MATLAB .NET程序集(未定义函数或变量“feedforwardnet”)

时间:2021-11-22 19:58:55

I'm trying to integrate MATLAB 2010b with Visual Studio 2008 Professional.

我正在尝试将MATLAB 2010b与Visual Studio 2008专业人员集成。

I have the following MATLAB method.


function varargout = perform( func, varargin )

%% // Set default values
workspaceDirectory = ['Results/MatlabWorkspace_' datestr(now, 'yyyy-mm-dd_HH-MM-SS')];

clear args
args = struct('workspacePath', [ workspaceDirectory '/workspace.mat'], ...
              'testArray', [], ...
              'k', 50, ...
              'rate', 0.0001, ...
              'trainingDataPath', 'P2AT_LaserImageVectorList.csv', ...
              'network', 'feedforwardnet', ...
              'initialWeights', [], ...
              'divideFcn', 'dividerand', ...
              'trainRatio', 70/100, ...
              'testRatio', 15/100, ...
              'valRatio', 15/100, ...
              'trainInd', [], ...
              'testInd', [], ...
              'valInd', [], ...
              'trainFcn', 'trainlm', ...
              'performFcn', 'mse', ...
              'biasConnect', [0; 0; 0], ...
              'layerSize', [9; 4; 1], ...
              'layerTransferFcn', ['tansig '; 'tansig '; 'purelin'], ...
              'max_fail', 10, ...
              'mu_dec', 0.04, ...
              'useInitialWeights', false, ...
              'saveResults', true);

% // Returns a modified properties structure
args = getopt(args,varargin);

args.layerTransferFcn = cellstr(args.layerTransferFcn);

if args.saveResults && ~strcmpi(func,'test')
    if (exist(workspaceDirectory, 'dir') ~= 7)

if (strcmpi(func,'test'))
        load(args.workspacePath, '-regexp', '.*');
    catch err
        varargin{1,1} = null;

    data_inputAngle = args.testArray(2501);
    data_inputPCA = args.testArray(1:2500);

    if size(data_inputPCA,1) == 1
        data_inputPCA = data_inputPCA';

        case {'gha','apex'}
            % // [W, errvals] = gha(data_inputPCA, k, varargin{1,3});
            data_PCs  = W' * data_inputPCA;
            data_inputNN = [data_PCs; data_inputAngle];

        case 'nnmf'
            % // [W,H,D] = nnmf(data_inputPCA',k);
            data_PCs  = H * data_inputPCA;
            data_inputNN = [data_PCs; data_inputAngle];

        case 'pcaProcess'

            warning = 'ERROR: no feature extraction method has been defined.';
            Warning('ERROR: no feature extraction method has been defined.');
            varargout{1,1} = null;

    % // Just to test to see if it recognizes 'feedforwardnet'.
    testnet = feedforwardnet;    % // <------------------------------- LINE 81

    % // Saving all the workspace variables to see if they are all correctly processed.

    varargout{1,1} = net(data_inputNN); %// <------------------------- LINE 86


And this is how I create my DLL file to import in Visual Studio:

这是我在Visual Studio中创建DLL文件的方法:

%%// Determine path names
workdir = pwd();
outdir = fullfile(workdir, 'Output');
dnetdir = fullfile(workdir, 'dotnet');

%%// Determine file names
mfile = fullfile(workdir, 'perform.m');
dnetdll = fullfile(dnetdir, 'dotnet.dll');

%%// Build .NET Assembly
eval(['mcc -N -d ''' dnetdir ''' -W ''dotnet:dotnet,' ...
        'dotnetclass,0.0,private'' -T link:lib ''' mfile '''']);

So everything works perfectly fine when I use MATLAB Engine's COM interface to run the routine inside MATLAB from C#:


 * This function calls the routine inside
 * MATLAB using the MATLAB Engine's COM interface
static private float MatlabTestDebug(float[] testData, Double targetAngle)
        Array X = new double[testData.Length + 1];
        testData.CopyTo(X, 0);
        X.SetValue((double)targetAngle, testData.Length);

        Array zerosX = new double[X.GetLength(0)];

        MLApp.MLAppClass matlab = new MLApp.MLAppClass();

        matlab.PutFullMatrix("testArray", "base", X, zerosX);
        matlab.PutWorkspaceData("workspacePath", "base", "workspace.mat");

        // Using Engine Interface, execute the ML command
        // contained in quotes.
        matlab.Execute("cd 'c:\\Users\\H\\Documents\\Project\\Source Code\\MatlabFiles';");
        matlab.Execute("open perform.m");
        matlab.Execute("dbstop in perform.m");
        matlab.Execute("result = perform('test', 'workspacePath', 'workspace.mat', 'testArray', testArray);");

        return (double)matlab.GetVariable("result", "base");

But when I use the .NET assembly, it's not recognizing 'feedforwardnet'. I used to get an error on line 86 (net(data_inputNN)). So I added a line to test to see if it at least recognizes 'feedforwardnet', but it didn't.


