
时间:2023-01-11 07:29:16

This question already has an answer here:


I would like to check whether a variable is either an array or a single value in JavaScript.


I have found a possible solution...


if (variable.constructor == Array)...

Is this the best way this can be done?


24 个解决方案



There are several ways of checking if an variable is an array or not. The best solution is the one you have chosen.


variable.constructor === Array

This is the fastest method on Chrome, and most likely all other browsers. All arrays are objects, so checking the constructor property is a fast process for JavaScript engines.


If you are having issues with finding out if an objects property is an array, you must first check if the property is there.


variable.prop && variable.prop.constructor === Array

Some other ways are:


variable instanceof Array

This method runs about 1/3 the speed as the first example. Still pretty solid, looks cleaner, if you're all about pretty code and not so much on performance. Note that checking for numbers does not work as variable instanceof Number always returns false. Update: instanceof now goes 2/3 the speed!

这个方法的速度是第一个例子的1/3。仍然是相当可靠的,看起来更干净,如果你是关于漂亮的代码,而不是关于性能。注意,对数字的检查不能作为变量instanceof数字工作,总是返回false。更新:instanceof现在的速度是2/3 !


This last one is, in my opinion the ugliest, and it is one of the slowest. Running about 1/5 the speed as the first example. Array.prototype, is actually an array. you can read more about it here https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/isArray


So yet another update


Object.prototype.toString.call(variable) === '[object Array]';

This guy is the slowest for trying to check for an Array. However, this is a one stop shop for any type you're looking for. However, since you're looking for an array, just use the fastest method above.


Also, I ran some test: http://jsperf.com/instanceof-array-vs-array-isarray/33 So have some fun and check it out.


Note: @EscapeNetscape has created another test as jsperf.com is down. http://jsben.ch/#/QgYAV I wanted to make sure the original link stay for whenever jsperf comes back online.




You could also use:


if (value instanceof Array) {
  alert('value is Array!');
} else {
  alert('Not an array');

This seems to me a pretty elegant solution, but to each his own.




As of ES5 there is now also:



But this will break on older browsers, unless you are using polyfills (basically... IE8 or similar).




I noticed someone mentioned jQuery, but I didn't know there was an isArray() function. It turns out it was added in version 1.3.


jQuery implements it as Peter suggests:


isArray: function( obj ) {
    return toString.call(obj) === "[object Array]";

Having put a lot of faith in jQuery already (especially their techniques for cross-browser compatibility) I will either upgrade to version 1.3 and use their function (providing that upgrading doesn’t cause too many problems) or use this suggested method directly in my code.


Many thanks for the suggestions.




There are multiple solutions with all their own quirks. This page gives a good overview. One possible solution is:


function isArray(o) {
  return Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === '[object Array]'; 



In modern browsers (and some legacy browsers), you can do



(Supported by Chrome 5, Firefox 4.0, IE 9, Opera 10.5 and Safari 5)

(支持Chrome 5, Firefox 4.0, ie9, Opera 10.5和Safari 5)

If you need to support older versions of IE, you can use es5-shim to polyfill Array.isArray; or add the following

如果您需要支持旧版本的IE,您可以使用es5-shim到polyfill Array.isArray;或添加以下

# only implement if no native implementation is available
if (typeof Array.isArray === 'undefined') {
  Array.isArray = function(obj) {
    return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Array]';

If you use jQuery you can use jQuery.isArray(obj) or $.isArray(obj). If you use underscore you can use _.isArray(obj)

如果使用jQuery,可以使用jQuery.isArray(obj)或$. isarray (obj)。如果使用下划线,可以使用_.isArray(obj)

If you don't need to detect arrays created in different frames you can also just use instanceof


obj instanceof Array

Note: the arguments keyword that can be used to access the argument of a function isn't an Array, even though it (usually) behaves like one:


var func = function() {
  console.log(arguments)        // [1, 2, 3]
  console.log(arguments.length) // 3
  console.log(Array.isArray(arguments)) // false !!!
  console.log(arguments.slice)  // undefined (Array.prototype methods not available)
  console.log([3,4,5].slice)    // function slice() { [native code] } 
func(1, 2, 3)



This is an old question but having the same problem i found a very elegant solution that i want to share.


