如何在Opencart 2中将中的url更改为seo。x自动?

时间:2022-12-12 11:22:10

I'm using Opencart 2.x version and shop installed in /shop subdirectory.I know how to enable seo_url (.htaccess.txt -> .htaccess, set RewriteBase to /shop/ and enable SEO urls in admin panel).

我用Opencart 2。在/shop子目录中安装x版本和shop。我知道如何启用seo_url (.htaccess)。txt -> .htaccess,将RewriteBase设置为/shop/并在管理面板中启用SEO url)。

Seo urls works and my links like information/information_id=1 changed to /faq etc.

Seo url和我的链接,如信息/information_id=1被改成/faq等。

Problem is that if I add in url_alias table records: inforamtion/contact = contact - this url works, but on the site it still looks like /shop/index.php?route=information/contact not as /shop/contact

问题是,如果我添加了url_alias表记录:inforamtion/contact = contact—这个url可以工作,但是在站点上它仍然看起来像/shop/index.php?路线=信息/联系/商店/接触

I supposed that it should be changed automatically, but not. All site's links for product, categories and information pages had been changed, but that added by me manually - NOT. Why?


PS: I can change it in code, but think it is not good solution cos suppose exists correct way to do what I need.


2 个解决方案



I'm not really sure if you have already got an answer to your question, but I'll leave it here anyway, since it took me a couple days to figure this one out.


In order to change from /index.php?route=information/contact to just /contact, you require two steps


(You probably got step 1 ready already)


  1. Perform the following inserts in your OC database. This covers all (As for, at least) the system pages that allow now SEO settings. You can change the keywords to whatever you feel more suited.
  2. 在OC数据库中执行以下插入操作。这涵盖了所有(至少是2.1.0.1)允许现在进行SEO设置的系统页面。您可以将关键字更改为您认为更适合的任何内容。

INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('common/home', '');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/wishlist', 'wishlist');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/account', 'my-account');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('checkout/cart', 'shopping-cart');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('checkout/checkout', 'checkout');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/login', 'login');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/logout', 'logout');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/order', 'order-history');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/newsletter', 'newsletter');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('product/special', 'specials');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('affiliate/account', 'affiliates');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('checkout/voucher', 'gift-vouchers');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('product/manufacturer', 'brands');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('information/contact', 'contact-us');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/return/insert', 'request-return');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('information/sitemap', 'sitemap');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/forgotten', 'forgot-password');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/download', 'downloads');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/return', 'returns');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/transaction', 'transactions');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/register', 'create-account');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('product/compare', 'compare-products');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('product/search', 'search');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/edit', 'edit-account');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/password', 'change-password');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/address', 'address-book');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/reward', 'reward-points');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('affiliate/edit', 'edit-affiliate-account');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('affiliate/password', 'change-affiliate-password');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('affiliate/payment', 'affiliate-payment-options');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('affiliate/tracking', 'affiliate-tracking-code');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('affiliate/transaction', 'affiliate-transactions');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('affiliate/logout', 'affiliate-logout');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('affiliate/forgotten', 'affiliate-forgot-password');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('affiliate/register', 'create-affiliate-account');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('affiliate/login', 'affiliate-login');

  1. You need to modify the following catalog/common/seo_url.php file to look like the following:
  2. 您需要修改以下目录/公共/seo_url。php文件如下:

<?phpclass ControllerCommonSeoUrl extends Controller {	public function index() {		// Add rewrite to url class		if ($this->config->get('config_seo_url')) {			$this->url->addRewrite($this);		}		// Decode URL		if (isset($this->request->get['_route_'])) {			$parts = explode('/', $this->request->get['_route_']);			// remove any empty arrays from trailing			if (utf8_strlen(end($parts)) == 0) {				array_pop($parts);			}			foreach ($parts as $part) {				$query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "url_alias WHERE keyword = '" . $this->db->escape($part) . "'");				if ($query->num_rows) {					$url = explode('=', $query->row['query']);					if ($url[0] == 'product_id') {						$this->request->get['product_id'] = $url[1];					}					if ($url[0] == 'category_id') {						if (!isset($this->request->get['path'])) {							$this->request->get['path'] = $url[1];						} else {							$this->request->get['path'] .= '_' . $url[1];						}					}					if ($url[0] == 'manufacturer_id') {						$this->request->get['manufacturer_id'] = $url[1];					}					if ($url[0] == 'information_id') {						$this->request->get['information_id'] = $url[1];					}					if ($query->row['query'] && $url[0] != 'information_id' && $url[0] != 'manufacturer_id' && $url[0] != 'category_id' && $url[0] != 'product_id') {						$this->request->get['route'] = $query->row['query'];					}				} else {					$this->request->get['route'] = 'error/not_found';					break;				}			}			if (!isset($this->request->get['route'])) {				if (isset($this->request->get['product_id'])) {					$this->request->get['route'] = 'product/product';				} elseif (isset($this->request->get['path'])) {					$this->request->get['route'] = 'product/category';				} elseif (isset($this->request->get['manufacturer_id'])) {					$this->request->get['route'] = 'product/manufacturer/info';				} elseif (isset($this->request->get['information_id'])) {					$this->request->get['route'] = 'information/information';				}			}			if (isset($this->request->get['route'])) {				return new Action($this->request->get['route']);			}		}	}	public function rewrite($link) {		$url_info = parse_url(str_replace('&amp;', '&', $link));		$url = '';		$data = array();		parse_str($url_info['query'], $data);		foreach ($data as $key => $value) {			if (isset($data['route'])) {				if (($data['route'] == 'product/product' && $key == 'product_id') || (	($data['route'] == 'product/manufacturer/info' || $data['route'] == 'product/product') && $key == 'manufacturer_id') || ($data['route'] == 'information/information' && $key == 'information_id')) {					$query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "url_alias WHERE `query` = '" . $this->db->escape($key . '=' . (int)$value) . "'");					if ($query->num_rows && $query->row['keyword']) {						$url .= '/' . $query->row['keyword'];						unset($data[$key]);					}				} elseif ($key == 'path') {					$categories = explode('_', $value);					foreach ($categories as $category) {						$query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "url_alias WHERE `query` = 'category_id=" . (int)$category . "'");						if ($query->num_rows && $query->row['keyword']) {							$url .= '/' . $query->row['keyword'];						} else {							$url = '';							break;						}					}					unset($data[$key]);				} elseif ($key == 'route') {                    $query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "url_alias WHERE `query` = '" . $value . "'");                    if ($query->num_rows && ($query->row['keyword'] || $query->row['keyword'] == '')) {                        $url .= '/' . $query->row['keyword'];                        unset($data[$key]);                    }                }			}		}		if ($url) {			unset($data['route']);			$query = '';			if ($data) {				foreach ($data as $key => $value) {					$query .= '&' . rawurlencode((string)$key) . '=' . rawurlencode((string)$value);				}				if ($query) {					$query = '?' . str_replace('&', '&amp;', trim($query, '&'));				}			}			return $url_info['scheme'] . '://' . $url_info['host'] . (isset($url_info['port']) ? ':' . $url_info['port'] : '') . str_replace('/index.php', '', $url_info['path']) . $url . $query;		} else {			return $link;		}	}}

This will rewrite all the links to whatever SEO keyword you assigned to that route on your url_alias table.


And that's it! Hopefully this helps more people, because it's a pain to dive in all that code.




Where abouts on the front-end are the non-SEO friendly URL's (the ones with index.php?route= in them) appearing? If you've copied/pasted any into markup in your templates they will remain as they are. Opencart also has various redirects and things hard-coded into it's controller files which might redirect to such a URL. So it depends where these links are on your site.




I'm not really sure if you have already got an answer to your question, but I'll leave it here anyway, since it took me a couple days to figure this one out.


In order to change from /index.php?route=information/contact to just /contact, you require two steps


(You probably got step 1 ready already)


  1. Perform the following inserts in your OC database. This covers all (As for, at least) the system pages that allow now SEO settings. You can change the keywords to whatever you feel more suited.
  2. 在OC数据库中执行以下插入操作。这涵盖了所有(至少是2.1.0.1)允许现在进行SEO设置的系统页面。您可以将关键字更改为您认为更适合的任何内容。

INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('common/home', '');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/wishlist', 'wishlist');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/account', 'my-account');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('checkout/cart', 'shopping-cart');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('checkout/checkout', 'checkout');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/login', 'login');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/logout', 'logout');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/order', 'order-history');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/newsletter', 'newsletter');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('product/special', 'specials');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('affiliate/account', 'affiliates');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('checkout/voucher', 'gift-vouchers');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('product/manufacturer', 'brands');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('information/contact', 'contact-us');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/return/insert', 'request-return');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('information/sitemap', 'sitemap');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/forgotten', 'forgot-password');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/download', 'downloads');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/return', 'returns');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/transaction', 'transactions');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/register', 'create-account');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('product/compare', 'compare-products');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('product/search', 'search');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/edit', 'edit-account');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/password', 'change-password');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/address', 'address-book');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('account/reward', 'reward-points');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('affiliate/edit', 'edit-affiliate-account');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('affiliate/password', 'change-affiliate-password');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('affiliate/payment', 'affiliate-payment-options');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('affiliate/tracking', 'affiliate-tracking-code');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('affiliate/transaction', 'affiliate-transactions');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('affiliate/logout', 'affiliate-logout');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('affiliate/forgotten', 'affiliate-forgot-password');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('affiliate/register', 'create-affiliate-account');INSERT INTO url_alias (query, keyword) VALUES ('affiliate/login', 'affiliate-login');

