
时间:2021-09-17 15:35:25

Moving toward Apache Beam 2.x, I want to use templates as much as possible, and ValueProvider accordingly.

转向Apache Beam 2.x,我想尽可能多地使用模板,并相应地使用ValueProvider。

In my logic, I am using a FixedWindow, but the duration is flexible, so I rather get it from a ValueProvider.


The problem is that FixedWindows.of() only get Duration, and I failed to find a simple way to grab a ValueProvider and make a duration out of it.


Please advise, Shushu


2 个解决方案



Unfortunately this question has a simple answer: this is currently not supported. Feel free to file a JIRA - it seems like a reasonable request.

不幸的是,这个问题有一个简单的答案:目前不支持这个问题。随意提交JIRA - 这似乎是一个合理的要求。



Ran into this exact issue today but with SlidingWindows, we just wrote our own windowing function with a new param that was a ValueProvider instead (similar to https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/3358/files) and this seems to work.




Unfortunately this question has a simple answer: this is currently not supported. Feel free to file a JIRA - it seems like a reasonable request.

不幸的是,这个问题有一个简单的答案:目前不支持这个问题。随意提交JIRA - 这似乎是一个合理的要求。



Ran into this exact issue today but with SlidingWindows, we just wrote our own windowing function with a new param that was a ValueProvider instead (similar to https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/3358/files) and this seems to work.
