
时间:2023-01-03 13:28:57

Apple says, that I need to have Outlets in my File's Owner for all my top level objects in a Nib file.


As much as I know, these objects are NOT the File's Owner itself (would make no sense, right?) and the First Responder.


I am unsure about: The View object in the Nib, and any controller object in the nib. Do I need an outlet for those in File's Owner?


This question is regarding memory management. They say:


You should always keep a pointer to these objects somewhere because your application is responsible for releasing them wen it is through using them


So when the user closes the app, I would have a clunky memory leak if I'd miss those outlets?


1 个解决方案


That's correct. The File's Owner for a Nib file is the entry point into that nib. Since nothing outside your nib can refer to anything but the File's Owner, only the File's Owner can refer to other top-level items in the nib. If the File's Owner doesn't refer to them, then there is no way to release those objects when the nib is no longer needed, and they will hang around in memory.

那是对的。 Nib文件的文件所有者是该笔尖的入口点。由于笔尖外部没有任何东西可以引用除文件所有者之外的任何内容,因此只有文件所有者可以引用笔尖中的其他*项目。如果文件所有者没有引用它们,那么当不再需要笔尖时就无法释放这些对象,并且它们将在内存中徘徊。

The life cycle of a nib is something like this:


  1. The nib is loaded and the File's Owner is associated with an object you specified.
  2. 加载了nib,文件所有者与您指定的对象相关联。

  3. Memory is allocated for all the top-level objects in the nib.
  4. 为nib中的所有*对象分配内存。

  5. All the outlets are hooked up as specified in the nib.
  6. 所有出口都按照笔尖的规定连接起来。

  7. ... stuff happens ...
  8. ......事情发生了......

  9. The File's Owner object is sent a release message.
  10. File的Owner对象被发送一条释放消息。

  11. The File's Owner releases all the objects hooked up to its outlets.
  12. 文件所有者释放连接到其出口的所有对象。

As you can see, any object that was allocated in the second step will still be floating around in memory if it wasn't released in the final step.



That's correct. The File's Owner for a Nib file is the entry point into that nib. Since nothing outside your nib can refer to anything but the File's Owner, only the File's Owner can refer to other top-level items in the nib. If the File's Owner doesn't refer to them, then there is no way to release those objects when the nib is no longer needed, and they will hang around in memory.

那是对的。 Nib文件的文件所有者是该笔尖的入口点。由于笔尖外部没有任何东西可以引用除文件所有者之外的任何内容,因此只有文件所有者可以引用笔尖中的其他*项目。如果文件所有者没有引用它们,那么当不再需要笔尖时就无法释放这些对象,并且它们将在内存中徘徊。

The life cycle of a nib is something like this:


  1. The nib is loaded and the File's Owner is associated with an object you specified.
  2. 加载了nib,文件所有者与您指定的对象相关联。

  3. Memory is allocated for all the top-level objects in the nib.
  4. 为nib中的所有*对象分配内存。

  5. All the outlets are hooked up as specified in the nib.
  6. 所有出口都按照笔尖的规定连接起来。

  7. ... stuff happens ...
  8. ......事情发生了......

  9. The File's Owner object is sent a release message.
  10. File的Owner对象被发送一条释放消息。

  11. The File's Owner releases all the objects hooked up to its outlets.
  12. 文件所有者释放连接到其出口的所有对象。

As you can see, any object that was allocated in the second step will still be floating around in memory if it wasn't released in the final step.
