如何在visual studio 2010中使用xslt 2.0

时间:2021-12-27 02:51:21

I am using xslt 2.0 for transforming one xml format to another xml format.But Visual Studio 2010 supports only xslt1.0.

我使用xslt 2.0将一个xml格式转换为另一个xml格式。但Visual Studio 2010仅支持xslt1.0。

So, I referred the * link and followed the procedure they said.But it did not working for me...



XSLT 2.0 intellisense in Visual Studio 2010 - Adding a schema?

Visual Studio 2010中的XSLT 2.0 intellisense - 添加模式?

When i opening my xslt 2.0 xsl file in VS-2010 then it raised following 5 Errors.They are...

当我在VS-2010中打开我的xslt 2.0 xsl文件时,它引发了5个错误。他们是......

  1. xpath-default-namespace is not yet implemented
  2. xpath-default-namespace尚未实现

  3. xsl:function is not yet implemented
  4. xsl:function尚未实现

  5. xsl:param/@as is not yet implemented
  6. xsl:param / @ as尚未实现

  7. xsl:for-each-group is not yet implemented
  8. xsl:for-each-group尚未实现

  9. xsl:sequence is not yet implemetented
  10. xsl:sequence尚未实现

Thanks for your cooperation... I found a link from codeproject. for use xslt2.0 in .net framework.Now i am looking for a good xslt IDE for my development. Once again thanks to all...

感谢您的合作......我从codeproject找到了一个链接。在.net framework中使用xslt2.0。现在我正在为我的开发寻找一个好的xslt IDE。再次感谢所有......

1 个解决方案



You can add XSLT 2.0 intellisence to Visual Studio, as described in the provided links.

您可以将XSLT 2.0 intellisence添加到Visual Studio,如提供的链接中所述。

However, Visual Studio (from 2005 up) is tightly integrated with the standard .NET XSLT 1.0 processor XslCompiledTransform -- and the Visual Studio XSLT Debugger and execution subsystem only works with this XSLT processor.

但是,Visual Studio(从2005年开始)与标准.NET XSLT 1.0处理器XslCompiledTransform紧密集成 - 而Visual Studio XSLT调试器和执行子系统仅适用于此XSLT处理器。

As for Altova's VS Integrated Package, I have never used it and wouldn't be surprized that in the past it was working as described, but stopped working after one of the VS 2010 updates / service packs. My guess is that you haven't bought/installed this package.

至于Altova的VS集成包,我从来没有使用它,也不会惊讶于它在过去它按照描述工作,但在VS 2010更新/服务包之一后停止工作。我的猜测是你没有购买/安装这个包。

I would recommend using an XSLT IDE that is especially designed to support XSLT 2.0 -- one such tool is oXygen and there are a number of others people have been using, such as Stylus Studio.

我建议使用专为支持XSLT 2.0而设计的XSLT IDE - 其中一个工具是oXygen,还有很多其他人一直在使用,例如Stylus Studio。



You can add XSLT 2.0 intellisence to Visual Studio, as described in the provided links.

您可以将XSLT 2.0 intellisence添加到Visual Studio,如提供的链接中所述。

However, Visual Studio (from 2005 up) is tightly integrated with the standard .NET XSLT 1.0 processor XslCompiledTransform -- and the Visual Studio XSLT Debugger and execution subsystem only works with this XSLT processor.

但是,Visual Studio(从2005年开始)与标准.NET XSLT 1.0处理器XslCompiledTransform紧密集成 - 而Visual Studio XSLT调试器和执行子系统仅适用于此XSLT处理器。

As for Altova's VS Integrated Package, I have never used it and wouldn't be surprized that in the past it was working as described, but stopped working after one of the VS 2010 updates / service packs. My guess is that you haven't bought/installed this package.

至于Altova的VS集成包,我从来没有使用它,也不会惊讶于它在过去它按照描述工作,但在VS 2010更新/服务包之一后停止工作。我的猜测是你没有购买/安装这个包。

I would recommend using an XSLT IDE that is especially designed to support XSLT 2.0 -- one such tool is oXygen and there are a number of others people have been using, such as Stylus Studio.

我建议使用专为支持XSLT 2.0而设计的XSLT IDE - 其中一个工具是oXygen,还有很多其他人一直在使用,例如Stylus Studio。