
时间:2021-05-19 08:06:46

I am new on Ruby on Rails testing. I have seen many testing tools, such as Rspec,Cucumber,Seleneium,Watier etc. but could not detail information about that.

我是Ruby on Rails测试的新手。我见过许多测试工具,如Rspec,Cucumber,Seleneium,W​​atier等,但无法详细说明相关信息。

Please give me a link for this.


3 个解决方案



Although it's already a bit behind schedule, Pragmatic Publishing has The RSpec Book: Behaviour Driven Development with RSpec, Cucumber, and Friends due out in September (you can buy a pre-release pdf version now, if you prefer).

尽管已经有点落后于计划,但Pragmatic Publishing已经推出RSpec Book:行为驱动开发,RSpec,Cucumber和Friends将于9月推出(如果您愿意,可以立即购买预发布的pdf版本)。

PeepCode also sells four different screencasts on Rspec and Cucumber:


There are tons of blog posts and tutorials on these subjects, but things get out of date quickly, so it's hard to recommend specifics. The very recent Ruby on Rails Tutorial book uses Rspec in its testing, and it's available in editions for 2.3.8 and 3.0. It's free to read online, or you can pay for a pdf copy.

有很多关于这些主题的博客文章和教程,但事情很快就过时了,所以很难推荐细节。最新的Ruby on Rails教程书在其测试中使用了Rspec,它在2.3.8和3.0的版本中可用。它可以免费在线阅读,或者您可以支付pdf副本。

Edit April 9, 2012: There's now an entire book just on Cucumber from Pragmatic Publishing, namely The Cucumber Book. I haven't looked at it, but it is likely to be a good place to start.

编辑2012年4月9日:现在有一本关于实用出版的Cucumber的全书,即The Cucumber Book。我没有看过它,但它可能是一个很好的起点。



If you want to know about Cucumber, you can start from these websites:


Those are official website of Cucumber, tutorials and some examples.








Although it's already a bit behind schedule, Pragmatic Publishing has The RSpec Book: Behaviour Driven Development with RSpec, Cucumber, and Friends due out in September (you can buy a pre-release pdf version now, if you prefer).

尽管已经有点落后于计划,但Pragmatic Publishing已经推出RSpec Book:行为驱动开发,RSpec,Cucumber和Friends将于9月推出(如果您愿意,可以立即购买预发布的pdf版本)。

PeepCode also sells four different screencasts on Rspec and Cucumber:


There are tons of blog posts and tutorials on these subjects, but things get out of date quickly, so it's hard to recommend specifics. The very recent Ruby on Rails Tutorial book uses Rspec in its testing, and it's available in editions for 2.3.8 and 3.0. It's free to read online, or you can pay for a pdf copy.

有很多关于这些主题的博客文章和教程,但事情很快就过时了,所以很难推荐细节。最新的Ruby on Rails教程书在其测试中使用了Rspec,它在2.3.8和3.0的版本中可用。它可以免费在线阅读,或者您可以支付pdf副本。

Edit April 9, 2012: There's now an entire book just on Cucumber from Pragmatic Publishing, namely The Cucumber Book. I haven't looked at it, but it is likely to be a good place to start.

编辑2012年4月9日:现在有一本关于实用出版的Cucumber的全书,即The Cucumber Book。我没有看过它,但它可能是一个很好的起点。



If you want to know about Cucumber, you can start from these websites:


Those are official website of Cucumber, tutorials and some examples.




