如何从另一个节点事件触发的`onWrite`函数中访问Google Cloud Function中的特定节点?

时间:2022-12-24 16:01:43

When creating a new node, I want to create and push that same data into a different node.


The Door/111111111111/ins node is the node I am pushing the new data into:

Door / 111111111111 / ins节点是我将新数据推送到的节点:

root: { 
  doors: {
    111111111111: {
       MACaddress: "111111111111",
       inRoom: "-LBMH_8KHf_N9CvLqhzU",
       ins: {
          // I am creating several "key: pair"s here, something like:
          1525104151100: true,
          1525104151183: true,
  rooms: {
    -LBMH_8KHf_N9CvLqhzU: {
      ins: {
        // I want the function to clone the same data here:
        1525104151100: true,
        1525104151183: true,

This is my function which is throwing an error:


TypeError: change.before.ref.parent.child(...).val is not a function




exports.updateRoom = functions.database.ref('/doors/{MACaddress}/ins').onWrite((change, context) => {
    const beforeData = change.before.val(); // data before the write
    console.log(beforeData); // all good so far
    const afterData = change.after.val(); // data after the write
    console.log(afterData); // all good so far

    const roomPushKey = change.before.ref.parent.child('/inRoom').val(); // ERROR

    return change.after.ref.parent.parent.parent.child('/rooms').child(roomPushKey).child('/ins').set(afterData);

What is wrong with my path? How can I get it to update the other node?


1 个解决方案



child() is a method on Reference that returns another Reference object. Reference doesn't have a val() method because it doesn't contain any data. It's just a reference.


To get data outside the location of the database trigger, you need to query Realtime Database for it. Use the once() method for that. This is extremely common, and you should be able to use samples and documentation to figure out what you need to do.




child() is a method on Reference that returns another Reference object. Reference doesn't have a val() method because it doesn't contain any data. It's just a reference.


To get data outside the location of the database trigger, you need to query Realtime Database for it. Use the once() method for that. This is extremely common, and you should be able to use samples and documentation to figure out what you need to do.
