
时间:2021-02-23 18:55:57

Let's say I have an Array of numbers: [2,3,3,4,2,2,5,6,7,2]


What is the best way to find the minimum or maximum value in that Array?


Right now, to get the maximum, I am looping through the Array, and resetting a variable to the value if it is greater than the existing value:


var myArray:Array /* of Number */ = [2,3,3,4,2,2,5,6,7,2];

var maxValue:Number = 0;

for each (var num:Number in myArray)
    if (num > maxValue)
        maxValue = num;

This just doesn't seem like the best performing way to do this (I try to avoid loops whenever possible).


18 个解决方案


The theoretical answers from everyone else are all neat, but let's be pragmatic. ActionScript provides the tools you need so that you don't even have to write a loop in this case!

其他人的理论答案都很整洁,但让我们务实。 ActionScript提供了您需要的工具,因此在这种情况下您甚至不必编写循环!

First, note that Math.min() and Math.max() can take any number of arguments. Also, it's important to understand the apply() method available to Function objects. It allows you to pass arguments to the function using an Array. Let's take advantage of both:


var myArray:Array = [2,3,3,4,2,2,5,6,7,2];
var maxValue:Number = Math.max.apply(null, myArray);
var minValue:Number = Math.min.apply(null, myArray);

Here's the best part: the "loop" is actually run using native code (inside Flash Player), so it's faster than searching for the minimum or maximum value using a pure ActionScript loop.

这是最好的部分:“循环”实际上是使用本机代码(在Flash Player内部)运行的,因此它比使用纯ActionScript循环搜索最小值或最大值更快。


There isn't any reliable way to get the minimum/maximum without testing every value. You don't want to try a sort or anything like that, walking through the array is O(n), which is better than any sort algorithm can do in the general case.




  1. The array is not sorted
  2. 数组未排序

  3. Finding the min and max is done simultaneously
  4. 找到最小值和最大值同时完成

Then there is an algorithm that finds the min and max in 3n/2 number of comparisons. What one needs to do is process the elements of the array in pairs. The larger of the pair should be compared with the current max and the smaller of the pair should be compared with the current min. Also, one needs take special care if the array contains odd number of elements.

然后有一个算法可以找到3n / 2个比较中的最小值和最大值。需要做的是成对处理数组的元素。应将该对中较大的一对与当前最大值进行比较,并将该对中较小的一对与当前最小值进行比较。此外,如果数组包含奇数个元素,则需要特别小心。

In c++ code (borrowing some code from Mehrdad).

在c ++代码中(从Mehrdad借用一些代码)。

struct MinMax{
   int Min,Max;

MinMax FindMinMax(int[] array, int start, int end) {
   MinMax  min_max;
   int index;
   int n = end - start + 1;//n: the number of elements to be sorted, assuming n>0
   if ( n%2 != 0 ){// if n is odd

     min_max.Min = array[start];
     min_max.Max = array[start];

     index = start + 1;
   else{// n is even
     if ( array[start] < array[start+1] ){
       min_max.Min = array[start];
       min_max.Max = array[start+1];
       min_max.Min = array[start+1];
       min_max.Max = array[start];
     index = start + 2;

   int big, small;
   for ( int i = index; i < n-1; i = i+2 ){
      if ( array[i] < array[i+1] ){ //one comparison
        small = array[i];
        big = array[i+1];
        small = array[i+1];
        big = array[i];
      if ( min_max.Min > small ){ //one comparison
        min_max.Min = small;
      if ( min_max.Max < big ){ //one comparison
        min_max.Max = big;

   return min_max;

It's very easy to see that the number of comparisons it takes is 3n/2. The loop runs n/2 times and in each iteration 3 comparisons are performed. This is probably the optimum one can achieve. At this moment, I cannot point to a definite source of that. (But, I think I have seen a proof of that somewhere.)

