iOS 9 Programming Fundamentals with Swift (非epub转pdf)

时间:2019-04-11 08:38:24
文件名称:iOS 9 Programming Fundamentals with Swift (非epub转pdf)
更新时间:2019-04-11 08:38:24
iOS Swift Xcode cocoa 这个是真的PDF,和印刷版的一致,不是epub转的,好不容易才找到. 个人觉得此书比较简单,但对于没写过iOS的人来说入手深度有点深,不太适合入门;对于学过Object-C的程序猿而言,本书废话太多,篇幅有点长.不过Swift语言出来没多久,确实也没找到一本比较好的书... The Scope of This Book This book is actually one of a pair with my Programming iOS 9, which picks up exactly where this book leaves off. They complement and supplement one another. The twobook architecture should, I believe, render the size and scope of each book tractable for readers. Together, they provide a complete grounding in the knowledge needed to begin writing iOS apps; thus, when you do start writing iOS apps, you’ll have a solid and rigorous understanding of what you are doing and where you are heading. If writing an iOS program is like building a house of bricks, this book teaches you what a brick is and how to handle it, while Programming iOS 9 hands you some actual bricks and tells you how to assemble them. When you have read this book, you’ll know about Swift, Xcode, and the underpinnings of the Cocoa framework, and you will be ready to proceed directly to Programming iOS 9. Conversely, Programming iOS 9 assumes a knowledge of this book; it begins, like Homer’s Iliad, in the middle of the story, with the reader jumping with all four feet into views and view controllers, and with a knowledge of the language and the Xcode IDE already presupposed. If you started reading Programming iOS 9 and wondered about such unexplained matters as Swift language basics, the UIApplicationMain function, the nib-loading mechanism, Cocoa patterns of delegation and notification, and retain cycles, wonder no longer — I didn’t explain them there because I do explain them here. Table of Contents Part I. Language Chapter 1. The Architecture of Swift Chapter 2. Functions Chapter 3. Variables and Simple Types Chapter 4. Object Types Chapter 5. Flow Control and More Part II. IDE Chapter 6. Anatomy of an Xcode Project Chapter 7. Nib Management Chapter 8. Documentation Chapter 9. Life Cycle of a Project Part III. Cocoa Chapter 10. Cocoa Classes Chapter 11. Cocoa Events Chapter 12. Memory Management Chapter 13. Communication Between Objects Appendix A. C, Objective-C, and Swift


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  • 这个是英文版的,有中文版就更好了
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  • 很清楚的文字版, 谢谢分享
  • 非常不错的教程!
  • 非常不错的教程
  • 原版pdf不是扫描版
  • 非常好的教程