Node / express,可选参数在get和post之间切换路由

时间:2022-09-06 11:13:12

I have 2 routes set up for my express server that look very close to each other. They are basically the same url, except one is post and one is get, and the get has an extra route param (which is optional). Right now these seem to work ok, however if I do not add the optional param to the get call, it thinks I'm trying to hit the post. I would like to be able to hit the get call without the passing the second optional param as well. Let me show you what I have so far:


router.param('itemID', (req, res, next, itemID) => {
    verbose("itemID=", itemID);

router.param('navigationType', (req, res, next, navigationType) => {
    if (!navigationType) {
    verbose("navigationType=", navigationType);

    .all(routes.send405.bind(null, ['POST']));

    .all(routes.send405.bind(null, ['GET']));

The routed.send405 method looks like this :


function send405(methods, req, res) {
    res.set('Allow', methods.join(','));
        message: `Method '${req.method}' Not Allowed.`

So right now the issue is if I do a get on /blah123/navigations and don't add the /:navigationType variable, it thinks I am trying to hit the post method. I am very new to working with this and would appreciate any help or insight. Thanks!

所以现在的问题是,如果我做了一个get / blah123 / navigations并且不添加/:navigationType变量,它认为我试图点击post方法。我很擅长这项工作,并希望得到任何帮助或见解。谢谢!

1 个解决方案



When you declare a route, say GET /admins/:id, it will match any requests to GET /admins/1 or GET /admins/john. But when you do just GET /admins, it wouldn't be able to find because you haven't declared GET route matching that pattern.

当您声明路由时,请说GET / admins /:id,它将匹配对GET / admins / 1或GET / admins / john的任何请求。但是当你只做GET / admin时,它将无法找到,因为你没有声明GET路由匹配该模式。

To work with this, you have to specify navigationType is an optional parameter and also place the GET request first followed by the POST, like this.


    .all(routes.send405.bind(null, ['GET'])); 

    .all(routes.send405.bind(null, ['POST']));



When you declare a route, say GET /admins/:id, it will match any requests to GET /admins/1 or GET /admins/john. But when you do just GET /admins, it wouldn't be able to find because you haven't declared GET route matching that pattern.

当您声明路由时,请说GET / admins /:id,它将匹配对GET / admins / 1或GET / admins / john的任何请求。但是当你只做GET / admin时,它将无法找到,因为你没有声明GET路由匹配该模式。

To work with this, you have to specify navigationType is an optional parameter and also place the GET request first followed by the POST, like this.


    .all(routes.send405.bind(null, ['GET'])); 

    .all(routes.send405.bind(null, ['POST']));