很容易看出它所需的比较次数是3n / 2。循环运行n / 2次,并且在每次迭代中执行3次比较。这可能是最佳的。此刻,我无法指出这一点。 (但是,我想我已经看到了某个地方的证据。)

The recursive solution given by Mehrdad above, probably also achieves this minimal number of comparisons (the last line needs to be changed). But with the same number of comparisons an iterative solution will always beat a recursive solution due to overhead in the function call as he mentioned. However, if one only cares about finding min and max of a few numbers (as Eric Belair does), no one will notice any difference in todays computer with any of the approaches above. For a large array, the difference could be significant.

上面的Mehrdad给出的递归解决方案可能也实现了这种最小数量的比较(最后一行需要改变)。但是,通过相同数量的比较,迭代解决方案将始终击败递归解决方案,因为他提到的函数调用开销。但是,如果只关心找到一些数字的最小值和最大值(正如Eric Belair所做的那样),没有人会注意到今天的计算机与上述任何方法有任何区别。对于大型阵列,差异可能很大。

Though this solution and the solution given by Matthew Brubaker has O(n) complexity, in practice one should carefully asses the hidden constants involved. The number of comparisons in his solution is 2n. The speedup gained with the solution with 3n/2 comparisons as opposed to 2n comparisons would be noticeable.

虽然这个解决方案和Matthew Brubaker给出的解决方案具有O(n)复杂性,但在实践中应该仔细评估所涉及的隐藏常数。他的解决方案中的比较次数是2n。与2n比较相比,使用3n / 2比较的解决方案获得的加速将是显而易见的。


Unless the array is sorted, that's the best you're going to get. If it is sorted, just take the first and last elements.


Of course, if it's not sorted, then sorting first and grabbing the first and last is guaranteed to be less efficient than just looping through once. Even the best sorting algorithms have to look at each element more than once (an average of O(log N) times for each element. That's O(N*Log N) total. A simple scan once through is only O(N).

当然,如果它没有排序,那么首先排序并抓住第一个和最后一个保证效率低于仅循环一次。即使是最好的排序算法也必须多次查看每个元素(每个元素的平均O(log N)次。这就是O(N * Log N)总数。一次扫描的简单只是O(N)。

If you are wanting quick access to the largest element in a data structure, take a look at heaps for an efficient way to keep objects in some sort of order.



You have to loop through the array, no other way to check all elements. Just one correction for the code - if all elements are negative, maxValue will be 0 at the end. You should initialize it with the minimum possible value for integer.
And if you are going to search the array many times it's a good idea to sort it first, than searching is faster (binary search) and minimum and maximum elements are just the first and the last.

你必须遍历数组,没有其他方法来检查所有元素。只需对代码进行一次校正 - 如果所有元素都为负数,则maxValue最后为0。您应该使用整数的最小可能值对其进行初始化。如果你要多次搜索数组,最好先对它进行排序,而不是搜索更快(二进制搜索),最小和最大元素只是第一个和最后一个。


Depends on what you call "best." From a theoretical point of view, you cannot solve the problem in less than O(n) in a deterministic Turing machine.


The naive algorithm is too loop and update min, max. However, a recursive solution will require less comparisons than naive algorithm, if you want to get min, max simultaneously (it isn't necessarily faster due to function call overhead).


struct MinMax{
   public int Min,Max;

MinMax FindMinMax(int[] array, int start, int end) {
   if (start == end)
      return new MinMax { Min = array[start], Max = array[start] };

   if (start == end - 1)
      return new MinMax { Min = Math.Min(array[start], array[end]), Max = Math.Max(array[start], array[end]) } ;

   MinMax res1 = FindMinMax(array, start, (start + end)/2);
   MinMax res2 = FindMinMax(array, (start+end)/2+1, end);
   return new MinMax { Min = Math.Min(res1.Min, res2.Min), Max = Math.Max(res1.Max, res2.Max) } ;

The simplest solution would be to sort and get the first and last item, though it's obviously not the fastest ;)


The best solution, performance-wise, to find the minimum or maximum is the naive algorithm you written (with a single loop).



Math.max() is actually as3 code compiled to AVM2 opcodes, and as such is not more "native" than any other as3 code. As a consequence, it is not necessarily the fastest implementation.


