
时间:2022-08-26 19:53:45

After seeing the Google Wave demos, I thought of incorporating "real-time" capabilities into my web application, where one user will be able to see text another user is typing in as it happens...

在看过Google Wave演示之后,我想到将“实时”功能整合到我的Web应用程序中,其中一个用户将能够看到另一个用户正在键入的文本...

Besides the soft real-time capabilities built into .NET based on how the framework handles threads...


Is there anything else I would need? Is there any pattern or architectural reference for real-time web apps out there? Something I should read?



7 个解决方案


Check out WebSync. It's a .NET comet server that should do exactly what you need.



You could try to use a full duplex channel with Silverlight. Similar to the Java applet idea except in .Net.

您可以尝试使用Silverlight的全双工通道。类似于Java applet的想法,除了.Net。

WCF + Silverlight

WCF + Silverlight


Short of using a Java applet or similar, your HTML/JavaScript front-end will need to poll the server for relevant events and changes.

如果不使用Java小程序或类似程序,您的HTML / JavaScript前端将需要轮询服务器以查找相关事件和更改。

On the backend, there are a multitude of ways to implement a distributed event queue or similar to share between individual processes serving requests.



Ajax,SUP and XMPP will help you in this regard. Also study how Twitter Search and Friendfeed works.

Ajax,SUP和XMPP将在这方面为您提供帮助。还要研究Twitter Search和Friendfeed的工作原理。


Comet, although not always appropriate, in a sense it is "polling", although it only polls once at the beginning of a potentially long'ish job; the server then keeps the HTTP connection open until it is ready to respond.


As defined by Wikipedia: "In web development, Comet is a neologism to describe a web application model in which a long-held HTTP request allows a web server to push data to a browser, without the browser explicitly requesting it."


Found this to be useful for a job that may take the server five minutes to finish, instead of polling every x seconds, the client makes the request and the server essentially says "hang on..." and does it the work and returns the data when completed.


There are several libraries that support this type of Ajax implementation including Dojo (dojo.com) and ExtJS 3.0 (extjs.com).

有几个库支持这种类型的Ajax实现,包括Dojo(dojo.com)和ExtJS 3.0(extjs.com)。


We have developed a operational transformation engine, the technology backend that powers Google Wave, and did simultaneous drawing and text editing demos available using DuplexChannel on Silverlight. You can download it from http://www.corvalius.com/blog/index.php/technology/announcing-the-availability-of-the-beweevee-sdk-september-ctp/ .

我们开发了一个操作转换引擎,为Google Wave提供支持的技术后端,并使用Silverlight上的DuplexChannel进行同步绘图和文本编辑演示。您可以从http://www.corvalius.com/blog/index.php/technology/announcing-the-availability-of-the-beweevee-sdk-september-ctp/下载。

We plan to release the SDK (that it is in preview right now) completely free for non-commercial/academic purposes; so it may be of your interest to take a look. At least you will be able to find a very simple example of how to do full duplex for collaborative apps in source (small WCF server included).



Since its a Web app, I'd suggest you to try etherpad!


There is a .NET Client example on HTTP API and a page on other examples

HTTP API上有一个.NET Client示例,其他示例上有一个页面


Check out WebSync. It's a .NET comet server that should do exactly what you need.



You could try to use a full duplex channel with Silverlight. Similar to the Java applet idea except in .Net.

您可以尝试使用Silverlight的全双工通道。类似于Java applet的想法,除了.Net。

WCF + Silverlight

WCF + Silverlight


Short of using a Java applet or similar, your HTML/JavaScript front-end will need to poll the server for relevant events and changes.

如果不使用Java小程序或类似程序,您的HTML / JavaScript前端将需要轮询服务器以查找相关事件和更改。

On the backend, there are a multitude of ways to implement a distributed event queue or similar to share between individual processes serving requests.



Ajax,SUP and XMPP will help you in this regard. Also study how Twitter Search and Friendfeed works.

Ajax,SUP和XMPP将在这方面为您提供帮助。还要研究Twitter Search和Friendfeed的工作原理。


Comet, although not always appropriate, in a sense it is "polling", although it only polls once at the beginning of a potentially long'ish job; the server then keeps the HTTP connection open until it is ready to respond.


As defined by Wikipedia: "In web development, Comet is a neologism to describe a web application model in which a long-held HTTP request allows a web server to push data to a browser, without the browser explicitly requesting it."


Found this to be useful for a job that may take the server five minutes to finish, instead of polling every x seconds, the client makes the request and the server essentially says "hang on..." and does it the work and returns the data when completed.


There are several libraries that support this type of Ajax implementation including Dojo (dojo.com) and ExtJS 3.0 (extjs.com).

有几个库支持这种类型的Ajax实现,包括Dojo(dojo.com)和ExtJS 3.0(extjs.com)。


We have developed a operational transformation engine, the technology backend that powers Google Wave, and did simultaneous drawing and text editing demos available using DuplexChannel on Silverlight. You can download it from http://www.corvalius.com/blog/index.php/technology/announcing-the-availability-of-the-beweevee-sdk-september-ctp/ .

我们开发了一个操作转换引擎,为Google Wave提供支持的技术后端,并使用Silverlight上的DuplexChannel进行同步绘图和文本编辑演示。您可以从http://www.corvalius.com/blog/index.php/technology/announcing-the-availability-of-the-beweevee-sdk-september-ctp/下载。

We plan to release the SDK (that it is in preview right now) completely free for non-commercial/academic purposes; so it may be of your interest to take a look. At least you will be able to find a very simple example of how to do full duplex for collaborative apps in source (small WCF server included).



Since its a Web app, I'd suggest you to try etherpad!


There is a .NET Client example on HTTP API and a page on other examples

HTTP API上有一个.NET Client示例,其他示例上有一个页面