
时间:2023-01-21 13:29:00

I have the following layout:


    + subproject1
    + subproject2

Each of subproject1 and subproject2 creates a static library. I would like to link these static libraries in a single shared library at the top_project level.


The information I gathered so far is:


  • Either compile using -fPic (necessary on everything but Windows) in order to create position-independent code which will allow linking the static libraries into a single shared library or decompress all static libraries (e.g. using ar) and re-link them into a shared library (which I think is an inelegant & non-portable solution)
  • 编译使用- fpic(必要的一切但Windows)为了创建位置无关代码将允许静态库链接到一个共享库或解压所有静态库(如使用ar)和re-link成一个共享库(我认为这是一种不雅的&不可移植解决方案)
  • All source files must be given explicitly to the add_library command: for some reason which I cannot comprehend, simply writing add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED subproject1 subproject2) does not work as expected (it essentially creates an empty library & does not register the dependencies properly)
  • 所有源文件都必须显式地给add_library命令:由于某些原因,我无法理解,简单地编写add_library(${PROJECT_NAME}共享子project1 subproject2)并不像预期的那样工作(它实际上创建了一个空库&没有正确地注册依赖项)
  • There is an OBJECT library feature in CMake but I don't think it's purpose is really to do what I want.
  • CMake中有一个对象库特性,但我不认为它的目的是为了做我想做的事情。

Any thoughts?


4 个解决方案



OK, I figured it out: this is much more painful than it should be. Until very recently, people at Kitware didn't understand why anyone would ever want to create a DLL from static libs. Their argument is that there should always be source files in the main (e.g. top_project in my case) directory because it is effectively a project of its own. I see things differently & I need to break top_project into smaller subprojects which should not exist independently (i.e. there is no point in creating a full-blown project for them & add them using ExternalProject_Add). Besides, when I ship my shared library (for use, e.g. with a Java Native Interface), I don't want to ship dozens of shared libraries because that would amount to exposing the internal layout of my project. Anyway, having - I think - made a case for creating a shared library from static libraries, I'll proceed to the technical details.


In the CMakeLists.txt of subproject1 and subproject2, you should create your target using the OBJECT library feature (introduced in CMake 2.8.8):

CMakeLists。subproject1和subproject2的txt,您应该使用对象库特性(在CMake 2.8.8中引入)创建您的目标:

add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} OBJECT ${SRC})

where SRC designates the list of source files (note that these should be set explicitly in the CMakeLists.txt file as it allows make to re-launch CMake when a modification of CMakeLists.txt is detected, e.g. when adding or removing a file)


In the top_project, add the subprojects using:



In order to see the symbols from the static library, use:


set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "-Wl,--export-all-symbols")

You can then create the shared library using:


add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED $<TARGET_OBJECTS:subproject1>

I've found that any "normal" library (i.e. not object) needs to be added in a separate add_library command, otherwise it is simply ignored.


For executables, you can use:


add_executable(name_of_executable $<TARGET_OBJECTS:subproject1>
set(LINK_FLAGS ${LINK_FLAGS} "-Wl,-whole-archive")
target_link_libraries(name_of_executable ${PROJECT_NAME}

I repeat that this only works as of version 2.8.8 of CMake. Just as well CMake manages the dependencies extremely well & is cross-platform because it's not much less painful than plain old Makefiles & certainly less flexible.




My solution is simply to add /WHOLEARCHIVE, -all_load, or --whole-archive to the linker flags, so that when your main library is linked, all of the sub libraries are included, including all their symbols (the default behaviour is to only include symbols of the sub libraries that are used by the main library. For example:

我的解决方案是添加/ WHOLEARCHIVE -all_load,或者——whole-archive链接器的旗帜,所以当与主库,包括所有的子库,包括所有的符号(默认行为是只包括符号使用的子库,主要的图书馆。例如:

Source Files

$ echo "void Func1() { }" > source1.cpp
$ echo "void Func2() { }" > source2.cpp
$ echo "void Func3() { }" > source3.cpp
$ echo "void Func4() { }" > source4.cpp

Naive CMakeLists.txt

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.7)