Actually, given that it works on Array type, it is slower than carefully written code usign Vector:

实际上,鉴于它适用于Array类型,它比精心编写的代码usign Vector慢:

I did a quick benchmark comparison of several naive Vector and Array implementations of Math.max, using gskinner's PerformanceTest (Vector and Array being filled with identical random Numbers). The fastest Vector implementation appeared to be more than 3x faster than Math.max with recent AIR SDK/release player (flash player WIN 14,0,0,122 RELEASE, compiled with AIR SDK 14):

我使用gskinner的PerformanceTest(Vector和Array填充相同的随机数)对Math.max的几个天真的Vector和Array实现进行了快速基准比较。使用最新的AIR SDK /发布播放器(使用AIR SDK 14编译的Flash播放器WIN 14,0,0,122 RELEASE),最快的Vector实现似乎比Math.max快3倍以上:

average 3.5 ms for 1,000,000 values, compared to Math.max() average of 11ms :

1,000,000个值的平均值为3.5 ms,而Math.max()的平均值为11 ms:

function max(values:Vector.<Number>):Number
    var max:Number = Number.MIN_VALUE;
    var length:uint = values.length;
    for (var i:uint = 0; i < length ; ++i)
        if (values[i] > max)
            max = values[i];
    return max;

Conclusion is that if you are concerned by performance, you should use Vector over Array anywhere you can in the first place, and not always rely on default implementations, especially when they force the use of Array

结论是,如果你担心性能,你应该在任何地方使用Vector over Array,而不是总是依赖于默认实现,特别是当他们强制使用Array时

PS:same implementation with a for each() loop is 12x slower ...!



This depends on real world application requirements.


If your question is merely hypothetical, then the basics have already been explained. It is a typical search vs. sort problem. It has already been mentioned that algorithmically you are not going to achieve better than O(n) for that case.


However, if you are looking at practical use, things get more interesting. You would then need to consider how large the array is, and the processes involved in adding and removing from the data set. In these cases, it can be best to take the computational 'hit' at insertion / removal time by sorting on the fly. Insertions into a pre-sorted array are not that expensive.


The quickest query response to the Min Max request will always be from a sorted array, because as others have mentioned, you simply take the first or last element - giving you an O(1) cost.

对Min Max请求的最快查询响应将始终来自已排序的数组,因为正如其他人所提到的,您只需要获取第一个或最后一个元素 - 给您一个O(1)成本。

For a bit more of a technical explanation on the computational costs involved, and Big O notation, check out the Wikipedia article here.

有关计算成本和Big O表示法的更多技术解释,请查看*文章。



If you are building the array once and want to find the maximum just once, iterating is the best you can do.


When you want to modify the array and occasionally want to know the maximum element, you should use a Priority Queue. One of the best data structures for that is a Fibonacci Heap, if this is too complicated use a Binary Heap which is slower but still good.

如果要修改数组并偶尔想知道最大元素,则应使用优先级队列。其中一个最好的数据结构是Fibonacci Heap,如果这太复杂,可以使用速度较慢但仍然很好的二进制堆。

To find minimum and maximum, just build two heaps and change the sign of the numbers in one of them.



Please take into account that sorting the array will only be faster that looping up to certain size of the array. If your array is small (and it will be like that any time) then your solution is perfectly fine. But if it might get too large you should use a conditional to use the sort approach when the array is small, and the normal iteration when it is too large



If you want to find both the min and max at the same time, the loop can be modified as follows:


int min = int.maxValue;
int max = int.minValue;

foreach num in someArray {
  if(num < min)
    min = num;
  if(num > max)
    max = num;

This should get achieve O(n) timing.