Adding a prototype to Array makes it very simple


Array.prototype.isArray = true;

Now once if you have an object you want to test to see if its an array all you need is to check for the new property


var box = doSomething();

if (box.isArray) {
    // do something

isArray is only available if its an array




Via Crockford:


function typeOf(value) {
    var s = typeof value;
    if (s === 'object') {
        if (value) {
            if (value instanceof Array) {
                s = 'array';
        } else {
            s = 'null';
    return s;

The main failing Crockford mentions is an inability to correctly determine arrays that were created in a different context, e.g., window. That page has a much more sophisticated version if this is insufficient.




I personally like Peter's suggestion: https://*.com/a/767499/414784 (for ECMAScript 3. For ECMAScript 5, use Array.isArray())

我个人喜欢Peter的建议:https://*.com/a/767499/414784(用于ECMAScript 3)。对于ECMAScript 5,使用Array.isArray()

Comments on the post indicate, however, that if toString() is changed at all, that way of checking an array will fail. If you really want to be specific and make sure toString() has not been changed, and there are no problems with the objects class attribute ([object Array] is the class attribute of an object that is an array), then I recommend doing something like this:

但是,post上的注释表明,如果toString()发生了变化,那么检查数组的方式将会失败。如果您确实想要具体并确保toString()没有被更改,并且对象类属性([object Array]是对象的class属性是数组)没有问题,那么我建议您这样做:

//see if toString returns proper class attributes of objects that are arrays
//returns -1 if it fails test
//returns true if it passes test and it's an array
//returns false if it passes test and it's not an array
function is_array(o)
    // make sure an array has a class attribute of [object Array]
    var check_class = Object.prototype.toString.call([]);
    if(check_class === '[object Array]')
        // test passed, now check
        return Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === '[object Array]';
        // may want to change return value to something more desirable
        return -1; 

Note that in JavaScript The Definitive Guide 6th edition, 7.10, it says Array.isArray() is implemented using Object.prototype.toString.call() in ECMAScript 5. Also note that if you're going to worry about toString()'s implementation changing, you should also worry about every other built in method changing too. Why use push()? Someone can change it! Such an approach is silly. The above check is an offered solution to those worried about toString() changing, but I believe the check is unnecessary.

请注意,在JavaScript中,最终指南第6版,7.10,它说Array.isArray()是使用Object.prototype.toString.call()在ECMAScript 5中实现的。还要注意的是,如果您要担心toString()的实现发生变化,那么您也应该担心其他在方法中构建的方法也会发生变化。为什么使用push()?有人可以改变它!这种做法是愚蠢的。上面的检查是为那些担心toString()变化的人提供的解决方案,但是我认为检查是不必要的。



When I posted this question the version of JQuery that I was using didn't include an isArray function. If it had have I would have probably just used it trusting that implementation to be the best browser independant way to perform this particular type check.


Since JQuery now does offer this function, I would always use it...



(as of version 1.6.2) It is still implemented using comparisons on strings in the form


toString.call(obj) === "[object Array]"



Thought I would add another option for those who might already be using the Underscore.js library in their script. Underscore.js has an isArray() function (see http://underscorejs.org/#isArray).



Returns true if object is an Array.




If you're only dealing with EcmaScript 5 and above then you can use the built in Array.isArray function

如果您只处理EcmaScript 5和以上,那么您可以使用内置数组。isArray函数



Array.isArray([])    // true
Array.isArray("foo") // false
Array.isArray({})    // false



If you are using Angular, you can use the angular.isArray() function


var myArray = [];
angular.isArray(myArray); // returns true

var myObj = {};
angular.isArray(myObj); //returns false





In Crockford's JavaScript The Good Parts, there is a function to check if the given argument is an array:


var is_array = function (value) {
    return value &&
        typeof value === 'object' &&
        typeof value.length === 'number' &&
        typeof value.splice === 'function' &&

He explains:


First, we ask if the value is truthy. We do this to reject null and other falsy values. Second, we ask if the typeof value is 'object'. This will be true for objects, arrays, and (weirdly) null. Third, we ask if the value has a length property that is a number. This will always be true for arrays, but usually not for objects. Fourth, we ask if the value contains a splice method. This again will be true for all arrays. Finally, we ask if the length property is enumerable (will length be produced by a for in loop?). That will be false for all arrays. This is the most reliable test for arrayness that I have found. It is unfortunate that it is so complicated.




