
时间:2022-09-06 11:13:18

I have an array of strings and I want to check if the array at index is empty than I have to insert element, if it is not empty, I have to change the value of this element. I tried this:


    var AnsArray = [String]()
    let a_id = "Hello"
    if (AnsArray[Indexpath.row].isEmpty){
    AnsArray.insert(a_id, at: Indexpath.row)
    else {
        AnsArray[Indexpath.row] = a_id

But it is giving an error:


fatal error: Index out of range


I also tried this:


if (AnsArray[Indexpath.row] == "" ) {
        AnsArray.insert(a_id, at: Indexpath.row)
    else {
        AnsArray[Indexpath.row] = a_id

It is also giving the same error.


Note: I can not use array.count because array can hold elements in specific index for example at index = 0 it can be empty and at index = 2 it can be stored some data.

注意:我不能使用array.count,因为数组可以保存特定索引中的元素,例如在index = 0时它可以为空,而在index = 2时,它可以存储一些数据。

2 个解决方案



It seems you want to access item outside the bounds of an array. Your array is empty, so calling AnsArray[whateverIndexPath] will always result in this error.

看来你想要访问数组边界之外的项目。您的数组为空,因此调用AnsArray [whateverIndexPath]将始终导致此错误。

What's important is that Array cannot hold nil values - if your array is empty, you can't just "check at speciffic index", like you described you want to.

重要的是Array不能保存nil值 - 如果你的数组是空的,你不能只是“检查特定的索引”,就像你想要的那样。

Also, you can't insert an item in empty array - the index you insert at must be already valid before the insertion.

此外,您不能在空数组中插入项 - 您插入的索引必须在插入之前已经有效。

So, if you want to insert something to an array, you need to start at the very beginning, with append. Or, alternatively, pre-populate your array with empty strings.


AnsArray = [String](repeating: "", count: yourDesiredArrayCount)

if (AnsArray[Indexpath.row].isEmpty){
    AnsArray[Indexpath.row] = "newValue"



You should check first index is available.if you directly access element by index you may get Index out of range exception if it don't have. So you can check by Indices with contains property


if AnsArray.indices.contains(YOUR_INDEX) {
     //Now you can check whether element is empty or not.
     // Do your tuffs
}else {
   //insert new element



It seems you want to access item outside the bounds of an array. Your array is empty, so calling AnsArray[whateverIndexPath] will always result in this error.

看来你想要访问数组边界之外的项目。您的数组为空,因此调用AnsArray [whateverIndexPath]将始终导致此错误。

What's important is that Array cannot hold nil values - if your array is empty, you can't just "check at speciffic index", like you described you want to.

重要的是Array不能保存nil值 - 如果你的数组是空的,你不能只是“检查特定的索引”,就像你想要的那样。

Also, you can't insert an item in empty array - the index you insert at must be already valid before the insertion.

此外,您不能在空数组中插入项 - 您插入的索引必须在插入之前已经有效。

So, if you want to insert something to an array, you need to start at the very beginning, with append. Or, alternatively, pre-populate your array with empty strings.


AnsArray = [String](repeating: "", count: yourDesiredArrayCount)

if (AnsArray[Indexpath.row].isEmpty){
    AnsArray[Indexpath.row] = "newValue"



You should check first index is available.if you directly access element by index you may get Index out of range exception if it don't have. So you can check by Indices with contains property


if AnsArray.indices.contains(YOUR_INDEX) {
     //Now you can check whether element is empty or not.
     // Do your tuffs
}else {
   //insert new element