Shortest way :


Math.min.apply(null,array); //this will return min value from array
Math.max.apply(null,array); //this will return max value from array

Math.min.apply(NULL,数组); //这将从数组Math.max.apply(null,array)返回最小值; //这将从数组返回最大值

otherway of getting min & max value from array


 function maxVal(givenArray):Number
    var max = givenArray[0];
    for (var ma:int = 0; ma<givenArray.length; ma++)
    if (givenArray[ma] > max)
    max = givenArray[ma];
    return max;

    function minVal(givenArray):Number
    var min = givenArray[0];
    for (var mi:int = 0; mi<givenArray.length; mi++)
    if (givenArray[mi] < min)
    min = givenArray[mi];
    return min;

As you can see, the code in both of these functions is very similar. The function sets a variable - max (or min) and then runs through the array with a loop, checking each next element. If the next element is higher than the current, set it to max (or min). In the end, return the number.

如您所见,这两个函数中的代码非常相似。该函数设置一个变量 - max(或min),然后使用循环遍历数组,检查每个下一个元素。如果下一个元素高于当前值,则将其设置为max(或min)。最后,返回号码。


There are a number of ways this can be done.


  1. Brute force. Linear search for both min and max separately. (2N comparisons and 2N steps)
  2. 蛮力。分别线性搜索最小值和最大值。 (2N比较和2N步骤)

  3. Iterate linearly and check each number for both min and max. (2N comparisons)
  4. 线性迭代并检查每个数字的最小值和最大值。 (2N比较)

  5. Use Divide and conquer. (Between 2N and 3N/2 comparisons)
  6. 使用分而治之。 (2N和3N / 2比较之间)

  7. Compare by pairs explained below (3N/2 Comparisons)
  8. 比较下面解释的对(3N / 2比较)

How to find max. and min. in array using minimum comparisons?


If you are really paranoid about speed, runtime & number of comparisons, also refer to http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/maximum-and-minimum-in-an-array/



Algorithm MaxMin(first, last, max, min)


//This algorithm stores the highest and lowest element


//Values of the global array A in the global variables max and min


//tmax and tmin are temporary global variables

// tmax和tmin是临时全局变量

if (first==last) //Sub-array contains single element
 else if(first+1==last) //Sub-array contains two elements
      max=a[last];  //Second element is largest
      min=a[first]; //First element is smallest
     max=a[first]; //First element is Largest 
     min=a[last];  //Second element is smallest
 //sub-array contains more than two elements
 //Hence partition the sub-array into smaller sub-array 
 //Recursively solve the sub-array


Below is Solution with o(n):-

以下是o(n)的解决方案: -

public static void findMaxAndMinValue(int A[]){
    int min =0, max = 0;
    if(A[0] > A[1] ){
        min = A[1];
        max = A[0];
        max = A[1];
        min = A[0];
    for(int i = 2;i<A.length ;i++){
        if(A[i] > max){
            max = A[i];
        if(min > A[i]){
            min = A[i];
    System.out.println("Maxinum Value is  "+min+" & Minimum Value is  "+max);


Amazed no-one mentioned parallelism here.


If you got really a huge array, you can use parallel-for, on sub ranges. In the end compare all sub-ranges. But parallelism comes width some penalty too, so this would not optimize on small arrays. However if you got huge datasets it starts to make sense, and you get a time division reduction nearing the amount of threads performing the test.



Find max values from a array Let's see how to obtain min, max values by using a single funtion


public void findMaxValue(){
   int[] my_array = {1,2,,6,5,8,3,9,0,23};
   int max = my_array[0];
   for(int i=1; i<my_array.length; i++)
      if(my_array[i] > max)
         max = my_array[i];
   return max; 

same thing can do for find min value



After reading everyone's comments (thank you for your interest), I found that the "best" way (least amount of code, best performing) to do this was to simply sort the Array, and then grab the first value in the Array:


var myArray:Array /* of Number */ = [2,3,3,4,2,2,5,6,7,2];


var minValue:int = myArray[0];

This also works for an Array of Objects - you simply use the Array.sortOn() function and specify a property:

这也适用于对象数组 - 您只需使用Array.sortOn()函数并指定属性:

// Sample data
var myArray:Array /* of XML */ = 
    <item level="2" name="a" />
    <item level="3" name="b" />
    <item level="3" name="c" />
    <item level="2" name="d" />
    <item level="5" name="e" />

// Perform a descending sort on the specified attribute in Array to get the maximum value
myArray.sortOn("@level", Array.DESCENDING | Array.NUMERIC);

var lowestLevel:int = myArray[0].@level;

I hope this helps someone else someday!