I was using this line of code:


if (variable.push) {
   // variable is array, since AMAIK only arrays have push() method.



code referred from https://github.com/miksago/Evan.js/blob/master/src/evan.js


  var isArray = Array.isArray || function(obj) {
    return !!(obj && obj.concat && obj.unshift && !obj.callee);};



The universal solution is below:


Object.prototype.toString.call(obj)=='[object Array]'

Starting from ECMAScript 5, a formal solution is :

从ECMAScript 5开始,正式的解决方案是:


Also, for old JavaScript libs, you can find below solution although it's not accurate enough:

另外,对于老的JavaScript libs,您可以找到下面的解决方案,尽管它不够精确:

var is_array = function (value) {
    return value &&
    typeof value === 'object' &&
    typeof value.length === 'number' &&
    typeof value.splice === 'function' &&

The solutions are from http://www.pixelstech.net/topic/85-How-to-check-whether-an-object-is-an-array-or-not-in-JavaScript

解决方案来自http://www.pixelstech.net/topic/85-howto -check- to- to-check- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



For those who code-golf, an unreliable test with fewest characters:


function isArray(a) {
  return a.map;

This is commonly used when traversing/flattening a hierarchy:


function golf(a) {
  return a.map?[].concat.apply([],a.map(golf)):a;

input: [1,2,[3,4,[5],6],[7,[8,[9]]]]
output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]



From w3schools:


function isArray(myArray) {
    return myArray.constructor.toString().indexOf("Array") > -1;



I liked the Brian answer:


function is_array(o){
    // make sure an array has a class attribute of [object Array]
    var check_class = Object.prototype.toString.call([]);
    if(check_class === '[object Array]')    {
        // test passed, now check
        return Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === '[object Array]';
    } else{
        // may want to change return value to something more desirable
        return -1; 

but you could just do like this:


return Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === Object.prototype.toString.call([]);



I have created this little bit of code, which can return true types.


I am not sure about performance yet, but it's an attempt to properly identify the typeof.


https://github.com/valtido/better-typeOf also blogged a little about it here http://www.jqui.net/jquery/better-typeof-than-the-javascript-native-typeof/

https://github.com/valtido/well -typeof也在这里写了一些关于它的信息:http://www.jqui.net/jquery/jquery/typeof -javascript- typeof/。

it works, similar to the current typeof.


var user = [1,2,3]
typeOf(user); //[object Array]

It think it may need a bit of fine tuning, and take into account things, I have not come across or test it properly. so further improvements are welcomed, whether it's performance wise, or incorrectly re-porting of typeOf.




I think using myObj.constructor==Object and myArray.constructor==Array is the best way. Its almost 20x faster than using toString(). If you extend objects with your own constructors and want those creations to be considered "objects" as well than this doesn't work, but otherwise its way faster. typeof is just as fast as the constructor method but typeof []=='object' returns true which will often be undesirable. http://jsperf.com/constructor-vs-tostring

我认为使用myObj。构造函数对象和myArray = =。构造函数==数组是最好的方法。它比使用toString()快20倍。如果您将对象扩展到自己的构造函数,并希望这些创建被视为“对象”,而不是这样,那么它的速度就会更快。typeof和构造函数方法一样快,但是typeof[]=='对象'返回true,这通常是不可取的。http://jsperf.com/constructor-vs-tostring

one thing to note is that null.constructor will throw an error so if you might be checking for null values you will have to first do if(testThing!==null){}




function isArray(x){
    return ((x != null) && (typeof x.push != "undefined"));



Since the .length property is special for arrays in javascript you can simply say


obj.length === +obj.length // true if obj is an array

Underscorejs and several other libraries use this short and simple trick.




