
时间:2022-08-25 18:13:12

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I need to subtract several months of time from a java.util.Date object to get a different java.util.Date. I know that there is a simple way to do this in java 8, however this must be run on my school's server that does not support java 8. My current solution looks like this:

我需要从java.util.Date对象中减去几个月的时间来获取不同的java.util.Date。我知道有一种简单的方法可以在java 8中执行此操作,但是这必须在我学校的服务器上运行,该服务器不支持java 8.我当前的解决方案如下所示:

int numDaysToSubtract = 60;
Date curDate = new Date();

//subtract numdays * hours/day * mins/hour * secs/min * millisecs/sec
Date newDate = new Date(curDate.getTime() - (numDaysToSubtract * 24 * 3600 * 1000));

curDate is 4/12/2018 and the calculated newDate is 4/2/2018, which is clearly not 60 days before 4/12/2018.


Why isn't this working as expected?


What should I try instead?


1 个解决方案



You have overflowed the number of milliseconds to subtract, because the product doesn't fit in a 32-bit integer, whose maximum value is about 2.1 billion (10 digits).


60 days worth of milliseconds is 5,184,000,000, over the limit. Because of the overflow, the product is calculated at 889,032,704 milliseconds, or about 10.2 days.


Either cast numDaysToSubtract as a long, or declare it to be long to begin with, to force long calculations, avoiding overflow. For me, doing that results in February 11, 2018, 60 days ago.




You have overflowed the number of milliseconds to subtract, because the product doesn't fit in a 32-bit integer, whose maximum value is about 2.1 billion (10 digits).


60 days worth of milliseconds is 5,184,000,000, over the limit. Because of the overflow, the product is calculated at 889,032,704 milliseconds, or about 10.2 days.


Either cast numDaysToSubtract as a long, or declare it to be long to begin with, to force long calculations, avoiding overflow. For me, doing that results in February 11, 2018, 60 days ago.
