
时间:2016-05-01 03:30:04
更新时间:2016-05-01 03:30:04
d3js 数据可视化 Data-Driven Documents (D3) is a novel representation-transparent approach to visualization for the web. Rather than hide the underlying scenegraph within a toolkit-specific abstraction, D3 enables direct inspection and manipulation of a native representation: the standard document object model (DOM). With D3, designers selectively bind input data to arbitrary document elements, applying dynamic transforms to both generate and modify content. We show how representational transparency improves expressiveness and better integrates with developer tools than prior approaches, while offering comparable notational efficiency and retaining powerful declarative components. Immediate evaluation of operators further simplifies debugging and allows iterative development. Additionally, we demonstrate how D3 transforms naturally enable animation and interaction with dramatic performance improvements over intermediate representations.


  • 很不错的大数据开发库,感谢分享
  • 英文版,清晰,有目录,完整。
  • 学习了 ,要是有中文版的话就更好了
  • 很好,真的很有用
  • 作为入门资料看看还可以,不过细节部分还需要参考其他资料,另外提醒该资料为E文的~~
  • 以为是自己想要的,结果没用到。也没时间认真看不过组建应该没有什么问题
  • 挺好的,不过是英文版的
  • 此库看了,有用