我第一次开机时为什么我的OpenGL ES iPhone游戏会闪烁?

时间:2023-01-21 11:26:42

I made a simple game for the iPhone using OpenGL ES. Everything works fine except for this problem:

我使用OpenGL ES为iPhone做了一个简单的游戏。除了这个问题,一切正常:

I turn the phone completely off, then back on, then launch my app and I get this wierd flickering! Every other frame is correct... the incorrect frames are just the same frame over and over again. If I quit the app, launch it again everything is fine. If I quit and restart 10 times in a row everything is fine every time.


But if I turn the phone off, then back on, then launch the app I get the same flickering the first time I launch the app.


Why is this happening?!


Has anyone else had this problem?



5 个解决方案



Apple published additional information about this issue:


Q: My OpenGL ES application flickers. Especially when running on iPhone 3GS, the flickering seems to happen every frame. How do I fix this problem?

问:我的OpenGL ES应用程序闪烁。特别是在iPhone 3GS上运行时,每一帧都会出现闪烁现象。我该如何解决这个问题?

A: By default, the contents of a renderbuffer are invalidated after it is presented to the screen (by calling -EAGLContext/presentRenderbuffer:). Your application must completely redraw the contents of the renderbuffer every time you draw a frame, otherwise you may observe flickering or other unexpected results.

答:默认情况下,渲染缓冲区的内容在显示到屏幕后会失效(通过调用-EAGLContext / presentRenderbuffer :)。每次绘制框架时,您的应用程序必须完全重绘渲染缓冲区的内容,否则您可能会观察到闪烁或其他意外结果。

You must provide a color to every pixel on the screen. At the beginning of your drawing code, it is a good idea to use glClear() to initialize the color buffer. A full-screen clear of each of your color, depth, and stencil buffers (if you're using them) at the start of a frame can also generally improve your application's performance.


If your application needs to preserve the drawable contents between frames, you can add the option kEAGLDrawablePropertyRetainedBacking = YES to your CAEAGLLayer object's drawableProperties property. Using this option requires additional memory and can reduce your application's performance.

如果应用程序需要在帧之间保留可绘制内容,则可以将选项kEAGLDrawablePropertyRetainedBacking = YES添加到CAEAGLLayer对象的drawableProperties属性中。使用此选项需要额外的内存,可能会降低应用程序的性能。



Hmm. I haven't done much with OpenGL on the iPhone, but I have to say I haven't noticed this behavior with other applications. I'd suspect it's something to do with how you're switching active framebuffers.


Maybe take a look at some of the sample code, and see what you're doing differently?




I believe this issue has to do with a corruption in the vertex buffer that occurs when the iphone OS takes control of the application(lock and resume, or warning popup). I have this issue as well but have not found a suitable fix, it seems to be one or more objects in the scene. We use a texture atlas and none of the other objects that share the texture seem to be affected. Perhaps destroying and recreating your vertex buffers will fix the issue.

我相信这个问题与顶层缓冲区中的损坏有关,当iphone OS控制应用程序(锁定和恢复,或警告弹出窗口)时会发生这种情况。我也有这个问题但是没有找到合适的修复,它似乎是场景中的一个或多个对象。我们使用纹理图集,并且共享纹理的其他对象似乎都没有受到影响。也许破坏和重新创建顶点缓冲区将解决问题。



Is it possible you are calling glRenderBuffer() and sending the presentRenderBuffer message to your EAGLContext without having done any OpenGL updates, that is, no new glDrawElements or glDrawArrays. If you do this without kEAGLDrawablePropertyRetainedBacking set to YES, then you can get an annoying flicker.


Take a look a the kEAGLDrawablePropertyRetainedBacking on your CAEAGLLayer's drawableProperties property. This property determines the behavior of the drawable surface after it has displayed its contents. If this property is set to NO, then the contents are not retained and therefore not guaranteed to remain unchanged after display. If you set it to YES, then the contents are retained and will remain unchanged after display.


I believe setting kEAGLDrawablePropertyRetainedBacking to YES will mask the issue, but not fix it.




I had the same problem with the flashing/flicker alternating between the current image and a fixed image... it would happen on a 3GS, but not a 3G, first gen, or the simulator.


In my case the problem was caused when I would set up the context in ESRenderer, but not actually draw anything, i.e. in the code below [scene draw] didn't draw anything in certain states. On the older iPhones and the Sim, when you don't draw anything, it didn't seem to flip the OpenGL buffers... but on the 3GS it does. Anyway, my workaround was to stop animation in those states (i.e. stop the timer that calls the draw rountine) when I was not drawing anything.


