android support library

时间:2020-12-21 13:18:37
文件名称:android support library
更新时间:2020-12-21 13:18:37
android eclipse v7 下载好后将此目录拷贝到android sdk目录下的extras/android文件夹下 在eclipse中使用如下 1Go to your project in the navigator, right click on properties.打开属性properties 2Go to the Java Build Path tab on the left.进入java build path界面 3Go to the libraries tab on top.点击libraries界面 4Click add external jars.点击add external jars按钮 5Go to your ADT Bundle folder, go to sdk/extras/android/support/v7/appcompat/libs.到你刚才放support的目录找到support/v7/appcompat/libs 6Select the file android-support-v7-appcompat.jar选择v7jar包 7Go to order and export and check the box next to your new jar.在order and export确定 Click ok.


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