# The 'sub' libraries, e.g. from an `add_subdirectory()` call.
add_library(sublib_a STATIC source1.cpp source2.cpp)
add_library(sublib_b STATIC source3.cpp source4.cpp)

# The main library that contains all of the sub libraries.
add_library(mainlib SHARED)

target_link_libraries(mainlib sublib_a sublib_b)

Running it (on OSX):


$ make VERBOSE=1
[100%] Linking CXX shared library libmainlib.dylib
/usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.7.1/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/mainlib.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/c++   -dynamiclib -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names  -o libmainlib.dylib -install_name @rpath/libmainlib.dylib  libsublib_a.a libsublib_b.a 
[100%] Built target mainlib

$ nm libmainlib.dylib | grep Func

Correct CMakeLists.txt

Append this:


# By default, symbols provided by the sublibs that are not used by mainlib (which is all of them in this case)
# are not used. This changes that.
if (WIN32)
    set_target_properties(mainlib PROPERTIES
elseif (APPLE)
    set_target_properties(mainlib PROPERTIES
        LINK_FLAGS "-Wl,-all_load"
else ()
    set_target_properties(mainlib PROPERTIES
        LINK_FLAGS "-Wl,--whole-archive"
endif ()

Running it (note the extra -all_load):


$ make VERBOSE=1
[100%] Linking CXX shared library libmainlib.dylib
/usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.7.1/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/mainlib.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/c++   -dynamiclib -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names -Wl,-all_load -o libmainlib.dylib -install_name @rpath/libmainlib.dylib  libsublib_a.a libsublib_b.a 
[100%] Built target mainlib

$ nm libmainlib.dylib | grep Func
0000000000001da0 T __Z5Func1v
0000000000001db0 T __Z5Func2v
0000000000001dc0 T __Z5Func3v
0000000000001dd0 T __Z5Func4v

Note that I've only actually tested -all_load so far, and /WHOLEARCHIVE is an MSVC 2015 option.

注意,到目前为止我只测试了-all_load,并且/WHOLEARCHIVE是MSVC 2015选项。



Another way of doing it.


This way seems simpler, but I'm not sure how perfect it is:






Another way of doing it is to provide the path of the source files and the header files of all your projects, and build them together to produce the .so . This is usually the recommended way, instead of creating the static libraries and then a shared library out of those.


Basically you should do the following:


FILE(GLOB subproject1_sources
  <sub_project1_lib_sources_dir>/file2.c //... etc

FILE(GLOB subproject2_sources
  <sub_project2_lib_sources_dir>/file2.c //... etc

FILE(GLOB topProject_sources
  <top_project_lib_sources_dir>/file2.c //... etc

include_directories("<top_project_lib_sources_dir>") //should be "." if you're building from here

add_library(topProject SHARED ${topProject_sources} ${subproject1_sources} ${subproject2_sources})



OK, I figured it out: this is much more painful than it should be. Until very recently, people at Kitware didn't understand why anyone would ever want to create a DLL from static libs. Their argument is that there should always be source files in the main (e.g. top_project in my case) directory because it is effectively a project of its own. I see things differently & I need to break top_project into smaller subprojects which should not exist independently (i.e. there is no point in creating a full-blown project for them & add them using ExternalProject_Add). Besides, when I ship my shared library (for use, e.g. with a Java Native Interface), I don't want to ship dozens of shared libraries because that would amount to exposing the internal layout of my project. Anyway, having - I think - made a case for creating a shared library from static libraries, I'll proceed to the technical details.


In the CMakeLists.txt of subproject1 and subproject2, you should create your target using the OBJECT library feature (introduced in CMake 2.8.8):

CMakeLists。subproject1和subproject2的txt,您应该使用对象库特性(在CMake 2.8.8中引入)创建您的目标:

add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} OBJECT ${SRC})

where SRC designates the list of source files (note that these should be set explicitly in the CMakeLists.txt file as it allows make to re-launch CMake when a modification of CMakeLists.txt is detected, e.g. when adding or removing a file)


In the top_project, add the subprojects using:



In order to see the symbols from the static library, use:


set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "-Wl,--export-all-symbols")

You can then create the shared library using:


add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED $<TARGET_OBJECTS:subproject1>

I've found that any "normal" library (i.e. not object) needs to be added in a separate add_library command, otherwise it is simply ignored.


