当调试多个网站时,Visual Studio 2010 iis express会冻结

时间:2021-12-27 02:51:15

I have a Visual Studio 2010 solution in which I'm debugging two websites simultaneously. Not long after the debug is started and something throws an error, Visual Studio will freeze and I get the tray icon and message 'Visual studio is busy. Microsoft Visual Studio is waiting for an internal operation to complete. If you regularly encounter this delay during normal usage, please report this problem to Microsoft.' Sometimes I can Exit the iis express process through the tray icon and get Visual Studio to respond but sometimes I have to kill the iisexpress task.

我有一个Visual Studio 2010解决方案,我同时调试两个网站。调试启动后不久,出现了一些错误,Visual Studio将被冻结,我将得到托盘图标,消息“Visual Studio正忙”。Microsoft Visual Studio正在等待一个内部操作完成。如果您在正常使用期间经常遇到这种延迟,请向Microsoft报告此问题。“有时我可以通过托盘图标退出iisexpress进程,让Visual Studio做出响应,但有时我必须终止iisexpress任务。”

I've attached the debugger from a different instance to the problem instance before the freeze and found nothing useful.


I attached two separate debugger instances to the two iisexpress processes and when I start to debug the site, the debuggers become automatically unattached to the iisexpress processes.


I found this article but the links seem to address asp.net 3.5 and mine are 4.0 projects.

我找到了这篇文章,但是这些链接似乎是针对asp.net 3.5,而我的是4.0项目。

Visual Studio 2010 hangs when starting asp.net site debugging

Visual Studio 2010在启动asp.net站点调试时挂起。

Is anyone else experiencing this and know a fix?


1 个解决方案



I've had a very similar situation. I downloaded IIS 7.5 Express installer and did a repair. After that problem disappeared.

我也遇到过类似的情况。我下载了IIS 7.5 Express安装程序并进行了修复。之后,这个问题就消失了。

I used this IIS 7.5 installer from Download Center.

我使用了来自下载中心的IIS 7.5安装程序。



I've had a very similar situation. I downloaded IIS 7.5 Express installer and did a repair. After that problem disappeared.

我也遇到过类似的情况。我下载了IIS 7.5 Express安装程序并进行了修复。之后,这个问题就消失了。

I used this IIS 7.5 installer from Download Center.

我使用了来自下载中心的IIS 7.5安装程序。