在C ++中有没有办法只返回for循环的最后一个实例?

时间:2022-08-28 08:34:20

Like for example:


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    for (int n=10; n>0; n--){
        cout<< n <<", ";}

This will output the numbers 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 So is there a new way so I just get the last instance of the loop, the 1? I new at this and google isn't giving me any answers.


4 个解决方案


There is no direct way to detect whether the current iteration of a for loop is the last one. But if the behavior of the loop is predictable, you can usually write code that can detect when you're on the last iteration.


In this case, you could do something like:


if (n == 1) {
    cout << n << "\n";

in the body of the loop. (Of course it would be simpler in this case to replace the entire loop with cout << "1\n";, but I presume this is an example of something more complex.)

在循环的身体。 (当然,在这种情况下用cout <<“1 \ n”;替换整个循环会更简单,但我认为这是一个更复杂的例子。)

In more complicated cases, you can save whatever information you need in the body of the loop:


int value_to_print:
for ( ... ) {
    value_to_print = i;
std::cout << value_to_print << "\n";

On each iteration, value_to_print is replaced by the current value of i. The final value is the value of i on the last iteration.



You could create a variable (outside the loop) to hold the "current" value of n; whatever happens to the loop (exit condition reached, break, an exception is thrown...) the value will stay there:


int last_n;
for (int n=10; n>0; n--) {
    last_n = n;
    cout<< n <<", ";

    if (something) {
        break;                   // works in this case
    } else if (something else) {
        throw some_random_error; // works in this case too

cout << "The last value of 'n' was " << last_n << endl;


You can use a simple if statement for that.


int main()
    for (int n=10; n>0; n--) {
        cout << n << ", ";
        if( n == 1 ) {
            return n;


The simplest way to accomplish this is: -

实现这一目标的最简单方法是: -

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int x;
    for (int n = 10; n > 0; n--){
        x = n;
    cout << x;
    return 0;


There is no direct way to detect whether the current iteration of a for loop is the last one. But if the behavior of the loop is predictable, you can usually write code that can detect when you're on the last iteration.


In this case, you could do something like:


if (n == 1) {
    cout << n << "\n";

in the body of the loop. (Of course it would be simpler in this case to replace the entire loop with cout << "1\n";, but I presume this is an example of something more complex.)

在循环的身体。 (当然,在这种情况下用cout <<“1 \ n”;替换整个循环会更简单,但我认为这是一个更复杂的例子。)

In more complicated cases, you can save whatever information you need in the body of the loop:


int value_to_print:
for ( ... ) {
    value_to_print = i;
std::cout << value_to_print << "\n";

On each iteration, value_to_print is replaced by the current value of i. The final value is the value of i on the last iteration.



You could create a variable (outside the loop) to hold the "current" value of n; whatever happens to the loop (exit condition reached, break, an exception is thrown...) the value will stay there:


int last_n;
for (int n=10; n>0; n--) {
    last_n = n;
    cout<< n <<", ";

    if (something) {
        break;                   // works in this case
    } else if (something else) {
        throw some_random_error; // works in this case too

cout << "The last value of 'n' was " << last_n << endl;


You can use a simple if statement for that.


int main()
    for (int n=10; n>0; n--) {
        cout << n << ", ";
        if( n == 1 ) {
            return n;


The simplest way to accomplish this is: -

实现这一目标的最简单方法是: -

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int x;
    for (int n = 10; n > 0; n--){
        x = n;
    cout << x;
    return 0;