- (void) draw
   [EAGLContext setCurrentContext:context]; 
   glBindFramebufferOES(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_OES, defaultFramebuffer);
   glViewport(0, 0, backingWidth, backingHeight);

   //Render the GLScene...
   [scene draw];

   glBindRenderbufferOES(GL_RENDERBUFFER_OES, colorRenderbuffer);
   [context presentRenderbuffer:GL_RENDERBUFFER_OES];   



Apple published additional information about this issue:


Q: My OpenGL ES application flickers. Especially when running on iPhone 3GS, the flickering seems to happen every frame. How do I fix this problem?

问:我的OpenGL ES应用程序闪烁。特别是在iPhone 3GS上运行时,每一帧都会出现闪烁现象。我该如何解决这个问题?

A: By default, the contents of a renderbuffer are invalidated after it is presented to the screen (by calling -EAGLContext/presentRenderbuffer:). Your application must completely redraw the contents of the renderbuffer every time you draw a frame, otherwise you may observe flickering or other unexpected results.

答:默认情况下,渲染缓冲区的内容在显示到屏幕后会失效(通过调用-EAGLContext / presentRenderbuffer :)。每次绘制框架时,您的应用程序必须完全重绘渲染缓冲区的内容,否则您可能会观察到闪烁或其他意外结果。

You must provide a color to every pixel on the screen. At the beginning of your drawing code, it is a good idea to use glClear() to initialize the color buffer. A full-screen clear of each of your color, depth, and stencil buffers (if you're using them) at the start of a frame can also generally improve your application's performance.


If your application needs to preserve the drawable contents between frames, you can add the option kEAGLDrawablePropertyRetainedBacking = YES to your CAEAGLLayer object's drawableProperties property. Using this option requires additional memory and can reduce your application's performance.

如果应用程序需要在帧之间保留可绘制内容,则可以将选项kEAGLDrawablePropertyRetainedBacking = YES添加到CAEAGLLayer对象的drawableProperties属性中。使用此选项需要额外的内存,可能会降低应用程序的性能。



Hmm. I haven't done much with OpenGL on the iPhone, but I have to say I haven't noticed this behavior with other applications. I'd suspect it's something to do with how you're switching active framebuffers.


Maybe take a look at some of the sample code, and see what you're doing differently?




I believe this issue has to do with a corruption in the vertex buffer that occurs when the iphone OS takes control of the application(lock and resume, or warning popup). I have this issue as well but have not found a suitable fix, it seems to be one or more objects in the scene. We use a texture atlas and none of the other objects that share the texture seem to be affected. Perhaps destroying and recreating your vertex buffers will fix the issue.

我相信这个问题与顶层缓冲区中的损坏有关,当iphone OS控制应用程序(锁定和恢复,或警告弹出窗口)时会发生这种情况。我也有这个问题但是没有找到合适的修复,它似乎是场景中的一个或多个对象。我们使用纹理图集,并且共享纹理的其他对象似乎都没有受到影响。也许破坏和重新创建顶点缓冲区将解决问题。



Is it possible you are calling glRenderBuffer() and sending the presentRenderBuffer message to your EAGLContext without having done any OpenGL updates, that is, no new glDrawElements or glDrawArrays. If you do this without kEAGLDrawablePropertyRetainedBacking set to YES, then you can get an annoying flicker.


Take a look a the kEAGLDrawablePropertyRetainedBacking on your CAEAGLLayer's drawableProperties property. This property determines the behavior of the drawable surface after it has displayed its contents. If this property is set to NO, then the contents are not retained and therefore not guaranteed to remain unchanged after display. If you set it to YES, then the contents are retained and will remain unchanged after display.


I believe setting kEAGLDrawablePropertyRetainedBacking to YES will mask the issue, but not fix it.




I had the same problem with the flashing/flicker alternating between the current image and a fixed image... it would happen on a 3GS, but not a 3G, first gen, or the simulator.


In my case the problem was caused when I would set up the context in ESRenderer, but not actually draw anything, i.e. in the code below [scene draw] didn't draw anything in certain states. On the older iPhones and the Sim, when you don't draw anything, it didn't seem to flip the OpenGL buffers... but on the 3GS it does. Anyway, my workaround was to stop animation in those states (i.e. stop the timer that calls the draw rountine) when I was not drawing anything.


- (void) draw
   [EAGLContext setCurrentContext:context]; 
   glBindFramebufferOES(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_OES, defaultFramebuffer);
   glViewport(0, 0, backingWidth, backingHeight);

   //Render the GLScene...
   [scene draw];

   glBindRenderbufferOES(GL_RENDERBUFFER_OES, colorRenderbuffer);
   [context presentRenderbuffer:GL_RENDERBUFFER_OES];   