For executables, you can use:


add_executable(name_of_executable $<TARGET_OBJECTS:subproject1>
set(LINK_FLAGS ${LINK_FLAGS} "-Wl,-whole-archive")
target_link_libraries(name_of_executable ${PROJECT_NAME}

I repeat that this only works as of version 2.8.8 of CMake. Just as well CMake manages the dependencies extremely well & is cross-platform because it's not much less painful than plain old Makefiles & certainly less flexible.




My solution is simply to add /WHOLEARCHIVE, -all_load, or --whole-archive to the linker flags, so that when your main library is linked, all of the sub libraries are included, including all their symbols (the default behaviour is to only include symbols of the sub libraries that are used by the main library. For example:

我的解决方案是添加/ WHOLEARCHIVE -all_load,或者——whole-archive链接器的旗帜,所以当与主库,包括所有的子库,包括所有的符号(默认行为是只包括符号使用的子库,主要的图书馆。例如:

Source Files

$ echo "void Func1() { }" > source1.cpp
$ echo "void Func2() { }" > source2.cpp
$ echo "void Func3() { }" > source3.cpp
$ echo "void Func4() { }" > source4.cpp

Naive CMakeLists.txt

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.7)

# The 'sub' libraries, e.g. from an `add_subdirectory()` call.
add_library(sublib_a STATIC source1.cpp source2.cpp)
add_library(sublib_b STATIC source3.cpp source4.cpp)

# The main library that contains all of the sub libraries.
add_library(mainlib SHARED)

target_link_libraries(mainlib sublib_a sublib_b)

Running it (on OSX):


$ make VERBOSE=1
[100%] Linking CXX shared library libmainlib.dylib
/usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.7.1/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/mainlib.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/c++   -dynamiclib -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names  -o libmainlib.dylib -install_name @rpath/libmainlib.dylib  libsublib_a.a libsublib_b.a 
[100%] Built target mainlib

$ nm libmainlib.dylib | grep Func

Correct CMakeLists.txt

Append this:


# By default, symbols provided by the sublibs that are not used by mainlib (which is all of them in this case)
# are not used. This changes that.
if (WIN32)
    set_target_properties(mainlib PROPERTIES
elseif (APPLE)
    set_target_properties(mainlib PROPERTIES
        LINK_FLAGS "-Wl,-all_load"
else ()
    set_target_properties(mainlib PROPERTIES
        LINK_FLAGS "-Wl,--whole-archive"
endif ()

Running it (note the extra -all_load):


$ make VERBOSE=1
[100%] Linking CXX shared library libmainlib.dylib
/usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.7.1/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/mainlib.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/c++   -dynamiclib -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names -Wl,-all_load -o libmainlib.dylib -install_name @rpath/libmainlib.dylib  libsublib_a.a libsublib_b.a 
[100%] Built target mainlib

$ nm libmainlib.dylib | grep Func
0000000000001da0 T __Z5Func1v
0000000000001db0 T __Z5Func2v
0000000000001dc0 T __Z5Func3v
0000000000001dd0 T __Z5Func4v

Note that I've only actually tested -all_load so far, and /WHOLEARCHIVE is an MSVC 2015 option.

注意,到目前为止我只测试了-all_load,并且/WHOLEARCHIVE是MSVC 2015选项。



Another way of doing it.


This way seems simpler, but I'm not sure how perfect it is:






Another way of doing it is to provide the path of the source files and the header files of all your projects, and build them together to produce the .so . This is usually the recommended way, instead of creating the static libraries and then a shared library out of those.


Basically you should do the following:


FILE(GLOB subproject1_sources
  <sub_project1_lib_sources_dir>/file2.c //... etc

FILE(GLOB subproject2_sources
  <sub_project2_lib_sources_dir>/file2.c //... etc

FILE(GLOB topProject_sources
  <top_project_lib_sources_dir>/file2.c //... etc

include_directories("<top_project_lib_sources_dir>") //should be "." if you're building from here

add_library(topProject SHARED ${topProject_sources} ${subproject1_sources} ${subproject2_sources})