C#使用多个应用程序使用Entity Framework连接单个数据库

时间:2021-02-16 09:37:26

I am currently developing a Windows form application, that I plan to run on a cloud setup, the application will calculate new data, update within the database and act as sort of control panel for a live data feed RestFul API that I wish to create using ASP.NET MVC 5 Web API.

我目前正在开发一个Windows表单应用程序,我打算在云设置上运行,应用程序将计算新数据,在数据库中更新,并充当我希望使用的实时数据源RestFul API的一种控制面板ASP.NET MVC 5 Web API。

I am wondering is it viable to connect these 2 separate applications to a single database? It is unlikely that I'd have database entry * issues as each application has a separate task of reading or writing data for certain tables.


If viable would that mean every-time i make table changes I'd have to update both Entity Framework database models? (Not a major chore).

如果可行意味着每次我做表更改我都必须更新两个实体框架数据库模型? (不是一项重大的苦差事)。

Is there a better solution to this? Should I scrap the idea of running a Windows Form application to control certain elements of the backend of the public API?


What would be the future issues with designing something like this, if any?


2 个解决方案



Create a Data access layer, as a seperate component.


like a DAL.dll


Each application has a Logic layer, where "whatever you do" is handled.


Each layer, now uses a sort of Interfacelayer, that will translate objects from either layer of your applications, to the objects of the DAL.


When you change the DB now - you merely have to update the interface layer.

现在更改数据库时 - 您只需更新接口层。

(Of course if you are adding more features, you will have to update all layers, but that isn't really any different.


I suggest this appoach, as it will make your debugging task much easier. And the slight extra code overhead won't affect performance, unless you have a massive communication requirement.


If you want more specifics, I would need examples of a classes from either program, and your SQL table design.


But there is nothing wrong with your approach.




So you have a bunch of options there, assuming you have a layered architecture:


  1. Share your DB, DAL and also Business Layer
  2. 分享您的数据库,DAL和业务层
  3. Extend your WEB API and utilize it in your WinForms
  4. 扩展您的WEB API并在WinForms中使用它
  5. Reuse DAL only (not the best approach, as business systems are not only data, but also - behavior - which resides in Business Layer)
  6. 仅重用DAL(不是最好的方法,因为业务系统不仅是数据,而且 - 行为 - 驻留在业务层中)
  7. Share the DB only - this is the worst option, with numerous drawbacks
  8. 仅分享数据库 - 这是最糟糕的选择,有许多缺点

See options 1 and 2 on an image:


C#使用多个应用程序使用Entity Framework连接单个数据库 C#使用多个应用程序使用Entity Framework连接单个数据库



Create a Data access layer, as a seperate component.


like a DAL.dll


Each application has a Logic layer, where "whatever you do" is handled.


Each layer, now uses a sort of Interfacelayer, that will translate objects from either layer of your applications, to the objects of the DAL.


When you change the DB now - you merely have to update the interface layer.

现在更改数据库时 - 您只需更新接口层。

(Of course if you are adding more features, you will have to update all layers, but that isn't really any different.


I suggest this appoach, as it will make your debugging task much easier. And the slight extra code overhead won't affect performance, unless you have a massive communication requirement.


If you want more specifics, I would need examples of a classes from either program, and your SQL table design.


But there is nothing wrong with your approach.




So you have a bunch of options there, assuming you have a layered architecture:


  1. Share your DB, DAL and also Business Layer
  2. 分享您的数据库,DAL和业务层
  3. Extend your WEB API and utilize it in your WinForms
  4. 扩展您的WEB API并在WinForms中使用它
  5. Reuse DAL only (not the best approach, as business systems are not only data, but also - behavior - which resides in Business Layer)
  6. 仅重用DAL(不是最好的方法,因为业务系统不仅是数据,而且 - 行为 - 驻留在业务层中)
  7. Share the DB only - this is the worst option, with numerous drawbacks
  8. 仅分享数据库 - 这是最糟糕的选择,有许多缺点

See options 1 and 2 on an image:


C#使用多个应用程序使用Entity Framework连接单个数据库 C#使用多个应用程序使用Entity Framework连接单个数据库