Something I just came up with:


if (item.length) //This is an array else //not an array

如果(item.length) //这是一个数组else //不是数组。



There are several ways of checking if an variable is an array or not. The best solution is the one you have chosen.


variable.constructor === Array

This is the fastest method on Chrome, and most likely all other browsers. All arrays are objects, so checking the constructor property is a fast process for JavaScript engines.


If you are having issues with finding out if an objects property is an array, you must first check if the property is there.


variable.prop && variable.prop.constructor === Array

Some other ways are:


variable instanceof Array

This method runs about 1/3 the speed as the first example. Still pretty solid, looks cleaner, if you're all about pretty code and not so much on performance. Note that checking for numbers does not work as variable instanceof Number always returns false. Update: instanceof now goes 2/3 the speed!

这个方法的速度是第一个例子的1/3。仍然是相当可靠的,看起来更干净,如果你是关于漂亮的代码,而不是关于性能。注意,对数字的检查不能作为变量instanceof数字工作,总是返回false。更新:instanceof现在的速度是2/3 !


This last one is, in my opinion the ugliest, and it is one of the slowest. Running about 1/5 the speed as the first example. Array.prototype, is actually an array. you can read more about it here https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/isArray


So yet another update


Object.prototype.toString.call(variable) === '[object Array]';

This guy is the slowest for trying to check for an Array. However, this is a one stop shop for any type you're looking for. However, since you're looking for an array, just use the fastest method above.


Also, I ran some test: http://jsperf.com/instanceof-array-vs-array-isarray/33 So have some fun and check it out.


Note: @EscapeNetscape has created another test as jsperf.com is down. http://jsben.ch/#/QgYAV I wanted to make sure the original link stay for whenever jsperf comes back online.




You could also use:


if (value instanceof Array) {
  alert('value is Array!');
} else {
  alert('Not an array');

This seems to me a pretty elegant solution, but to each his own.




As of ES5 there is now also:



But this will break on older browsers, unless you are using polyfills (basically... IE8 or similar).




I noticed someone mentioned jQuery, but I didn't know there was an isArray() function. It turns out it was added in version 1.3.


jQuery implements it as Peter suggests:


isArray: function( obj ) {
    return toString.call(obj) === "[object Array]";

Having put a lot of faith in jQuery already (especially their techniques for cross-browser compatibility) I will either upgrade to version 1.3 and use their function (providing that upgrading doesn’t cause too many problems) or use this suggested method directly in my code.


Many thanks for the suggestions.




There are multiple solutions with all their own quirks. This page gives a good overview. One possible solution is:


function isArray(o) {
  return Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === '[object Array]'; 



In modern browsers (and some legacy browsers), you can do



(Supported by Chrome 5, Firefox 4.0, IE 9, Opera 10.5 and Safari 5)

(支持Chrome 5, Firefox 4.0, ie9, Opera 10.5和Safari 5)

If you need to support older versions of IE, you can use es5-shim to polyfill Array.isArray; or add the following

如果您需要支持旧版本的IE,您可以使用es5-shim到polyfill Array.isArray;或添加以下

# only implement if no native implementation is available
if (typeof Array.isArray === 'undefined') {
  Array.isArray = function(obj) {
    return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Array]';

If you use jQuery you can use jQuery.isArray(obj) or $.isArray(obj). If you use underscore you can use _.isArray(obj)

如果使用jQuery,可以使用jQuery.isArray(obj)或$. isarray (obj)。如果使用下划线,可以使用_.isArray(obj)

If you don't need to detect arrays created in different frames you can also just use instanceof


obj instanceof Array

Note: the arguments keyword that can be used to access the argument of a function isn't an Array, even though it (usually) behaves like one:


var func = function() {
  console.log(arguments)        // [1, 2, 3]
  console.log(arguments.length) // 3
  console.log(Array.isArray(arguments)) // false !!!
  console.log(arguments.slice)  // undefined (Array.prototype methods not available)
  console.log([3,4,5].slice)    // function slice() { [native code] } 
func(1, 2, 3)



This is an old question but having the same problem i found a very elegant solution that i want to share.