The theoretical answers from everyone else are all neat, but let's be pragmatic. ActionScript provides the tools you need so that you don't even have to write a loop in this case!

其他人的理论答案都很整洁,但让我们务实。 ActionScript提供了您需要的工具,因此在这种情况下您甚至不必编写循环!

First, note that Math.min() and Math.max() can take any number of arguments. Also, it's important to understand the apply() method available to Function objects. It allows you to pass arguments to the function using an Array. Let's take advantage of both:


var myArray:Array = [2,3,3,4,2,2,5,6,7,2];
var maxValue:Number = Math.max.apply(null, myArray);
var minValue:Number = Math.min.apply(null, myArray);

Here's the best part: the "loop" is actually run using native code (inside Flash Player), so it's faster than searching for the minimum or maximum value using a pure ActionScript loop.

这是最好的部分:“循环”实际上是使用本机代码(在Flash Player内部)运行的,因此它比使用纯ActionScript循环搜索最小值或最大值更快。


There isn't any reliable way to get the minimum/maximum without testing every value. You don't want to try a sort or anything like that, walking through the array is O(n), which is better than any sort algorithm can do in the general case.




  1. The array is not sorted
  2. 数组未排序

  3. Finding the min and max is done simultaneously
  4. 找到最小值和最大值同时完成

Then there is an algorithm that finds the min and max in 3n/2 number of comparisons. What one needs to do is process the elements of the array in pairs. The larger of the pair should be compared with the current max and the smaller of the pair should be compared with the current min. Also, one needs take special care if the array contains odd number of elements.

然后有一个算法可以找到3n / 2个比较中的最小值和最大值。需要做的是成对处理数组的元素。应将该对中较大的一对与当前最大值进行比较,并将该对中较小的一对与当前最小值进行比较。此外,如果数组包含奇数个元素,则需要特别小心。

In c++ code (borrowing some code from Mehrdad).

在c ++代码中(从Mehrdad借用一些代码)。

struct MinMax{
   int Min,Max;

MinMax FindMinMax(int[] array, int start, int end) {
   MinMax  min_max;
   int index;
   int n = end - start + 1;//n: the number of elements to be sorted, assuming n>0
   if ( n%2 != 0 ){// if n is odd

     min_max.Min = array[start];
     min_max.Max = array[start];

     index = start + 1;
   else{// n is even
     if ( array[start] < array[start+1] ){
       min_max.Min = array[start];
       min_max.Max = array[start+1];
       min_max.Min = array[start+1];
       min_max.Max = array[start];
     index = start + 2;

   int big, small;
   for ( int i = index; i < n-1; i = i+2 ){
      if ( array[i] < array[i+1] ){ //one comparison
        small = array[i];
        big = array[i+1];
        small = array[i+1];
        big = array[i];
      if ( min_max.Min > small ){ //one comparison
        min_max.Min = small;
      if ( min_max.Max < big ){ //one comparison
        min_max.Max = big;

   return min_max;

It's very easy to see that the number of comparisons it takes is 3n/2. The loop runs n/2 times and in each iteration 3 comparisons are performed. This is probably the optimum one can achieve. At this moment, I cannot point to a definite source of that. (But, I think I have seen a proof of that somewhere.)

很容易看出它所需的比较次数是3n / 2。循环运行n / 2次,并且在每次迭代中执行3次比较。这可能是最佳的。此刻,我无法指出这一点。 (但是,我想我已经看到了某个地方的证据。)

The recursive solution given by Mehrdad above, probably also achieves this minimal number of comparisons (the last line needs to be changed). But with the same number of comparisons an iterative solution will always beat a recursive solution due to overhead in the function call as he mentioned. However, if one only cares about finding min and max of a few numbers (as Eric Belair does), no one will notice any difference in todays computer with any of the approaches above. For a large array, the difference could be significant.

