
时间:2022-11-06 13:14:02

I've been looking up around for a couple tutorials of this and I've seemed out of luck. Basically, I have a database containing a winner's user ID (corresponding to the winners user ID) and a loser's ID. I am trying to create a members profile where it counts up all the rows the member has won. Here is what I have came up with:


$web = mysqli_query("select SUM(matches) WHERE WinnerUID='".$req_user_info['id']."'"); 
echo $web_sum;

Unfortunately, it doesn't display any number. Can anyone help?


1 个解决方案



I think you're looking for COUNT() not SUM(). And you didn't include a table name. Also remember that mysqli_fetch_assoc() returns the row as an array, it doesn't return the first column's value. Also, mysqli_query() requires the connection as the first argument.


$web = mysqli_query($conn, "select COUNT(*) as total FROM matches WHERE WinnerUID='".(int)$req_user_info['id']."'"); 

$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($web); 
echo $row['total'];

Don't concatenate variables into your SQL. Use a Prepared Statement with bound parameters. I have casted your ID as an (int) in the above code, which is a quick fix but you should switch to a Prepared Statement.


Prepared Statement example (object oriented interface instead of procedural):


if ($stmt = $conn->prepare("select COUNT(*) from matches WHERE WinnerUID = ?")) {

    $stmt->bind_param("i", $req_user_info['id']);

    echo $web_sum;




I think you're looking for COUNT() not SUM(). And you didn't include a table name. Also remember that mysqli_fetch_assoc() returns the row as an array, it doesn't return the first column's value. Also, mysqli_query() requires the connection as the first argument.


$web = mysqli_query($conn, "select COUNT(*) as total FROM matches WHERE WinnerUID='".(int)$req_user_info['id']."'"); 

$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($web); 
echo $row['total'];

Don't concatenate variables into your SQL. Use a Prepared Statement with bound parameters. I have casted your ID as an (int) in the above code, which is a quick fix but you should switch to a Prepared Statement.


Prepared Statement example (object oriented interface instead of procedural):


if ($stmt = $conn->prepare("select COUNT(*) from matches WHERE WinnerUID = ?")) {

    $stmt->bind_param("i", $req_user_info['id']);

    echo $web_sum;
