与Internet Explorer重复使用的Cookie(节点后端)

时间:2023-01-10 15:56:32

I've got an Angular application with a Node/Express backend. I just tested it in Internet Explorer (11) and noticed a strange bug with the authentication.

我有一个带有Node / Express后端的Angular应用程序。我刚刚在Internet Explorer(11)中对它进行了测试,发现了一个奇怪的身份验证错误。

At some point I update the authentication details, which are stored in a Json Web Token in a cookie. On chrome, I simply set a new cookie with the same name, and it works fine. However, with IE I found it didn't use the new cookie, and found it had actually stored two:

在某些时候,我更新了身份验证详细信息,这些详细信息存储在cookie中的Json Web Token中。在chrome上,我只是设置一个具有相同名称的新cookie,它工作正常。然而,使用IE我发现它没有使用新的cookie,并发现它实际存储了两个:

与Internet Explorer重复使用的Cookie(节点后端)

Both have the same name. They're both provided by the same code, on the same domain (though we do have a second subdomain hosted, it's nothing to do with this site).


Setting the cookie is simply:


response.cookie('jwt', token, { maxAge: 60 * 60 * 48 * 1000, httpOnly: true });

using cookie-parser.


All the other questions seem to suggest this is issues with sub-domains. But I can't see how to specify/set it?


It works fine hosted locally in development, but when deployed in production shows this problem.


1 个解决方案



I solved this by explicitely setting the domain of the cookie when set, rather than leaving it blank.


However, since Internet Explorer seemed to completely ignore cookies on localhost, I had to set add the line:

但是,由于Internet Explorer似乎完全忽略了localhost上的cookie,我不得不设置添加行:    mydevdomain.com

to the windows host file at C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts.

到C:\ Windows \ System32 \ Drivers \ etc \ hosts中的Windows主机文件。

I could then set cookies with the option: domain: 'mydevdomain.com' and it behaved as expected in development and when in production (updating the domain to the production domain).




I solved this by explicitely setting the domain of the cookie when set, rather than leaving it blank.


However, since Internet Explorer seemed to completely ignore cookies on localhost, I had to set add the line:

但是,由于Internet Explorer似乎完全忽略了localhost上的cookie,我不得不设置添加行:    mydevdomain.com

to the windows host file at C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts.

到C:\ Windows \ System32 \ Drivers \ etc \ hosts中的Windows主机文件。

I could then set cookies with the option: domain: 'mydevdomain.com' and it behaved as expected in development and when in production (updating the domain to the production domain).