上面的Mehrdad给出的递归解决方案可能也实现了这种最小数量的比较(最后一行需要改变)。但是,通过相同数量的比较,迭代解决方案将始终击败递归解决方案,因为他提到的函数调用开销。但是,如果只关心找到一些数字的最小值和最大值(正如Eric Belair所做的那样),没有人会注意到今天的计算机与上述任何方法有任何区别。对于大型阵列,差异可能很大。

Though this solution and the solution given by Matthew Brubaker has O(n) complexity, in practice one should carefully asses the hidden constants involved. The number of comparisons in his solution is 2n. The speedup gained with the solution with 3n/2 comparisons as opposed to 2n comparisons would be noticeable.

虽然这个解决方案和Matthew Brubaker给出的解决方案具有O(n)复杂性,但在实践中应该仔细评估所涉及的隐藏常数。他的解决方案中的比较次数是2n。与2n比较相比,使用3n / 2比较的解决方案获得的加速将是显而易见的。


Unless the array is sorted, that's the best you're going to get. If it is sorted, just take the first and last elements.


Of course, if it's not sorted, then sorting first and grabbing the first and last is guaranteed to be less efficient than just looping through once. Even the best sorting algorithms have to look at each element more than once (an average of O(log N) times for each element. That's O(N*Log N) total. A simple scan once through is only O(N).

当然,如果它没有排序,那么首先排序并抓住第一个和最后一个保证效率低于仅循环一次。即使是最好的排序算法也必须多次查看每个元素(每个元素的平均O(log N)次。这就是O(N * Log N)总数。一次扫描的简单只是O(N)。

If you are wanting quick access to the largest element in a data structure, take a look at heaps for an efficient way to keep objects in some sort of order.



You have to loop through the array, no other way to check all elements. Just one correction for the code - if all elements are negative, maxValue will be 0 at the end. You should initialize it with the minimum possible value for integer.
And if you are going to search the array many times it's a good idea to sort it first, than searching is faster (binary search) and minimum and maximum elements are just the first and the last.

你必须遍历数组,没有其他方法来检查所有元素。只需对代码进行一次校正 - 如果所有元素都为负数,则maxValue最后为0。您应该使用整数的最小可能值对其进行初始化。如果你要多次搜索数组,最好先对它进行排序,而不是搜索更快(二进制搜索),最小和最大元素只是第一个和最后一个。


Depends on what you call "best." From a theoretical point of view, you cannot solve the problem in less than O(n) in a deterministic Turing machine.


The naive algorithm is too loop and update min, max. However, a recursive solution will require less comparisons than naive algorithm, if you want to get min, max simultaneously (it isn't necessarily faster due to function call overhead).


struct MinMax{
   public int Min,Max;

MinMax FindMinMax(int[] array, int start, int end) {
   if (start == end)
      return new MinMax { Min = array[start], Max = array[start] };

   if (start == end - 1)
      return new MinMax { Min = Math.Min(array[start], array[end]), Max = Math.Max(array[start], array[end]) } ;

   MinMax res1 = FindMinMax(array, start, (start + end)/2);
   MinMax res2 = FindMinMax(array, (start+end)/2+1, end);
   return new MinMax { Min = Math.Min(res1.Min, res2.Min), Max = Math.Max(res1.Max, res2.Max) } ;

The simplest solution would be to sort and get the first and last item, though it's obviously not the fastest ;)


The best solution, performance-wise, to find the minimum or maximum is the naive algorithm you written (with a single loop).



Math.max() is actually as3 code compiled to AVM2 opcodes, and as such is not more "native" than any other as3 code. As a consequence, it is not necessarily the fastest implementation.