Note: I'm loading some variables from a file including "net" which is a neural network (load(args.workspacePath, '-regexp', '.*');)


Also in the MATLAB method if I load a saved "network" from file and then save it to see how it processes the network, it will save it as a "struct" instead of a "network".


I'm assuming it's loading it as a struct to begin with.


I also had this problem inside MATLAB 2009b itself. That's the reason I'm using MATLAB 2010b now, because apparently MATLAB 2009b didn't have this particular neural networks toolbox.

我在MATLAB 2009b本身也有这个问题。这就是我现在使用MATLAB 2010b的原因,因为显然MATLAB 2009b没有这个特殊的神经网络工具箱。

Following is the C# code to use the .NET assembly.

下面是使用. net程序集的c#代码。

 * Calls the method from inside a .NET assembly created with MATLAB
 * using Builder for .NET.
private float MatlabTest(float[] testData, Double targetAngle)
        if (testData != null)
            dotnetclass AClass = new dotnetclass();

            Array X = new double[testData.Length + 1];
            testData.CopyTo(X, 0);
            X.SetValue((double)targetAngle, testData.Length);

            MWNumericArray XNumericArray = new MWNumericArray(X);

            MWArray[] RetVal = AClass.perform(1, "test",
                "workspacePath", "workspace.mat",
                "testArray", XNumericArray);

            Array result = ((MWNumericArray)RetVal[0]).ToVector(MWArrayComponent.Real);

            return (float)result.GetValue(0);
            return 0f;

I'm getting this error in Visual Studio:

我在Visual Studio中得到这个错误:

... MWMCR::EvaluateFunction error ...
Undefined function or variable 'feedforwardnet'.
Error in => perform.m at line 81.

NOTE: version of my compiler and softwares:


Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0

编译器:微软Visual c++ 2008 SP1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0

MATLAB: R2010b (64-bit)


Visual Studio: MVS 2008 professional (.NET Framework 3.5 SP1)

Visual Studio: MVS 2008 professional(。NET Framework 3.5 SP1)

Microsoft Windows SDK 6.1

Microsoft Windows SDK 6.1

Recent Updates:


I've added the path of the neural network toolbox in mcc.


eval(['mcc -N -p ''C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2010b\toolbox\nnet'' -d ''' dnetdir ''' -W ''dotnet:dotnet,' ...
    'dotnetclass,0.0,private'' -T link:lib -v ''' mfile '''']);

Now I get these messages in mccExcludeFiles.log:


C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2010b\toolbox\nnet\nnet\@network\network.m

C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2010b\toolbox\nnet\nnet\ @network \ network.m

called by C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2010b\toolbox\nnet\nnet\nnnetwork\cascadeforwardnet.m (because of toolbox compilability rules)

被C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2010b\toolbox\nnet\nnet\nnnetwork\ cascadeforwardnet。m(由于工具箱的可编译性规则)

C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2010b\toolbox\nnet\nnet\@network\network.m

C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2010b\toolbox\nnet\nnet\ @network \ network.m

called by C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2010b\toolbox\nnet\nnet\nnnetwork\feedforwardnet.m (because of toolbox compilability rules)

被C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2010b\toolbox\nnet\nnet\nnnetwork\ feedforwardnet。m(由于工具箱的可编译性规则)

1 个解决方案



The only answer I could come up with (which not a solution to the problem) was from Creating standalone application that contains neural network toolbox functions, stating that:


You will not be able to compile any function which trains the network (like ADAPT). Though the link does not explicitly list these funcions (like ADAPT), they fall under the 'All other command line functionality'.


However, you can deploy a M function code which uses a pre-trained network. I believe the SIM function will deploy fine.


The workflow I see is:


  1. In MATLAB, train you network using test input/output
  2. 在MATLAB中,使用测试输入/输出来训练网络。
  3. Save the network (MAT file?)
  4. 保存网络(MAT文件?)
  5. Create a deployable function which then uses the pretrained network for new data. The network itself would not change/adapt/train in this function
  6. 创建一个可部署的函数,然后使用预训练的网络进行新数据。网络本身不会改变/适应/训练这个功能。
  7. Compile and deploy the above function
  8. 编译并部署上述函数。



The only answer I could come up with (which not a solution to the problem) was from Creating standalone application that contains neural network toolbox functions, stating that:


You will not be able to compile any function which trains the network (like ADAPT). Though the link does not explicitly list these funcions (like ADAPT), they fall under the 'All other command line functionality'.


However, you can deploy a M function code which uses a pre-trained network. I believe the SIM function will deploy fine.


The workflow I see is:


  1. In MATLAB, train you network using test input/output
  2. 在MATLAB中,使用测试输入/输出来训练网络。
  3. Save the network (MAT file?)
  4. 保存网络(MAT文件?)
  5. Create a deployable function which then uses the pretrained network for new data. The network itself would not change/adapt/train in this function
  6. 创建一个可部署的函数,然后使用预训练的网络进行新数据。网络本身不会改变/适应/训练这个功能。
  7. Compile and deploy the above function
  8. 编译并部署上述函数。