在Swift中本地化iOS App名称

时间:2022-07-23 02:48:33

I was try to localize my iOS App. And can't do this.


  1. In info.plist I have:
  2. 在info.plist中我有:

Bundle Name = $(PRODUCT_NAME)


Bundle Display Name = $(PRODUCT_NAME)

捆绑显示名称= $(PRODUCT_NAME)

  1. Created a infoPlist.strings file
  2. 创建了一个infoPlist.strings文件
  3. Localized this file.
  4. 本地化此文件。
  5. In each localized file I wrote:
  6. 在我写的每个本地化文件中:

"CFBundleDisplayName" = "My_App_Name";


"CFBundleName" = "My_App_Name";


  1. Added a Bool to info.plist named "Application has localized display name" and changed it to YES.
  2. 在info.plist中添加了一个名为“Application has localized display name”的Bool,并将其更改为YES。

I was changed iPhone language for infoPlist.strings localizations, but this doesn't take effect. App name doesn't change from name, that I wrote at the project creating.


1 个解决方案



The reason for bundle name doesn't localize was that I name localize file "infoPlist.strings". It should be "InfoPlist.strings" (I in upper case like in Info.plist).




The reason for bundle name doesn't localize was that I name localize file "infoPlist.strings". It should be "InfoPlist.strings" (I in upper case like in Info.plist).