Actually, given that it works on Array type, it is slower than carefully written code usign Vector:

实际上,鉴于它适用于Array类型,它比精心编写的代码usign Vector慢:

I did a quick benchmark comparison of several naive Vector and Array implementations of Math.max, using gskinner's PerformanceTest (Vector and Array being filled with identical random Numbers). The fastest Vector implementation appeared to be more than 3x faster than Math.max with recent AIR SDK/release player (flash player WIN 14,0,0,122 RELEASE, compiled with AIR SDK 14):

我使用gskinner的PerformanceTest(Vector和Array填充相同的随机数)对Math.max的几个天真的Vector和Array实现进行了快速基准比较。使用最新的AIR SDK /发布播放器(使用AIR SDK 14编译的Flash播放器WIN 14,0,0,122 RELEASE),最快的Vector实现似乎比Math.max快3倍以上:

average 3.5 ms for 1,000,000 values, compared to Math.max() average of 11ms :

1,000,000个值的平均值为3.5 ms,而Math.max()的平均值为11 ms:

function max(values:Vector.<Number>):Number
    var max:Number = Number.MIN_VALUE;
    var length:uint = values.length;
    for (var i:uint = 0; i < length ; ++i)
        if (values[i] > max)
            max = values[i];
    return max;

Conclusion is that if you are concerned by performance, you should use Vector over Array anywhere you can in the first place, and not always rely on default implementations, especially when they force the use of Array

结论是,如果你担心性能,你应该在任何地方使用Vector over Array,而不是总是依赖于默认实现,特别是当他们强制使用Array时

PS:same implementation with a for each() loop is 12x slower ...!



This depends on real world application requirements.


If your question is merely hypothetical, then the basics have already been explained. It is a typical search vs. sort problem. It has already been mentioned that algorithmically you are not going to achieve better than O(n) for that case.


However, if you are looking at practical use, things get more interesting. You would then need to consider how large the array is, and the processes involved in adding and removing from the data set. In these cases, it can be best to take the computational 'hit' at insertion / removal time by sorting on the fly. Insertions into a pre-sorted array are not that expensive.


The quickest query response to the Min Max request will always be from a sorted array, because as others have mentioned, you simply take the first or last element - giving you an O(1) cost.

对Min Max请求的最快查询响应将始终来自已排序的数组,因为正如其他人所提到的,您只需要获取第一个或最后一个元素 - 给您一个O(1)成本。

For a bit more of a technical explanation on the computational costs involved, and Big O notation, check out the Wikipedia article here.

有关计算成本和Big O表示法的更多技术解释,请查看*文章。



If you are building the array once and want to find the maximum just once, iterating is the best you can do.


When you want to modify the array and occasionally want to know the maximum element, you should use a Priority Queue. One of the best data structures for that is a Fibonacci Heap, if this is too complicated use a Binary Heap which is slower but still good.

如果要修改数组并偶尔想知道最大元素,则应使用优先级队列。其中一个最好的数据结构是Fibonacci Heap,如果这太复杂,可以使用速度较慢但仍然很好的二进制堆。

To find minimum and maximum, just build two heaps and change the sign of the numbers in one of them.



Please take into account that sorting the array will only be faster that looping up to certain size of the array. If your array is small (and it will be like that any time) then your solution is perfectly fine. But if it might get too large you should use a conditional to use the sort approach when the array is small, and the normal iteration when it is too large



If you want to find both the min and max at the same time, the loop can be modified as follows:


int min = int.maxValue;
int max = int.minValue;

foreach num in someArray {
  if(num < min)
    min = num;
  if(num > max)
    max = num;

This should get achieve O(n) timing.



Shortest way :


Math.min.apply(null,array); //this will return min value from array
Math.max.apply(null,array); //this will return max value from array

Math.min.apply(NULL,数组); //这将从数组Math.max.apply(null,array)返回最小值; //这将从数组返回最大值

otherway of getting min & max value from array


 function maxVal(givenArray):Number
    var max = givenArray[0];
    for (var ma:int = 0; ma<givenArray.length; ma++)
    if (givenArray[ma] > max)
    max = givenArray[ma];
    return max;

    function minVal(givenArray):Number
    var min = givenArray[0];
    for (var mi:int = 0; mi<givenArray.length; mi++)
    if (givenArray[mi] < min)
    min = givenArray[mi];
    return min;

As you can see, the code in both of these functions is very similar. The function sets a variable - max (or min) and then runs through the array with a loop, checking each next element. If the next element is higher than the current, set it to max (or min). In the end, return the number.

