
时间:2022-05-05 20:59:10

Edit: I apologize everybody. I used the term "jagged array" when I actually meant to say "multi-dimensional array" (as can be seen in my example below). I apologize for using the incorrect name. I actually found jagged arrays to be faster than multi-dimensional ones! I have added my measurements for jagged arrays.


I was trying to use a jagged multi-dimensional array today, when I noticed that it's performance is not as I would have expected. Using a single-dimensional array and manually calculating indices was much faster (almost two times) than using a 2D array. I wrote a test using 1024*1024 arrays (initialized to random values), for 1000 iterations, and I got the following results on my machine:


sum(double[], int): 2738 ms (100%)
sum(double[,]):     5019 ms (183%)
sum(double[][]):    2540 ms ( 93%)

This is my test code:


public static double sum(double[] d, int l1) {
    // assuming the array is rectangular
    double sum = 0;
    int l2 = d.Length / l1;
    for (int i = 0; i < l1; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < l2; ++j)
            sum += d[i * l2 + j];
    return sum;

public static double sum(double[,] d) {
    double sum = 0;
    int l1 = d.GetLength(0);
    int l2 = d.GetLength(1);
    for (int i = 0; i < l1; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < l2; ++j)
            sum += d[i, j];
    return sum;

public static double sum(double[][] d) {
    double sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < d.Length; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < d[i].Length; ++j)
            sum += d[i][j];
    return sum;

public static void Main() {
    Random random = new Random();
    const int l1  = 1024, l2 = 1024;
    double[ ] d1  = new double[l1 * l2];
    double[,] d2  = new double[l1 , l2];
    double[][] d3 = new double[l1][];

    for (int i = 0; i < l1; ++i) {
        d3[i] = new double[l2];
        for (int j = 0; j < l2; ++j)
            d3[i][j] = d2[i, j] = d1[i * l2 + j] = random.NextDouble();
    const int iterations = 1000;
    TestTime(sum, d1, l1, iterations);
    TestTime(sum, d2, iterations);
    TestTime(sum, d3, iterations);

Further investigation showed that the IL for the second method is 23% larger than that of the first method. (Code size 68 vs 52.) This is mostly due to calls to System.Array::GetLength(int). The compiler also emits calls to Array::Get for the jagged multi-dimensional array, whereas it simply calls ldelem for the simple array.

进一步研究表明,第二种方法的IL值比第一种方法高23%。(代码大小68对52)这主要是由于调用System.Array: GetLength(int)。编译器也会发出对数组的调用::Get表示交错的多维数组,而它只对简单数组调用ldelem。

So I am wondering, why is access through multi-dimensional arrays slower than normal arrays? I would have assumed the compiler (or JIT) would do something similar to what I did in my first method, but this was not actually the case.


Could you plese help me understand why this is happening the way it is?


Update: Following Henk Holterman's suggestion, here is the implementation of TestTime:

更新:根据Henk Holterman的建议,以下是测试时间的实现:

public static void TestTime<T, TR>(Func<T, TR> action, T obj,
                                   int iterations)
    Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
    for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
    Console.WriteLine(action.Method.Name + " took " + stopwatch.Elapsed);

public static void TestTime<T1, T2, TR>(Func<T1, T2, TR> action, T1 obj1,
                                        T2 obj2, int iterations)
    Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
    for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
        action(obj1, obj2);
    Console.WriteLine(action.Method.Name + " took " + stopwatch.Elapsed);

9 个解决方案



Single dimensional arrays with a lower bound of 0 are a different type to either multi-dimensional or non-0 lower bound arrays within IL (vector vs array IIRC). vector is simpler to work with - to get to element x, you just do pointer + size * x. For an array, you have to do pointer + size * (x-lower bound) for a single dimensional array, and yet more arithmetic for each dimension you add.

单维数组的下界为0,是不同于在IL(向量vs数组IIRC)中的多维或非0下界数组的一种类型。向量是更简单的工作——为了得到元素x,你只需要做指针+ size * x。对于一个数组,你必须要做一个单一维度数组的指针+大小* (x-下界),而且你要添加的每个维度都要做更多的算术运算。

Basically the CLR is optimised for the vastly more common case.




Array bounds checking?


The single-dimension array has a length member that you access directly - when compiled this is just a memory read.


The multidimensional array requires a GetLength(int dimension) method call that processes the argument to get the relevant length for that dimension. That doesn't compile down to a memory read, so you get a method call, etc.


In addition that GetLength(int dimension) will do a bounds check on the parameter.




Interestly, I ran the following code from above using VS2008 NET3.5SP1 Win32 on a Vista box, and in release/optimize the difference was barely measurable, while debug/noopt the multi-dim arrays were much slower. (I ran the three tests twice to reduce JIT affects on the second set.)