Adding a prototype to Array makes it very simple


Array.prototype.isArray = true;

Now once if you have an object you want to test to see if its an array all you need is to check for the new property


var box = doSomething();

if (box.isArray) {
    // do something

isArray is only available if its an array




Via Crockford:


function typeOf(value) {
    var s = typeof value;
    if (s === 'object') {
        if (value) {
            if (value instanceof Array) {
                s = 'array';
        } else {
            s = 'null';
    return s;

The main failing Crockford mentions is an inability to correctly determine arrays that were created in a different context, e.g., window. That page has a much more sophisticated version if this is insufficient.




I personally like Peter's suggestion: https://*.com/a/767499/414784 (for ECMAScript 3. For ECMAScript 5, use Array.isArray())

我个人喜欢Peter的建议:https://*.com/a/767499/414784(用于ECMAScript 3)。对于ECMAScript 5,使用Array.isArray()

Comments on the post indicate, however, that if toString() is changed at all, that way of checking an array will fail. If you really want to be specific and make sure toString() has not been changed, and there are no problems with the objects class attribute ([object Array] is the class attribute of an object that is an array), then I recommend doing something like this:

但是,post上的注释表明,如果toString()发生了变化,那么检查数组的方式将会失败。如果您确实想要具体并确保toString()没有被更改,并且对象类属性([object Array]是对象的class属性是数组)没有问题,那么我建议您这样做:

//see if toString returns proper class attributes of objects that are arrays
//returns -1 if it fails test
//returns true if it passes test and it's an array
//returns false if it passes test and it's not an array
function is_array(o)
    // make sure an array has a class attribute of [object Array]
    var check_class = Object.prototype.toString.call([]);
    if(check_class === '[object Array]')
        // test passed, now check
        return Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === '[object Array]';
        // may want to change return value to something more desirable
        return -1; 

Note that in JavaScript The Definitive Guide 6th edition, 7.10, it says Array.isArray() is implemented using Object.prototype.toString.call() in ECMAScript 5. Also note that if you're going to worry about toString()'s implementation changing, you should also worry about every other built in method changing too. Why use push()? Someone can change it! Such an approach is silly. The above check is an offered solution to those worried about toString() changing, but I believe the check is unnecessary.

请注意,在JavaScript中,最终指南第6版,7.10,它说Array.isArray()是使用Object.prototype.toString.call()在ECMAScript 5中实现的。还要注意的是,如果您要担心toString()的实现发生变化,那么您也应该担心其他在方法中构建的方法也会发生变化。为什么使用push()?有人可以改变它!这种做法是愚蠢的。上面的检查是为那些担心toString()变化的人提供的解决方案,但是我认为检查是不必要的。



When I posted this question the version of JQuery that I was using didn't include an isArray function. If it had have I would have probably just used it trusting that implementation to be the best browser independant way to perform this particular type check.


Since JQuery now does offer this function, I would always use it...



(as of version 1.6.2) It is still implemented using comparisons on strings in the form


toString.call(obj) === "[object Array]"



Thought I would add another option for those who might already be using the Underscore.js library in their script. Underscore.js has an isArray() function (see http://underscorejs.org/#isArray).



Returns true if object is an Array.




If you're only dealing with EcmaScript 5 and above then you can use the built in Array.isArray function

如果您只处理EcmaScript 5和以上,那么您可以使用内置数组。isArray函数



Array.isArray([])    // true
Array.isArray("foo") // false
Array.isArray({})    // false



If you are using Angular, you can use the angular.isArray() function


var myArray = [];
angular.isArray(myArray); // returns true

var myObj = {};
angular.isArray(myObj); //returns false





In Crockford's JavaScript The Good Parts, there is a function to check if the given argument is an array:


var is_array = function (value) {
    return value &&
        typeof value === 'object' &&
        typeof value.length === 'number' &&
        typeof value.splice === 'function' &&

He explains:


First, we ask if the value is truthy. We do this to reject null and other falsy values. Second, we ask if the typeof value is 'object'. This will be true for objects, arrays, and (weirdly) null. Third, we ask if the value has a length property that is a number. This will always be true for arrays, but usually not for objects. Fourth, we ask if the value contains a splice method. This again will be true for all arrays. Finally, we ask if the length property is enumerable (will length be produced by a for in loop?). That will be false for all arrays. This is the most reliable test for arrayness that I have found. It is unfortunate that it is so complicated.




