inotify_add_watch因errno ESUCCESS而失败

时间:2023-02-02 18:04:53

On Linux 2.6.16, inotify_add_watch fails and sets errno to ESUCCESS (0) if the path does not exist. Where is this documented?

在Linux 2.6.16上,如果路径不存在,则inotify_add_watch将失败并将errno设置为ESUCCESS(0)。这记录在哪里?

1 个解决方案



There was an error in my ctypes wrapper, and errno was not being saved. The solution is to pass use_errno=True to CFUNCTYPE.

我的ctypes包装器出错,并且没有保存errno。解决方案是将use_errno = True传递给CFUNCTYPE。



There was an error in my ctypes wrapper, and errno was not being saved. The solution is to pass use_errno=True to CFUNCTYPE.

我的ctypes包装器出错,并且没有保存errno。解决方案是将use_errno = True传递给CFUNCTYPE。