有趣的是,我在Vista上使用VS2008 NET3.5SP1 Win32运行了上面的代码,在发布/优化中,差异几乎无法衡量,而调试/noopt的multidim数组要慢得多。(我对这三个测试进行了两次测试,以减少第二组的JIT影响。)

  Here are my numbers: 
    sum took 00:00:04.3356535
    sum took 00:00:04.1957663
    sum took 00:00:04.5523050
    sum took 00:00:04.0183060
    sum took 00:00:04.1785843 
    sum took 00:00:04.4933085

Look at the second set of three numbers. The difference is not enough for me to code everything in single dimension arrays.


Although I haven't posted them, in Debug/unoptimized the multidimension vs. single/jagged does make a huge difference.

尽管我没有发布它们,但是在Debug/ un优化的多维与单/参差之间确实产生了巨大的差异。

Full program:


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace single_dimension_vs_multidimension
    class Program

        public static double sum(double[] d, int l1) {    // assuming the array is rectangular 
            double sum = 0; 
            int l2 = d.Length / l1; 
            for (int i = 0; i < l1; ++i)   
                for (int j = 0; j < l2; ++j)   
                    sum += d[i * l2 + j];   
            return sum;

        public static double sum(double[,] d)
            double sum = 0;  
            int l1 = d.GetLength(0);
            int l2 = d.GetLength(1);   
            for (int i = 0; i < l1; ++i)    
                for (int j = 0; j < l2; ++j)   
                    sum += d[i, j]; 
            return sum;
        public static double sum(double[][] d)
            double sum = 0;   
            for (int i = 0; i < d.Length; ++i) 
                for (int j = 0; j < d[i].Length; ++j) 
                    sum += d[i][j];
            return sum;
        public static void TestTime<T, TR>(Func<T, TR> action, T obj, int iterations) 
            Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)      
            Console.WriteLine(action.Method.Name + " took " + stopwatch.Elapsed);
        public static void TestTime<T1, T2, TR>(Func<T1, T2, TR> action, T1 obj1, T2 obj2, int iterations)
            Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)    
                action(obj1, obj2); 
            Console.WriteLine(action.Method.Name + " took " + stopwatch.Elapsed);
        public static void Main() {   
            Random random = new Random(); 
            const int l1  = 1024, l2 = 1024; 
            double[ ] d1  = new double[l1 * l2]; 
            double[,] d2  = new double[l1 , l2];  
            double[][] d3 = new double[l1][];   
            for (int i = 0; i < l1; ++i)
                d3[i] = new double[l2];   
                for (int j = 0; j < l2; ++j)  
                    d3[i][j] = d2[i, j] = d1[i * l2 + j] = random.NextDouble();
            const int iterations = 1000;
            TestTime<double[], int, double>(sum, d1, l1, iterations);
            TestTime<double[,], double>(sum, d2, iterations);

            TestTime<double[][], double>(sum, d3, iterations);
            TestTime<double[], int, double>(sum, d1, l1, iterations);
            TestTime<double[,], double>(sum, d2, iterations);
            TestTime<double[][], double>(sum, d3, iterations); 




Because a multidimensional array is just a syntactic sugar as it is really just a flat array with some index calculation magic. On the other hand, a jagged array is like, an array of arrays. With a two-dimensional array, accessing an element requires reading the memory just once, while with a two level jagged array, you need to read the memory twice.


EDIT: Apparently the original poster mixed up "jagged arrays" with "multi-dimensional arrays" so my reasoning doesn't exactly stand. For the real reason, check Jon Skeet's heavy artillery answer above.




Jagged arrays are arrays of class references (other arrays) up until the leaf array which may be an array of a primitive type. Hence memory allocated for each of the other arrays can be all over the place.


Whereas a mutli-dimensional array has its memory allocated in one contigeous lump.




I think it has got something to do for the fact that jagged arrays are actually arrays of arrays hence there are two levels of indirection to get to the actual data.




I'm with everyone else here


I had a program with three dimension array, let me tell you that when I moved the array into two dimension, I saw a huge boost and then I moved to a one dimension array.


In the end, I think I saw over 500% performance boost in the execution time.


only drawback was the complexity added to find out where was what in the one dimensional array, versus the three one.




I think multi-dimensional is slower, the runtime has to check two or more(three dimensional and up) bounds check.




Bounds checking. Your "j" variable could exceed l2 provided "i" was less than l1. This would not be legal in the second example




Single dimensional arrays with a lower bound of 0 are a different type to either multi-dimensional or non-0 lower bound arrays within IL (vector vs array IIRC). vector is simpler to work with - to get to element x, you just do pointer + size * x. For an array, you have to do pointer + size * (x-lower bound) for a single dimensional array, and yet more arithmetic for each dimension you add.

单维数组的下界为0,是不同于在IL(向量vs数组IIRC)中的多维或非0下界数组的一种类型。向量是更简单的工作——为了得到元素x,你只需要做指针+ size * x。对于一个数组,你必须要做一个单一维度数组的指针+大小* (x-下界),而且你要添加的每个维度都要做更多的算术运算。

Basically the CLR is optimised for the vastly more common case.




Array bounds checking?