如您所见,这两个函数中的代码非常相似。该函数设置一个变量 - max(或min),然后使用循环遍历数组,检查每个下一个元素。如果下一个元素高于当前值,则将其设置为max(或min)。最后,返回号码。


There are a number of ways this can be done.


  1. Brute force. Linear search for both min and max separately. (2N comparisons and 2N steps)
  2. 蛮力。分别线性搜索最小值和最大值。 (2N比较和2N步骤)

  3. Iterate linearly and check each number for both min and max. (2N comparisons)
  4. 线性迭代并检查每个数字的最小值和最大值。 (2N比较)

  5. Use Divide and conquer. (Between 2N and 3N/2 comparisons)
  6. 使用分而治之。 (2N和3N / 2比较之间)

  7. Compare by pairs explained below (3N/2 Comparisons)
  8. 比较下面解释的对(3N / 2比较)

How to find max. and min. in array using minimum comparisons?


If you are really paranoid about speed, runtime & number of comparisons, also refer to http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/maximum-and-minimum-in-an-array/



Algorithm MaxMin(first, last, max, min)


//This algorithm stores the highest and lowest element


//Values of the global array A in the global variables max and min


//tmax and tmin are temporary global variables

// tmax和tmin是临时全局变量

if (first==last) //Sub-array contains single element
 else if(first+1==last) //Sub-array contains two elements
      max=a[last];  //Second element is largest
      min=a[first]; //First element is smallest
     max=a[first]; //First element is Largest 
     min=a[last];  //Second element is smallest
 //sub-array contains more than two elements
 //Hence partition the sub-array into smaller sub-array 
 //Recursively solve the sub-array


Below is Solution with o(n):-

以下是o(n)的解决方案: -

public static void findMaxAndMinValue(int A[]){
    int min =0, max = 0;
    if(A[0] > A[1] ){
        min = A[1];
        max = A[0];
        max = A[1];
        min = A[0];
    for(int i = 2;i<A.length ;i++){
        if(A[i] > max){
            max = A[i];
        if(min > A[i]){
            min = A[i];
    System.out.println("Maxinum Value is  "+min+" & Minimum Value is  "+max);


Amazed no-one mentioned parallelism here.


If you got really a huge array, you can use parallel-for, on sub ranges. In the end compare all sub-ranges. But parallelism comes width some penalty too, so this would not optimize on small arrays. However if you got huge datasets it starts to make sense, and you get a time division reduction nearing the amount of threads performing the test.



Find max values from a array Let's see how to obtain min, max values by using a single funtion


public void findMaxValue(){
   int[] my_array = {1,2,,6,5,8,3,9,0,23};
   int max = my_array[0];
   for(int i=1; i<my_array.length; i++)
      if(my_array[i] > max)
         max = my_array[i];
   return max; 

same thing can do for find min value



After reading everyone's comments (thank you for your interest), I found that the "best" way (least amount of code, best performing) to do this was to simply sort the Array, and then grab the first value in the Array:


var myArray:Array /* of Number */ = [2,3,3,4,2,2,5,6,7,2];


var minValue:int = myArray[0];

This also works for an Array of Objects - you simply use the Array.sortOn() function and specify a property:

这也适用于对象数组 - 您只需使用Array.sortOn()函数并指定属性:

// Sample data
var myArray:Array /* of XML */ = 
    <item level="2" name="a" />
    <item level="3" name="b" />
    <item level="3" name="c" />
    <item level="2" name="d" />
    <item level="5" name="e" />

// Perform a descending sort on the specified attribute in Array to get the maximum value
myArray.sortOn("@level", Array.DESCENDING | Array.NUMERIC);

var lowestLevel:int = myArray[0].@level;

I hope this helps someone else someday!
