Flex - 有没有办法指定ComboBox将打开的方向?

时间:2023-01-15 15:31:28

Maybe I should further qualify this - Is there a way to specify which direction a ComboBox will open without copying and pasting the entire ComboBox class and ripping out the code where it determines which direction it will open in...

也许我应该进一步限定这个 - 有没有办法指定ComboBox将打开哪个方向而不复制和粘贴整个ComboBox类并剔除代码,它确定它将在哪个方向打开...

I'm my specific case - I need it to open upwards - always.

我是我的具体案例 - 我需要它向上打开 - 永远。

UPDATE: You can't fix this by subclassing it because the function that handles the direction of the opening is:


private function displayDropdown(show:Boolean, trigger:Event = null):void

And that bad boy uses a fair amount of private variables which my subclass wouldn't have access to...


5 个解决方案



If you build up the Menu object yourself, you can place the menu anywhere you want by simply setting the x,y coordinates of the menu object. You'll need to calculate those coordinates, but you might be able to do this easily without subclassing ComboBox.


I am doing something similar with PopUpButton; you might find it easier to work with PopUpButton. This is based on real code from my current project:


private function initMenu(): void {
    var m:Menu = new Menu();
    m.dataProvider = theMenuData;
    m.addEventListener(MenuEvent.ITEM_CLICK, menuClick);
    m.showRoot = false;
    // m.x = ... <-- probably don't need to tweak this.
    // m.y = ... <-- this is really the interesting one :-)
    theMenu.popUp = m;
<mx:PopUpButton id="theMenu" creationComplete="initMenu()" ... />

BTW, to get the PopUpButton to act more like I wanted it (always popup, no matter where the click), setting openAlways=true in the MXML works like a charm.

顺便说一句,为了让PopUpButton更像我想要它(总是弹出,无论点击的位置),在MXML中设置openAlways = true就像一个魅力。



I doubt it - you'd need to subclass the control (which isn't that big a deal.)

我对此表示怀疑 - 你需要对控件进行子类化(这不是什么大不了的事。)

Maybe you could mess with the real estate so it's placed in such a fashion (e.g. crowded into the lower right corner) that up is naturally coerced?




I would recommend checking out this post. Yes, you do have to grab the ComboBox code and modify it, but at least now you have an idea where the modifications need to go.




You could set the MaxDropDownHeight, if you set it big enough Windows will automatically set the direction upwards.




This irritated me no end. I have uploaded a solution, its a simple Class that extends the PopUpButton and removes the logic of stage bounds detection as it failed 50% of the time anyway. My code just allows you to simply specify whether you want to open the menu up or down:





If you build up the Menu object yourself, you can place the menu anywhere you want by simply setting the x,y coordinates of the menu object. You'll need to calculate those coordinates, but you might be able to do this easily without subclassing ComboBox.


I am doing something similar with PopUpButton; you might find it easier to work with PopUpButton. This is based on real code from my current project:


private function initMenu(): void {
    var m:Menu = new Menu();
    m.dataProvider = theMenuData;
    m.addEventListener(MenuEvent.ITEM_CLICK, menuClick);
    m.showRoot = false;
    // m.x = ... <-- probably don't need to tweak this.
    // m.y = ... <-- this is really the interesting one :-)
    theMenu.popUp = m;
<mx:PopUpButton id="theMenu" creationComplete="initMenu()" ... />

BTW, to get the PopUpButton to act more like I wanted it (always popup, no matter where the click), setting openAlways=true in the MXML works like a charm.

顺便说一句,为了让PopUpButton更像我想要它(总是弹出,无论点击的位置),在MXML中设置openAlways = true就像一个魅力。



I doubt it - you'd need to subclass the control (which isn't that big a deal.)

我对此表示怀疑 - 你需要对控件进行子类化(这不是什么大不了的事。)

Maybe you could mess with the real estate so it's placed in such a fashion (e.g. crowded into the lower right corner) that up is naturally coerced?




I would recommend checking out this post. Yes, you do have to grab the ComboBox code and modify it, but at least now you have an idea where the modifications need to go.




You could set the MaxDropDownHeight, if you set it big enough Windows will automatically set the direction upwards.




This irritated me no end. I have uploaded a solution, its a simple Class that extends the PopUpButton and removes the logic of stage bounds detection as it failed 50% of the time anyway. My code just allows you to simply specify whether you want to open the menu up or down:

