_numCards; ++i)
        m_hand[i - 1] = m_hand[i];
    m_numCards -= 1;
    return true;
    return false;




Even though this is probably homework assignment, you should really use built-in methods in objects such as std::vector or std::list. If you really want to use arrays, you can delete an element by moving all elements to the left that are after the element you want to delete. It would look something like this:


for (int i = 0; i < cardsLength; i ++) {
    if (cards[i] == theCardYouWantToDelete) {
        for (int j = i; j < cardsLength - 1; j ++) {
            cards[j] = cards[j + 1];
        break; // to break out of outer for loop



If you define your "hand" as an array:


Card m_hand[7];

Then you always have 7 cards. Sure you could add a "sentinel" Card value or something, but really there's always 7 cards. You can't remove or append to a raw array. On the other hand, if you used a dynamic container instead:


std::vector<Card> m_hand;

Now, you can have a variable-sized hand and add and remove cards as you see fit. And your discard function becomes easy:


bool Player::Discard(int _index, Card& _discard)
    if (m_hand.size() > _index) {
        _discard = m_hand[_index];
        m_hand.erase(m_hand.begin() + _index);
        return true;
    else {
        return false;

Although with Go Fish, it probably makes more sense to discard a card by value:

虽然有了Go Fish,按价值丢弃卡片可能更有意义:

bool Player::Discard(Card const& card)
    size_t cur = m_hand.size();
    m_hand.erase(std::remove(m_hand.begin(), m_hand.end(), card), m_hand.end());
    return m_hand.size() != cur;



There are 52 cards in a standard deck and an unsigned char can represent more than 52 distinct values.


Assign zero as a 'no card' value and use values 1 - 52 to represent the cards. Instead of removing cards from the array and then rearranging it, simply overwrite the value to be erased with zero.

将0指定为“无卡”值,并使用值1 - 52表示卡片。不要从数组中删除卡片,然后重新排列它们,只需用0覆盖要擦除的值。

When adding a card to the array, iterate until you find an index where the value is zero.




ok so I figured it out


bool Player::Discard(int _index, Card& _discard)
   if (_index < m_numCards)
    _discard = m_hand[_index];

    for (int i = _index + 1; i < m_numCards; ++i)
        m_hand[i - 1] = m_hand[i];
    m_numCards -= 1;
    return true;
    return false;




Even though this is probably homework assignment, you should really use built-in methods in objects such as std::vector or std::list. If you really want to use arrays, you can delete an element by moving all elements to the left that are after the element you want to delete. It would look something like this:


for (int i = 0; i < cardsLength; i ++) {
    if (cards[i] == theCardYouWantToDelete) {
        for (int j = i; j < cardsLength - 1; j ++) {
            cards[j] = cards[j + 1];
        break; // to break out of outer for loop