
时间:2022-11-24 19:44:00

I am building a login system for a website of mine and I need a way of checking if all the fields in a form are filled out. I am also having a problem with an error message say my email is not in the correct format.


$con = mysql_connect(localhost, 262096, 9201999);
if (!$con)
    die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("262096", $con);
$firstname = $_POST['firstname'];
$lastname = $_POST['lastname'];
$username = $_POST['username'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
$passwordconf = $_POST['passwordconf'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$securityq = $_POST['securityq'];
$qanswer = $_POST['qanswer'];

if(empty($firstname) || empty($lastname) || empty($username) || empty($password) ||
    empty($passwordconf) || empty($email) || empty($securityq) || empty($qanswer))
    echo "You did not fill out the required fields.";

$uname = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='{$username}'";
$unamequery = mysql_query($uname) or die(mysql_error());
if(mysql_num_rows($unamequery) > 0) 
    echo "The username you entered is already taken";

$emailfind = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email='{$email}'";
$emailquery = mysql_query($emailfind) or die(mysql_error());
if(mysql_num_rows($emailquery) > 0)
    echo "The email you entered is already registered";

if($password != $passwordconf)
    echo "The passwords you entered do not match";

$regex = "/^[a-z0-9]+([_.-][a-z0-9]+)*@([a-z0-9]+([.-][a-z0-9]+)*)+.[a-z]{2,}$/i";
if(!preg_match($regex, $email))
    echo "The email you entered is not in name@domain format";

8 个解决方案



When using large forms I recommend creating an array with the form fields:


$fields = array('firstname', 'lastname', 'username', 'password', 'passwordconf', 'email', 'securityq', 'qanswer');

$error = false; //No errors yet
foreach($fields AS $fieldname) { //Loop trough each field
  if(!isset($_POST[$fieldname]) || empty($_POST[$fieldname])) {
    echo 'Field '.$fieldname.' misses!<br />'; //Display error with field
    $error = true; //Yup there are errors

if(!$error) { //Only create queries when no error occurs
  //Create queries....



By looking at your code it looks like you are using server side validation for basic validations.


why don't you try client side validation using Jquery



http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation Options_for_the_validate.28.29_method



First of all use mysql_real_escape_string() to avoid MYSQL injections:


$firstname = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['firstname']);
$lastname = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['lastname']);

And to check if a field is empty in order to return an error or a message just do this (brief example):


if (!(empty($_POST['firstname']))){
    execute some code....
else {
     execute some code... 

Hope that helps




There are multiple issues with this code:


  1. It is not secure.
  2. 它是不安全的。
  3. You are displaying error messages but still code continues to execute, so it will execute your select query even when username is empty.
  4. 您正在显示错误消息,但代码仍然继续执行,因此即使用户名为空,它也将执行您的select查询。
  5. Due to reason two, almost all your queries below can fail.
  6. 由于第二个原因,您下面的查询几乎都可能失败。

So, you have to stop here


if(empty($firstname) || empty($lastname) || empty($username) || empty($password) || empty($passwordconf) || empty($email) || empty($securityq) || empty($qanswer))
    echo "You did not fill out the required fields.";
    die();  // Note this



Use a simple if statement to see if any of the fields the user has submitted are empty. For example, to check if the username field is empty:


$username = $_POST['username'];
if ($username == "") {
echo "Username field is empty! <a href='page.php'>Go Back</a>
else {
echo "The username field has text in it. It is not empty.";



If you are doing anything with a database you should sanitize your input. As for checking the POST values. If you need ALL the posts on that page to be completed, you could try looping through the $_POST and checking each one. You should also stop execution if you are echoing that there was an error. And PLEASE do not listen to people saying use javascript for this, you need strong server side validation before you worry about javascript!


foreach($_POST as $key => $value) {
  if(empty($value)) {
    echo "Error, not all values given.";

But I would advise you to check individual posts in more depth also. Make sure their username and password have the right characters.. and use mysql_escape_string($str) if you are querying it to the database.




U might want to use the isset() and empty() function


//! means NOT so: exists and NOT empty
if(isset($_POST['firstname']) && !empty($_POST['firstname'])) {
  $firstname = $_POST['firstname'];

  //Do something with $firstname

Keep in mind that the above code is just an example. Its nice to start with, but in realtime you will have to do alot more about security. Also make sure to let the code kill or skip the queries when validation fails




         //this will check the whole post data if any field is empty.
            echo 'form is empty'; 
            echo 'some error message';
            echo "form is not empty";
            //some code



When using large forms I recommend creating an array with the form fields:


$fields = array('firstname', 'lastname', 'username', 'password', 'passwordconf', 'email', 'securityq', 'qanswer');

$error = false; //No errors yet
foreach($fields AS $fieldname) { //Loop trough each field
  if(!isset($_POST[$fieldname]) || empty($_POST[$fieldname])) {
    echo 'Field '.$fieldname.' misses!<br />'; //Display error with field
    $error = true; //Yup there are errors

if(!$error) { //Only create queries when no error occurs
  //Create queries....



By looking at your code it looks like you are using server side validation for basic validations.


why don't you try client side validation using Jquery



http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation Options_for_the_validate.28.29_method



First of all use mysql_real_escape_string() to avoid MYSQL injections:


$firstname = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['firstname']);
$lastname = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['lastname']);

And to check if a field is empty in order to return an error or a message just do this (brief example):


if (!(empty($_POST['firstname']))){
    execute some code....
else {
     execute some code... 

Hope that helps




There are multiple issues with this code:


  1. It is not secure.
  2. 它是不安全的。
  3. You are displaying error messages but still code continues to execute, so it will execute your select query even when username is empty.
  4. 您正在显示错误消息,但代码仍然继续执行,因此即使用户名为空,它也将执行您的select查询。
  5. Due to reason two, almost all your queries below can fail.
  6. 由于第二个原因,您下面的查询几乎都可能失败。

So, you have to stop here


if(empty($firstname) || empty($lastname) || empty($username) || empty($password) || empty($passwordconf) || empty($email) || empty($securityq) || empty($qanswer))
    echo "You did not fill out the required fields.";
    die();  // Note this



Use a simple if statement to see if any of the fields the user has submitted are empty. For example, to check if the username field is empty:


$username = $_POST['username'];
if ($username == "") {
echo "Username field is empty! <a href='page.php'>Go Back</a>
else {
echo "The username field has text in it. It is not empty.";



If you are doing anything with a database you should sanitize your input. As for checking the POST values. If you need ALL the posts on that page to be completed, you could try looping through the $_POST and checking each one. You should also stop execution if you are echoing that there was an error. And PLEASE do not listen to people saying use javascript for this, you need strong server side validation before you worry about javascript!


foreach($_POST as $key => $value) {
  if(empty($value)) {
    echo "Error, not all values given.";

But I would advise you to check individual posts in more depth also. Make sure their username and password have the right characters.. and use mysql_escape_string($str) if you are querying it to the database.




U might want to use the isset() and empty() function


//! means NOT so: exists and NOT empty
if(isset($_POST['firstname']) && !empty($_POST['firstname'])) {
  $firstname = $_POST['firstname'];

  //Do something with $firstname

Keep in mind that the above code is just an example. Its nice to start with, but in realtime you will have to do alot more about security. Also make sure to let the code kill or skip the queries when validation fails




         //this will check the whole post data if any field is empty.
            echo 'form is empty'; 
            echo 'some error message';
            echo "form is not empty";
            //some code