如何从Firebase中删除Google Analytics事件

时间:2020-12-17 15:17:47

How can I delete an Analytics Event from Firebase?

如何从Firebase中删除Google Analytics事件?

While I am testing I wrote some events in Firebase Analytics. Firebase by default orders all events alphabetically. So these testing events interrupts with original events.

在我测试时,我在Firebase Analytics中编写了一些事件。 Firebase默认按字母顺序排列所有事件。因此,这些测试事件会中断原始事件。

I could arrange them by count to push all the testing events to last. But it makes difficult to find the main events since those are not alphabetically sorted.


I didn't find any options in Firebase dashboard to delete a event. Is there a way to delete the old events from firebase?


4 个解决方案



There is currently no way to delete events once they are logged into Firebase Analytics that I am aware of. However, the events will drift out of the default view (which is set to "last 30 days") as time goes on, or you can switch the time period to a shorter time. As you mentioned, you can also click a column header to sort by some other value or "add filter" to filter by an audience or user property.

目前,我们无法删除登录到我所知道的Firebase Analytics的事件。但是,随着时间的推移,事件将偏离默认视图(设置为“过去30天”),或者您可以将时间段切换到更短的时间。如您所述,您还可以单击列标题以按其他值排序,或单击“添加过滤器”以按受众或用户属性进行过滤。



You can create a new Firebase project if you want to start from scratch. It's also a fairly common practice to use one project for experimentation and validation of your analytics implementation and then to switch to your production Firebase project when everything looks good.




As Steve Ganem suggested the simplest thing you can do to reset the Firebase Analytics data is to register new Firebase project and that in your app. You can also keep the old project around for debugging/development.

正如Steve Ganem建议的那样,重置Firebase Analytics数据最简单的方法就是在您的应用中注册新的Firebase项目。您还可以保留旧项目以进行调试/开发。



It is not possible to delete analytics events AFAIK, but on some views you can set up the time interval with the filter at the right-top corner to limit the listed events. In the audience set up you need to rely on typing, I am afraid.




There is currently no way to delete events once they are logged into Firebase Analytics that I am aware of. However, the events will drift out of the default view (which is set to "last 30 days") as time goes on, or you can switch the time period to a shorter time. As you mentioned, you can also click a column header to sort by some other value or "add filter" to filter by an audience or user property.

目前,我们无法删除登录到我所知道的Firebase Analytics的事件。但是,随着时间的推移,事件将偏离默认视图(设置为“过去30天”),或者您可以将时间段切换到更短的时间。如您所述,您还可以单击列标题以按其他值排序,或单击“添加过滤器”以按受众或用户属性进行过滤。



You can create a new Firebase project if you want to start from scratch. It's also a fairly common practice to use one project for experimentation and validation of your analytics implementation and then to switch to your production Firebase project when everything looks good.




As Steve Ganem suggested the simplest thing you can do to reset the Firebase Analytics data is to register new Firebase project and that in your app. You can also keep the old project around for debugging/development.

正如Steve Ganem建议的那样,重置Firebase Analytics数据最简单的方法就是在您的应用中注册新的Firebase项目。您还可以保留旧项目以进行调试/开发。



It is not possible to delete analytics events AFAIK, but on some views you can set up the time interval with the filter at the right-top corner to limit the listed events. In the audience set up you need to rely on typing, I am afraid.
