
时间:2022-08-23 10:29:18

How do I open 'cross-domain security', so the JavaScript on the page can freely communicate with the SWF, even when this is hosted on another domain?


I know for certain that this function communication is blocked by default, but by playing around with a file called "crossdomain.xml" and the actionscript 3 function: system.Security.allowDomain("*"). I'm not having full success though, and I don't have the insight to know which one is opening up for what.

我确实知道默认情况下会阻止此函数通信,但是通过使用名为“crossdomain.xml”的文件和actionscript 3函数:system.Security.allowDomain(“*”)。虽然我没有取得足够的成功,但我没有洞察力知道哪一个是开放的。

Is there other hidden security layers, that I need to think of in this scenario?


And am I opening up my code for potential hackers somehow by doing this setup?


(and in case you're wondering: Yes, I have to make this work in a scenario, where the html is hosted on one domain, the JavaScript is added externally from another domain and the SWF is embedded by the JavaScript from a third domain - don't ask why, it's too complicated to explain - I too wish I could just host the whole thing in one domain).

(如果你想知道:是的,我必须在一个场景中完成这项工作,其中html托管在一个域上,JavaScript从另一个域外部添加,而SWF由来自第三个域的JavaScript嵌入 - 不要问为什么,解释起来太复杂了 - 我也希望我能在一个域中托管整个事情。

2 个解决方案


Using Security.allowDomain("www.example.com") in the SWF will allow JS in a page from www.example.com to call functions exposed in the SWF with ExternalInterface.addCallback(). The domain and subdomain must match exactly. Using "*" will allow any domain to communicate with the SWF, but if you have one specific domain, it's better to use that.


Setting allowScriptAccess to always in the HTML embed code will allow the SWF to to call JavaScript functions.


One thing that catches many developers is that JavaScript will not be able to call functions on the SWF until the SWF is done loading. Unfortunately, there is no JS-based event that tells you when the SWF is ready (at least that I've found). What I usually do to work around this problem is call a JS function from the SWF immediately when the SWF finishes loading to notify the page that the SWF is ready.


There's some abstraction here and there, but if you take a look at the source code for YUI Charts, you might be able to figure out how Yahoo! got crossdomain JS/SWF communication working.

这里和那里有一些抽象,但如果你看一下YUI Charts的源代码,你或许可以弄明白Yahoo!得到跨域JS / SWF通信工作。


One thing I'd add to the previous answer: If you try the above code and it doesn't work, check to see if your site's address includes the "www" or not. Mine did not and didn't work if I wrote it as



I needed to write it as:




Using Security.allowDomain("www.example.com") in the SWF will allow JS in a page from www.example.com to call functions exposed in the SWF with ExternalInterface.addCallback(). The domain and subdomain must match exactly. Using "*" will allow any domain to communicate with the SWF, but if you have one specific domain, it's better to use that.


Setting allowScriptAccess to always in the HTML embed code will allow the SWF to to call JavaScript functions.


One thing that catches many developers is that JavaScript will not be able to call functions on the SWF until the SWF is done loading. Unfortunately, there is no JS-based event that tells you when the SWF is ready (at least that I've found). What I usually do to work around this problem is call a JS function from the SWF immediately when the SWF finishes loading to notify the page that the SWF is ready.


There's some abstraction here and there, but if you take a look at the source code for YUI Charts, you might be able to figure out how Yahoo! got crossdomain JS/SWF communication working.

这里和那里有一些抽象,但如果你看一下YUI Charts的源代码,你或许可以弄明白Yahoo!得到跨域JS / SWF通信工作。


One thing I'd add to the previous answer: If you try the above code and it doesn't work, check to see if your site's address includes the "www" or not. Mine did not and didn't work if I wrote it as



I needed to write it as:

