
时间:2022-06-01 21:11:26

I'm exploring the possibility of writing an application in Erlang, but it would need to have a portion written in Cocoa (presumably Objective-C). I'd like the front-end and back-end to be able to communicate easily. How can this best be done?


I can think of using C ports and connected processes, but I think I'd like a reverse situation (the front-end starting and connecting to the back-end). There are named pipes (FIFOs), or I could use network communications over a TCP port or a named BSD socket. Does anyone have experience in this area?


6 个解决方案



One way would be to have the Erlang core of the application be a daemon that the Cocoa front-end communicates with over a Unix-domain socket using some simple protocol you devise.


The use of a Unix-domain socket means that the Erlang daemon could be launched on-demand by launchd and the Cocoa front-end could find the path to the socket to use via an environment variable. That makes the rendezvous between the app and the daemon trivial, and it also makes it straightforward to develop multiple front-ends (or possibly a framework that wraps communication with the daemon).


The Mac OS X launchd system is really cool this way. If you specify that a job should be launched on-demand via a secure Unix-domain socket, launchd will actually create the socket itself with appropriate permissions, and advertise its location via the environment variable named in the job's property list. The job, when started, will actually be passed a file descriptor to the socket by launchd when it does a simple check-in.

Mac OS X launchd系统非常酷。如果您指定应通过安全的Unix域套接字按需启动作业,则launchd将实际创建具有适当权限的套接字本身,并通过作业属性列表中指定的环境变量公布其位置。作业在启动时,实际上会在执行简单签入时通过launchd将文件描述符传递给套接字。

Ultimately this means that the entire process of the front-end opening the socket to communicate with the daemon, launchd launching the daemon, and the daemon responding to the communication can be secure, even if the front-end and the daemon run at different privilege levels.




One way is Theo's way with NSTask, NSPipe and NSFileHandle. You can start by looking at the code to CouchDBX http://couchprojects.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/unofficial-binary-releases/CouchDBX/


Ports are possible but not nice at all.


Is there some reason for why this communication can't simply be handled with mochiweb and json communication?




Usually when creating Cocoa applications that front UNIX commands or other headless programs you use an NSTask:


Using the NSTask class, your program can run another program as a subprocess and can monitor that program’s execution. An NSTask object creates a separate executable entity; it differs from NSThread in that it does not share memory space with the process that creates it.

使用NSTask类,您的程序可以作为子进程运行另一个程序,并可以监视该程序的执行。 NSTask对象创建一个单独的可执行实体;它与NSThread的不同之处在于它不会与创建它的进程共享内存空间。

A task operates within an environment defined by the current values for several items: the current directory, standard input, standard output, standard error, and the values of any environment variables. By default, an NSTask object inherits its environment from the process that launches it. If there are any values that should be different for the task, for example, if the current directory should change, you must change the value before you launch the task. A task’s environment cannot be changed while it is running.


You can communicate with the backend process by way of stdin/stdout/stderr. Bascially NSTask is a high-level wrapper around exec (or fork or system, I always forget the difference).

您可以通过stdin / stdout / stderr与后端进程通信。基本上NSTask是exec(或者fork或system,我总是忘记区别)的高级包装器。

As I understand it you don't want the Erland program to be a background daemon that runs continuously, but if you do, go with @Chris's suggestion.




The NSTask and Unix domain socket approaches are both great suggestions. Something to keep an eye on is an Erlang FFI implementation that's in the works:

NSTask和Unix域套接字方法都是很好的建议。需要关注的是正在开发的Erlang FFI实现:





erl_call should be usable from an NSTask. I use it from a Textmate command and it is very fast. Combining erl_call with an OTP gen_server would let you keep a persistent backend state with relative ease. See my post on erl_call at my blog for more details.

erl_call应该可以在NSTask中使用。我在Textmate命令中使用它,速度非常快。将erl_call与OTP gen_server结合使用可以让您相对轻松地保持持久的后端状态。有关详细信息,请参阅我在博客上关于erl_call的帖子。



Using NSTask you may also consider using PseudoTTY.app (which allows interactive communication)!


Another sample code of interest could be BigSQL, a PostgreSQL client that enables the user to send SQL to a server and display the result.


open -a Safari http://web.archive.org/web/20080324145441/http://www.bignerdranch.com/applications.shtml



One way would be to have the Erlang core of the application be a daemon that the Cocoa front-end communicates with over a Unix-domain socket using some simple protocol you devise.


The use of a Unix-domain socket means that the Erlang daemon could be launched on-demand by launchd and the Cocoa front-end could find the path to the socket to use via an environment variable. That makes the rendezvous between the app and the daemon trivial, and it also makes it straightforward to develop multiple front-ends (or possibly a framework that wraps communication with the daemon).


The Mac OS X launchd system is really cool this way. If you specify that a job should be launched on-demand via a secure Unix-domain socket, launchd will actually create the socket itself with appropriate permissions, and advertise its location via the environment variable named in the job's property list. The job, when started, will actually be passed a file descriptor to the socket by launchd when it does a simple check-in.

Mac OS X launchd系统非常酷。如果您指定应通过安全的Unix域套接字按需启动作业,则launchd将实际创建具有适当权限的套接字本身,并通过作业属性列表中指定的环境变量公布其位置。作业在启动时,实际上会在执行简单签入时通过launchd将文件描述符传递给套接字。

Ultimately this means that the entire process of the front-end opening the socket to communicate with the daemon, launchd launching the daemon, and the daemon responding to the communication can be secure, even if the front-end and the daemon run at different privilege levels.




One way is Theo's way with NSTask, NSPipe and NSFileHandle. You can start by looking at the code to CouchDBX http://couchprojects.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/unofficial-binary-releases/CouchDBX/


Ports are possible but not nice at all.


Is there some reason for why this communication can't simply be handled with mochiweb and json communication?




Usually when creating Cocoa applications that front UNIX commands or other headless programs you use an NSTask:


Using the NSTask class, your program can run another program as a subprocess and can monitor that program’s execution. An NSTask object creates a separate executable entity; it differs from NSThread in that it does not share memory space with the process that creates it.

使用NSTask类,您的程序可以作为子进程运行另一个程序,并可以监视该程序的执行。 NSTask对象创建一个单独的可执行实体;它与NSThread的不同之处在于它不会与创建它的进程共享内存空间。

A task operates within an environment defined by the current values for several items: the current directory, standard input, standard output, standard error, and the values of any environment variables. By default, an NSTask object inherits its environment from the process that launches it. If there are any values that should be different for the task, for example, if the current directory should change, you must change the value before you launch the task. A task’s environment cannot be changed while it is running.


You can communicate with the backend process by way of stdin/stdout/stderr. Bascially NSTask is a high-level wrapper around exec (or fork or system, I always forget the difference).

您可以通过stdin / stdout / stderr与后端进程通信。基本上NSTask是exec(或者fork或system,我总是忘记区别)的高级包装器。

As I understand it you don't want the Erland program to be a background daemon that runs continuously, but if you do, go with @Chris's suggestion.




The NSTask and Unix domain socket approaches are both great suggestions. Something to keep an eye on is an Erlang FFI implementation that's in the works:

NSTask和Unix域套接字方法都是很好的建议。需要关注的是正在开发的Erlang FFI实现:





erl_call should be usable from an NSTask. I use it from a Textmate command and it is very fast. Combining erl_call with an OTP gen_server would let you keep a persistent backend state with relative ease. See my post on erl_call at my blog for more details.

erl_call应该可以在NSTask中使用。我在Textmate命令中使用它,速度非常快。将erl_call与OTP gen_server结合使用可以让您相对轻松地保持持久的后端状态。有关详细信息,请参阅我在博客上关于erl_call的帖子。



Using NSTask you may also consider using PseudoTTY.app (which allows interactive communication)!


Another sample code of interest could be BigSQL, a PostgreSQL client that enables the user to send SQL to a server and display the result.


open -a Safari http://web.archive.org/web/20080324145441/http://www.bignerdranch.com/applications.shtml