除Google Analytics之外,哪些网站分析网站/软件具有良好的API

时间:2022-11-27 15:17:14

I cannot use Google analytics because of their limitations on the API. They will not allow me to query more then 10,000 entries in one day. Since I have more then 10,000 pages Google Analytics will not work for me unless there is a way around that 10,000 limitation. I need to pull statistics on all my pages daily and it will be over 10,000 pages

由于API的限制,我无法使用Google分析。他们不允许我在一天内查询超过10,000个条目。由于我有超过10,000页的网页,因此Google Analytics(分析)不适用于我,除非有办法解决10,000限制。我需要每天在我的所有页面上提取统计信息,这将超过10,000页

I have already tried:


  • OmniTure: too Expensive -- 1000/month
  • OmniTure:太贵了 - 1000 /月

  • Visistat: API is not mature enough
  • Visistat:API还不够成熟

  • Piwik: API not mature enough
  • Piwik:API不够成熟

  • Programming it myself: Will take too long and will require more resources from my server
  • 自己编程:需要太长时间,需要从我的服务器获得更多资源

4 个解决方案



It may be impractical given the size of your site and the extent of the analytics you require, but have you considered analysing the raw IIS logfiles? Either suck them into SQL for processing or use a third party product like WebTrends Log Analyser.

鉴于您的站点大小和所需分析的范围,这可能是不切实际的,但您是否考虑过分析原始IIS日志文件?要么将它们吸入SQL进行处理,要么使用第三方产品,如WebTrends Log Analyzer。



Webtrends has an API.




ClickTracks (now called Lyris HQ Web Analytics) is pretty cool, kind of the OG Google Analytics

ClickTracks(现在称为Lyris HQ Web Analytics)非常酷,类似于OG Google Analytics




Urchin has a REST and SOAP interface to the API. The API was just released in version 6.6 of Urchin, and will no doubt get more mature in the future.


There is a one off cost to get Urchin, but this cost would be trivial if you are looking to keep track of statistics for a 10,000 page website.


There are other advantages of Urchin over GA, such as your statistics can be updated hourly instead of GA's daily.




It may be impractical given the size of your site and the extent of the analytics you require, but have you considered analysing the raw IIS logfiles? Either suck them into SQL for processing or use a third party product like WebTrends Log Analyser.

鉴于您的站点大小和所需分析的范围,这可能是不切实际的,但您是否考虑过分析原始IIS日志文件?要么将它们吸入SQL进行处理,要么使用第三方产品,如WebTrends Log Analyzer。



Webtrends has an API.




ClickTracks (now called Lyris HQ Web Analytics) is pretty cool, kind of the OG Google Analytics

ClickTracks(现在称为Lyris HQ Web Analytics)非常酷,类似于OG Google Analytics




Urchin has a REST and SOAP interface to the API. The API was just released in version 6.6 of Urchin, and will no doubt get more mature in the future.


There is a one off cost to get Urchin, but this cost would be trivial if you are looking to keep track of statistics for a 10,000 page website.


There are other advantages of Urchin over GA, such as your statistics can be updated hourly instead of GA's daily.