I was using this line of code:


if (variable.push) {
   // variable is array, since AMAIK only arrays have push() method.



code referred from https://github.com/miksago/Evan.js/blob/master/src/evan.js


  var isArray = Array.isArray || function(obj) {
    return !!(obj && obj.concat && obj.unshift && !obj.callee);};



The universal solution is below:


Object.prototype.toString.call(obj)=='[object Array]'

Starting from ECMAScript 5, a formal solution is :

从ECMAScript 5开始,正式的解决方案是:


Also, for old JavaScript libs, you can find below solution although it's not accurate enough:

另外,对于老的JavaScript libs,您可以找到下面的解决方案,尽管它不够精确:

var is_array = function (value) {
    return value &&
    typeof value === 'object' &&
    typeof value.length === 'number' &&
    typeof value.splice === 'function' &&

The solutions are from http://www.pixelstech.net/topic/85-How-to-check-whether-an-object-is-an-array-or-not-in-JavaScript

解决方案来自http://www.pixelstech.net/topic/85-howto -check- to- to-check- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



For those who code-golf, an unreliable test with fewest characters:


function isArray(a) {
  return a.map;

This is commonly used when traversing/flattening a hierarchy:


function golf(a) {
  return a.map?[].concat.apply([],a.map(golf)):a;

input: [1,2,[3,4,[5],6],[7,[8,[9]]]]
output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]



From w3schools:


function isArray(myArray) {
    return myArray.constructor.toString().indexOf("Array") > -1;



I liked the Brian answer:


function is_array(o){
    // make sure an array has a class attribute of [object Array]
    var check_class = Object.prototype.toString.call([]);
    if(check_class === '[object Array]')    {
        // test passed, now check
        return Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === '[object Array]';
    } else{
        // may want to change return value to something more desirable
        return -1; 

but you could just do like this:


return Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === Object.prototype.toString.call([]);



I have created this little bit of code, which can return true types.


I am not sure about performance yet, but it's an attempt to properly identify the typeof.


https://github.com/valtido/better-typeOf also blogged a little about it here http://www.jqui.net/jquery/better-typeof-than-the-javascript-native-typeof/

https://github.com/valtido/well -typeof也在这里写了一些关于它的信息:http://www.jqui.net/jquery/jquery/typeof -javascript- typeof/。

it works, similar to the current typeof.


var user = [1,2,3]
typeOf(user); //[object Array]

It think it may need a bit of fine tuning, and take into account things, I have not come across or test it properly. so further improvements are welcomed, whether it's performance wise, or incorrectly re-porting of typeOf.




I think using myObj.constructor==Object and myArray.constructor==Array is the best way. Its almost 20x faster than using toString(). If you extend objects with your own constructors and want those creations to be considered "objects" as well than this doesn't work, but otherwise its way faster. typeof is just as fast as the constructor method but typeof []=='object' returns true which will often be undesirable. http://jsperf.com/constructor-vs-tostring

我认为使用myObj。构造函数对象和myArray = =。构造函数==数组是最好的方法。它比使用toString()快20倍。如果您将对象扩展到自己的构造函数,并希望这些创建被视为“对象”,而不是这样,那么它的速度就会更快。typeof和构造函数方法一样快,但是typeof[]=='对象'返回true,这通常是不可取的。http://jsperf.com/constructor-vs-tostring

one thing to note is that null.constructor will throw an error so if you might be checking for null values you will have to first do if(testThing!==null){}




function isArray(x){
    return ((x != null) && (typeof x.push != "undefined"));



Since the .length property is special for arrays in javascript you can simply say


obj.length === +obj.length // true if obj is an array

Underscorejs and several other libraries use this short and simple trick.




Something I just came up with:


if (item.length) //This is an array else //not an array

如果(item.length) //这是一个数组else //不是数组。