
时间:2021-04-04 18:55:17

TIOBE Programming Community Index for September 2012

Compared to last month, nothing really changed in the top 20 of the TIOBE index. Only Transact-SQL and VB.NET swapped places. This could be due to the holiday season, but I am afraid it is just because nothing much is happening in the language market. Except for the rise of Objective-C, no new language emerged the last couple of years. How much longer do we have to wait for the expected breakthrough of the Scalas, the Darts and the Clojures?


The TIOBE Programming Community index is an indicator of the popularity of programming languages. The index is updated once a month. The ratings are based on the number of skilled engineers world-wide, courses and third party vendors. The popular search engines Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Wikipedia, Amazon, YouTube and Baidu are used to calculate the ratings. Observe that the TIOBE index is not about the best programming language or the language in which most lines of code have been written.


The index can be used to check whether your programming skills are still up to date or to make a strategic decision about what programming language should be adopted when starting to build a new software system. 


Sep 2012
Sep 2011
Delta in Position Programming Language Ratings
Sep 2012
Sep 2011
1 2 2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜 C 19.295% +1.29%   A
2 1 2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜 Java 16.267% -2.49%   A
3 6 2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜 Objective-C 9.770% +3.61%   A
4 3 2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜 C++ 9.147% +0.30%   A
5 4 2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜 C# 6.596% -0.22%   A
6 5 2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜 PHP 5.614% -0.98%   A
7 7 2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜 (Visual) Basic 5.528% +1.11%   A
8 8 2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜 Python 3.861% -0.14%   A
9 9 2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜 Perl 2.267% -0.20%   A
10 11 2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜 Ruby 1.724% +0.29%   A
11 10 2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜 JavaScript 1.328% -0.14%   A
12 12 2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜 Delphi/Object Pascal 0.993% -0.32%   A
13 14 2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜 Lisp 0.969% -0.07%   A
14 15 2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜 Transact-SQL 0.875% +0.02%   A
15 39 2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜 Visual Basic .NET 0.840% +0.53%   A
16 16 2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜 Pascal 0.830% -0.02%   A
17 13 2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜 Lua 0.723% -0.43%   A-
18 18 2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜 Ada 0.700% +0.02%   A--
19 17 2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜 PL/SQL 0.604% -0.12%   B
20 22 2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜2012年9月份TIOBE编程语言排行榜 MATLAB 0.563% +0.02%   B

Long term trends(长期趋势)

The long term trends for the top 10 programming languages can be found in the line diagram below.



Other programming languages(其他编程语言)

The complete top 50 of programming languages is listed below. This overview is published unofficially, because it could be the case that we missed a language. If you have the impression there is a programming language lacking, please notify us at tpci@tiobe.com.


Position Programming Language Ratings
21 Bash 0.543%
22 Assembly 0.530%
23 SAS 0.528%
24 R 0.440%
25 COBOL 0.431%
26 Fortran 0.430%
27 ABAP 0.427%
28 RPG (OS/400) 0.410%
29 Scheme 0.401%
30 Logo 0.369%
31 Scratch 0.356%
32 Prolog 0.336%
33 D 0.311%
34 Haskell 0.303%
35 NXT-G 0.293%
36 Scala 0.273%
37 Erlang 0.266%
38 Smalltalk 0.249%
39 Common Lisp 0.241%
40 Forth 0.228%
41 APL 0.224%
42 ML 0.223%
43 Awk 0.220%
44 Processing 0.195%
45 ActionScript 0.187%
46 Alice 0.184%
47 C shell 0.163%
48 PL/I 0.162%
49 (Visual) FoxPro 0.155%
50 Tcl 0.154%

The Next 50 Programming Languages(51到100名的编程语言)

The following list of languages denotes #51 to #100. Since the differences are relatively small, the programming languages are only listed (in alphabetical order).

  • ABC, Algol, bc, BETA, Boo, CFML, CHILL, CL (OS/400), Clean, Clojure, cT, Dart, Dylan, Eiffel, Emacs Lisp, F#, Factor, Gambas, Go, Groovy, Icon, IDL, Inform, Informix-4GL, J, JScript.NET, LabVIEW, Ladder Logic, LPC, MS-DOS batch, MUMPS, NATURAL, Oberon, OCaml, Occam, OpenCL, OpenEdge ABL, Oz, PowerShell, Q, REXX, S, S-PLUS, SPARK, VBScript, VHDL, WebDNA, X10, xBase, Z shell

Very Long Term History(超长期的历史数据)

To see the bigger picture, please find the positions of the top 10 programming languages from 5, 15 and 25 years ago in the table below. 

Programming Language Position
Sept 2012
Sept 2007
Sept 1997
Sept 1987
C 1 2 1 1
Java 2 1 5 -
Objective-C 3 43 - -
C++ 4 5 2 6
C# 5 7 - -
PHP 6 4 - -
(Visual) Basic 7 3 3 5
Python 8 8 29 -
Perl 9 6 7 -
Ruby 10 10 - -
Lisp 13 16 10 3
Ada 18 19 16 2

Programming Language Hall of Fame(年度编程语言)

The hall of fame listing all "Programming Language of the Year" award winners is shown below. The award is given to the programming language that has the highest rise in ratings in a year. 

Year Winner
2011 Objective-C
2010 Python
2009 Go
2008 C
2007 Python
2006 Ruby
2005 Java
2004 PHP
2003 C++

Categories of Programming Languages(编程语言分类)

In the tables below some long term trends are shown about categories of languages. Object-oriented statically typed languages have been most popular for more than 5 years now.

Category Ratings Sept 2012 Delta Sept 2011
Object-Oriented Languages 57.1% +0.9%
Procedural Languages 38.1% +0.4%
Functional Languages 3.2% -1.1%
Logical Languages 1.7% -0.1%

Category Ratings Sept 2012 Delta Sept 2011
Statically Typed Languages 71.8% +0.1%
Dynamically Typed Languages 28.2% -0.1%


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