The single-dimension array has a length member that you access directly - when compiled this is just a memory read.


The multidimensional array requires a GetLength(int dimension) method call that processes the argument to get the relevant length for that dimension. That doesn't compile down to a memory read, so you get a method call, etc.


In addition that GetLength(int dimension) will do a bounds check on the parameter.




Interestly, I ran the following code from above using VS2008 NET3.5SP1 Win32 on a Vista box, and in release/optimize the difference was barely measurable, while debug/noopt the multi-dim arrays were much slower. (I ran the three tests twice to reduce JIT affects on the second set.)

有趣的是,我在Vista上使用VS2008 NET3.5SP1 Win32运行了上面的代码,在发布/优化中,差异几乎无法衡量,而调试/noopt的multidim数组要慢得多。(我对这三个测试进行了两次测试,以减少第二组的JIT影响。)

  Here are my numbers: 
    sum took 00:00:04.3356535
    sum took 00:00:04.1957663
    sum took 00:00:04.5523050
    sum took 00:00:04.0183060
    sum took 00:00:04.1785843 
    sum took 00:00:04.4933085

Look at the second set of three numbers. The difference is not enough for me to code everything in single dimension arrays.


Although I haven't posted them, in Debug/unoptimized the multidimension vs. single/jagged does make a huge difference.

尽管我没有发布它们,但是在Debug/ un优化的多维与单/参差之间确实产生了巨大的差异。

Full program:


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace single_dimension_vs_multidimension
    class Program

        public static double sum(double[] d, int l1) {    // assuming the array is rectangular 
            double sum = 0; 
            int l2 = d.Length / l1; 
            for (int i = 0; i < l1; ++i)   
                for (int j = 0; j < l2; ++j)   
                    sum += d[i * l2 + j];   
            return sum;

        public static double sum(double[,] d)
            double sum = 0;  
            int l1 = d.GetLength(0);
            int l2 = d.GetLength(1);   
            for (int i = 0; i < l1; ++i)    
                for (int j = 0; j < l2; ++j)   
                    sum += d[i, j]; 
            return sum;
        public static double sum(double[][] d)
            double sum = 0;   
            for (int i = 0; i < d.Length; ++i) 
                for (int j = 0; j < d[i].Length; ++j) 
                    sum += d[i][j];
            return sum;
        public static void TestTime<T, TR>(Func<T, TR> action, T obj, int iterations) 
            Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)      
            Console.WriteLine(action.Method.Name + " took " + stopwatch.Elapsed);
        public static void TestTime<T1, T2, TR>(Func<T1, T2, TR> action, T1 obj1, T2 obj2, int iterations)
            Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)    
                action(obj1, obj2); 
            Console.WriteLine(action.Method.Name + " took " + stopwatch.Elapsed);
        public static void Main() {   
            Random random = new Random(); 
            const int l1  = 1024, l2 = 1024; 
            double[ ] d1  = new double[l1 * l2]; 
            double[,] d2  = new double[l1 , l2];  
            double[][] d3 = new double[l1][];   
            for (int i = 0; i < l1; ++i)
                d3[i] = new double[l2];   
                for (int j = 0; j < l2; ++j)  
                    d3[i][j] = d2[i, j] = d1[i * l2 + j] = random.NextDouble();
            const int iterations = 1000;
            TestTime<double[], int, double>(sum, d1, l1, iterations);
            TestTime<double[,], double>(sum, d2, iterations);

            TestTime<double[][], double>(sum, d3, iterations);
            TestTime<double[], int, double>(sum, d1, l1, iterations);
            TestTime<double[,], double>(sum, d2, iterations);
            TestTime<double[][], double>(sum, d3, iterations); 




Because a multidimensional array is just a syntactic sugar as it is really just a flat array with some index calculation magic. On the other hand, a jagged array is like, an array of arrays. With a two-dimensional array, accessing an element requires reading the memory just once, while with a two level jagged array, you need to read the memory twice.


EDIT: Apparently the original poster mixed up "jagged arrays" with "multi-dimensional arrays" so my reasoning doesn't exactly stand. For the real reason, check Jon Skeet's heavy artillery answer above.




Jagged arrays are arrays of class references (other arrays) up until the leaf array which may be an array of a primitive type. Hence memory allocated for each of the other arrays can be all over the place.


Whereas a mutli-dimensional array has its memory allocated in one contigeous lump.




I think it has got something to do for the fact that jagged arrays are actually arrays of arrays hence there are two levels of indirection to get to the actual data.




I'm with everyone else here


I had a program with three dimension array, let me tell you that when I moved the array into two dimension, I saw a huge boost and then I moved to a one dimension array.


In the end, I think I saw over 500% performance boost in the execution time.


only drawback was the complexity added to find out where was what in the one dimensional array, versus the three one.




I think multi-dimensional is slower, the runtime has to check two or more(three dimensional and up) bounds check.




Bounds checking. Your "j" variable could exceed l2 provided "i" was less than l1. This would not be legal in the second example
