
时间:2021-10-11 04:07:35

Maybe I'm doing something odd, but maybe found a surprising performance loss when using numpy, seems consistent regardless of the power used. For instance when x is a random 100x100 array


x = numpy.power(x,3) 

is about 60x slower than


x = x*x*x

A plot of the speed up for various array sizes reveals a sweet spot with arrays around size 10k and a consistent 5-10x speed up for other sizes.



Code to test below on your own machine (a little messy):


import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from time import time

ratios = []
sizes = []
for n in np.logspace(1,3,20).astype(int):
    a = np.random.randn(n,n)

    inline_times = []
    for i in range(100):
        t = time()
        b = a*a*a
    inline_time = np.mean(inline_times)

    pow_times = []
    for i in range(100):
        t = time()
        b = np.power(a,3)
    pow_time = np.mean(pow_times)


plt.title('Performance of inline vs numpy.power')
plt.ylabel('Nx speed-up using inline')
plt.xlabel('Array size')

Anyone have an explanation?


3 个解决方案



It's well known that multiplication of doubles, which your processor can do in a very fancy way, is very, very fast. pow is decidedly slower.

众所周知,处理器可以以非常奇特的方式进行的双倍乘法非常非常快。 pow显然比较慢。

Some performance guides out there even advise people to plan for this, perhaps even in some way that might be a bit overzealous at times.


numpy special-cases squaring to make sure it's not too, too slow, but it sends cubing right off to your libc's pow, which isn't nearly as fast as a couple multiplications.




I suspect the issue is that np.power always does float exponentiation, and it doesn't know how to optimize or vectorize that on your platform (or, probably, most/all platforms), while multiplication is easy to toss into SSE, and pretty fast even if you don't.


Even if np.power were smart enough to do integer exponentiation separately, unless it unrolled small values into repeated multiplication, it still wouldn't be nearly as fast.


You can verify this pretty easily by comparing the time for int-to-int, int-to-float, float-to-int, and float-to-float powers vs. multiplication for a small array; int-to-int is about 5x as fast as the others—but still 4x slower than multiplication (although I tested with PyPy with a customized NumPy, so it's probably better for someone with the normal NumPy installed on CPython to give real results…)

您可以通过比较int-to-int,int-to-float,float-to-int和float-to-float功率与小数组乘法的时间来轻松验证这一点。 int-to-int的速度是其他的5倍 - 但仍然比乘法慢4倍(尽管我使用PyPy测试了自定义的NumPy,所以对于在CPython上安装了正常NumPy的人来说,它可能会更好地给出真正的结果......)



The performance of numpys power function scales very non-linearly with the exponent. Constrast this with the naive approach which does. The same type of scaling should exist, regardless of matrix size. Basically, unless the exponent is sufficiently large, you aren't going to see any tangible benefit.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import functools
import time

def timeit(func):
    def newfunc(*args, **kwargs):
        startTime = time.time()
        res = func(*args, **kwargs)
        elapsedTime = time.time() - startTime
        return (res, elapsedTime)
    return newfunc

def naive_power(m, n):
    m = np.asarray(m)
    res = m.copy()
    for i in xrange(1,n):
        res *= m
    return res

def fast_power(m, n):
    # elementwise power
    return np.power(m, n)

m = np.random.random((100,100))
n = 400

rs1 = []
ts1 = []
ts2 = []
for i in xrange(1, n):
    r1, t1 = naive_power(m, i)

for i in xrange(1, n):
    r2, t2 = fast_power(m, i)

plt.plot(ts1, label='naive')
plt.plot(ts2, label='numpy')
plt.legend(loc='upper left')




It's well known that multiplication of doubles, which your processor can do in a very fancy way, is very, very fast. pow is decidedly slower.

众所周知,处理器可以以非常奇特的方式进行的双倍乘法非常非常快。 pow显然比较慢。

Some performance guides out there even advise people to plan for this, perhaps even in some way that might be a bit overzealous at times.


numpy special-cases squaring to make sure it's not too, too slow, but it sends cubing right off to your libc's pow, which isn't nearly as fast as a couple multiplications.




I suspect the issue is that np.power always does float exponentiation, and it doesn't know how to optimize or vectorize that on your platform (or, probably, most/all platforms), while multiplication is easy to toss into SSE, and pretty fast even if you don't.


Even if np.power were smart enough to do integer exponentiation separately, unless it unrolled small values into repeated multiplication, it still wouldn't be nearly as fast.


You can verify this pretty easily by comparing the time for int-to-int, int-to-float, float-to-int, and float-to-float powers vs. multiplication for a small array; int-to-int is about 5x as fast as the others—but still 4x slower than multiplication (although I tested with PyPy with a customized NumPy, so it's probably better for someone with the normal NumPy installed on CPython to give real results…)

您可以通过比较int-to-int,int-to-float,float-to-int和float-to-float功率与小数组乘法的时间来轻松验证这一点。 int-to-int的速度是其他的5倍 - 但仍然比乘法慢4倍(尽管我使用PyPy测试了自定义的NumPy,所以对于在CPython上安装了正常NumPy的人来说,它可能会更好地给出真正的结果......)



The performance of numpys power function scales very non-linearly with the exponent. Constrast this with the naive approach which does. The same type of scaling should exist, regardless of matrix size. Basically, unless the exponent is sufficiently large, you aren't going to see any tangible benefit.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import functools
import time

def timeit(func):
    def newfunc(*args, **kwargs):
        startTime = time.time()
        res = func(*args, **kwargs)
        elapsedTime = time.time() - startTime
        return (res, elapsedTime)
    return newfunc

def naive_power(m, n):
    m = np.asarray(m)
    res = m.copy()
    for i in xrange(1,n):
        res *= m
    return res

def fast_power(m, n):
    # elementwise power
    return np.power(m, n)

m = np.random.random((100,100))
n = 400

rs1 = []
ts1 = []
ts2 = []
for i in xrange(1, n):
    r1, t1 = naive_power(m, i)

for i in xrange(1, n):
    r2, t2 = fast_power(m, i)

plt.plot(ts1, label='naive')
plt.plot(ts2, label='numpy')
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