  1. You need to modify the following catalog/common/seo_url.php file to look like the following:
  2. 您需要修改以下目录/公共/seo_url。php文件如下:

<?phpclass ControllerCommonSeoUrl extends Controller {	public function index() {		// Add rewrite to url class		if ($this->config->get('config_seo_url')) {			$this->url->addRewrite($this);		}		// Decode URL		if (isset($this->request->get['_route_'])) {			$parts = explode('/', $this->request->get['_route_']);			// remove any empty arrays from trailing			if (utf8_strlen(end($parts)) == 0) {				array_pop($parts);			}			foreach ($parts as $part) {				$query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "url_alias WHERE keyword = '" . $this->db->escape($part) . "'");				if ($query->num_rows) {					$url = explode('=', $query->row['query']);					if ($url[0] == 'product_id') {						$this->request->get['product_id'] = $url[1];					}					if ($url[0] == 'category_id') {						if (!isset($this->request->get['path'])) {							$this->request->get['path'] = $url[1];						} else {							$this->request->get['path'] .= '_' . $url[1];						}					}					if ($url[0] == 'manufacturer_id') {						$this->request->get['manufacturer_id'] = $url[1];					}					if ($url[0] == 'information_id') {						$this->request->get['information_id'] = $url[1];					}					if ($query->row['query'] && $url[0] != 'information_id' && $url[0] != 'manufacturer_id' && $url[0] != 'category_id' && $url[0] != 'product_id') {						$this->request->get['route'] = $query->row['query'];					}				} else {					$this->request->get['route'] = 'error/not_found';					break;				}			}			if (!isset($this->request->get['route'])) {				if (isset($this->request->get['product_id'])) {					$this->request->get['route'] = 'product/product';				} elseif (isset($this->request->get['path'])) {					$this->request->get['route'] = 'product/category';				} elseif (isset($this->request->get['manufacturer_id'])) {					$this->request->get['route'] = 'product/manufacturer/info';				} elseif (isset($this->request->get['information_id'])) {					$this->request->get['route'] = 'information/information';				}			}			if (isset($this->request->get['route'])) {				return new Action($this->request->get['route']);			}		}	}	public function rewrite($link) {		$url_info = parse_url(str_replace('&amp;', '&', $link));		$url = '';		$data = array();		parse_str($url_info['query'], $data);		foreach ($data as $key => $value) {			if (isset($data['route'])) {				if (($data['route'] == 'product/product' && $key == 'product_id') || (	($data['route'] == 'product/manufacturer/info' || $data['route'] == 'product/product') && $key == 'manufacturer_id') || ($data['route'] == 'information/information' && $key == 'information_id')) {					$query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "url_alias WHERE `query` = '" . $this->db->escape($key . '=' . (int)$value) . "'");					if ($query->num_rows && $query->row['keyword']) {						$url .= '/' . $query->row['keyword'];						unset($data[$key]);					}				} elseif ($key == 'path') {					$categories = explode('_', $value);					foreach ($categories as $category) {						$query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "url_alias WHERE `query` = 'category_id=" . (int)$category . "'");						if ($query->num_rows && $query->row['keyword']) {							$url .= '/' . $query->row['keyword'];						} else {							$url = '';							break;						}					}					unset($data[$key]);				} elseif ($key == 'route') {                    $query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "url_alias WHERE `query` = '" . $value . "'");                    if ($query->num_rows && ($query->row['keyword'] || $query->row['keyword'] == '')) {                        $url .= '/' . $query->row['keyword'];                        unset($data[$key]);                    }                }			}		}		if ($url) {			unset($data['route']);			$query = '';			if ($data) {				foreach ($data as $key => $value) {					$query .= '&' . rawurlencode((string)$key) . '=' . rawurlencode((string)$value);				}				if ($query) {					$query = '?' . str_replace('&', '&amp;', trim($query, '&'));				}			}			return $url_info['scheme'] . '://' . $url_info['host'] . (isset($url_info['port']) ? ':' . $url_info['port'] : '') . str_replace('/index.php', '', $url_info['path']) . $url . $query;		} else {			return $link;		}	}}

This will rewrite all the links to whatever SEO keyword you assigned to that route on your url_alias table.


And that's it! Hopefully this helps more people, because it's a pain to dive in all that code.




Where abouts on the front-end are the non-SEO friendly URL's (the ones with index.php?route= in them) appearing? If you've copied/pasted any into markup in your templates they will remain as they are. Opencart also has various redirects and things hard-coded into it's controller files which might redirect to such a URL. So it depends where these links are on your site.
