Visual Studio 2010是否支持iPhone开发? [重复]

时间:2023-01-09 01:31:26

Possible Duplicate:
How can I develop for iPhone using a Windows development machine?


Does Visual Studio 2010 support iPhone Development?

Visual Studio 2010是否支持iPhone开发?

9 个解决方案


Xcode must be used to develop for the iPhone. It is the only platform for which the iPhone SDK is available

必须使用Xcode为iPhone开发。它是iPhone SDK唯一可用的平台


I believe you can use Mono to develop for the iPhone. You can read more about this here


This requires Static compilation, and I've heard the process is pretty difficult at this point. Here is an article that provides some details


If you are beginning iPhone development similar to myself I'd suggest sticking with XCode and the Apple tools. Although they offer a different developer experience then we are used to from Microsoft tools, they seem to have a good helpful community around them.


Update: Mono Touch now allows you to do development using MonoDevelop and statically compile for the iPhone. Here is the link with more info

更新:Mono Touch现在允许您使用MonoDevelop进行开发并为iPhone进行静态编译。这是更多信息的链接


According to my knowlage, the iPhone SDK must be run on Mac OS system, so I dont think that you will be able to develop using VS.

根据我的知识,iPhone SDK必须在Mac OS系统上运行,所以我不认为你将能够使用VS进行开发。


Okay, I know this post is old, but I feel as though I need to correct some things. First of all, it is entirely possible to develop for iPhone using Visual Studio 2010. The steps required to do so are long and complicated, but basically involve the following

好的,我知道这篇文章很老了,但我觉得我需要纠正一些事情。首先,完全可以使用Visual Studio 2010为iPhone开发。这样做所需的步骤既冗长又复杂,但基本上涉及以下内容

(note: these are rough steps as I don't recall the exact commands I used to invoke these things, but I have managed to get a working ARM CortexA8 and A9 GCC compiler successfully running with the latest iOS Dev SDK on Win 7 x64 and using Visual Studio 2010)

(注意:这些都是粗略的步骤,因为我不记得我用来调用这些东西的确切命令,但我已经设法使用Win 7 x64上最新的iOS Dev SDK成功运行ARM CortexA8和A9 GCC编译器使用Visual Studio 2010)

  1. Get Cygwin and make sure you grab the GCC compiler collection.


  2. Get LLVM and the GCC front-end(not sure if Clang works as I haven't tried it)


  3. Get ODCCTools.

  4. Download the latest Xcode(from a torrent if you're on a PC). Note: Due to the fact that Xcode and the iOS SDK use various open source copyleft packages, Apple has to release the SDK to the general public for free. However, as of iOS 5, they've decided to make it so that only people using the App Store on a Mac can download it. I have attempted to contact Apple to see if they plan on releasing the various packages openly, but I haven't heard a response.

    下载最新的Xcode(如果您在PC上,请从torrent中下载)。注意:由于Xcode和iOS SDK使用各种开源Copyleft软件包,因此Apple必须免费向公众发布SDK。但是,从iOS 5开始,他们决定这样做只有在Mac上使用App Store的用户才能下载它。我试图联系Apple,看看他们是否打算公开发布各种套餐,但我没有听到回应。

  5. Compile LLVM

  6. Compile ODCCTools. Note: ODCCTools requires some modifications in order for it to work with the latest LLVM GCC Front-end. I've contacted the current owner and he basically told me he is no longer supporting it.

    编译ODCCTools。注意:ODCCTools需要进行一些修改才能使其与最新的LLVM GCC前端配合使用。我联系了当前的老板,他基本上告诉我他不再支持它了。

  7. Using the assembler and linker you just compiled from ODCCTools, recompile the GCC front-end.


At this point, you'll have a working compiler for the iOS platform using all the latest and greatest from the LLVM guys and the fixes and improvements that have been made to GCC(C++0x anyone?). Or, if you're really lazy and you don't want to go through all this hassle, you can use the compiler that is already generated from iphone-devtools. However, doing this will only give you a compiler that doesn't support the CortexA8 or A9 instruction set which means that your application will run a little slower, plus the are using an older version of GCC which means all the fixes and improvements that have been made in the last 4 years will be ignored.

在这一点上,你将拥有一个适用于iOS平台的工作编译器,使用LLVM人员中的所有最新和最好的,以及对GCC(C ++ 0x任何人?)的修复和改进。或者,如果你真的很懒,而且你不想经历所有这些麻烦,你可以使用已经从iphone-devtools生成的编译器。但是,这样做只会给你一个不支持CortexA8或A9指令集的编译器,这意味着你的应用程序运行速度会慢一点,而且使用旧版本的GCC,这意味着所有的修复和改进都有在过去4年中取得的成绩将被忽略。

All you need to do now is configure visual studio.

您现在需要做的就是配置visual studio。

There are a few ways to configure visual studio to accept the new compiler you just made(or downloaded). I opted to use a python script which then generates makefiles and the various project/solution files, but you may want to choose something a little less heavyweight.

有几种方法可以将visual studio配置为接受刚刚制作(或下载)的新编译器。我选择使用python脚本然后生成makefile和各种项目/解决方案文件,但你可能想要选择一些不那么重量级的东西。

At this point, you should be able to compile for iphone, but in order to run on the iphone you need to jailbreak your phone. Jailbreaking is legal, but it does void your warranty. Once jailbroken, then you can use SSH to upload your executable to the phone and then you're done.


If you want to publish your app on the App Store, you'll still need to get a developer certificate and go through the publishing process outlined by Apple. At this point, you will need a Mac. If all you want to do is develop for the iPhone, then this will allow you to do so, but if you want to publish to the App Store, you will need a Mac.

如果您想在App Store上发布您的应用程序,您仍需要获得开发人员证书并完成Apple概述的发布流程。此时,您将需要一台Mac。如果您只想为iPhone开发,那么这将允许您这样做,但如果您想要发布到App Store,则需要Mac。

The reason I went through the pain of doing all of this is because I have a very complicated setup for my continuous integration. I compile for 8 different target machines, 5 different configurations, and deploy and run massive amounts of unit tests. I didn't want to have to setup a different Mac box just to handle the iOS platform when I knew that I could just set it all up to run on one machine. Ultimately, trying to do iOS programming on a Win7 machine if iOS is your target platform is definitely not worth the hassle for ordinary developers.



Yes it is possible go to this link:



I don't think visual studio 2010 is supporting native iOS app development. But it is possible to write applications for ios using visual studio 2010. As far as I am concerned, microsoft is trying to make it possible. According to my experiences of developing applications for iOS, I used mac air book, Xcode & iOS sdk for building iOS apps. The main language for building native iOS apps is objective c and the framework is cocoa touch. There is no support for these technolOgies in visual studio and .NET framework, although mono develop is trying a lot iOS is the most advanced OS for mobile devices which is to us from Apple. According to their requirements for developing iOS apps you have to use:

我不认为visual studio 2010支持本机iOS应用程序开发。但是可以使用visual studio 2010为ios编写应用程序。就我而言,微软正试图让它成为可能。根据我开发iOS应用程序的经验,我使用mac air book,Xcode和iOS sdk来构建iOS应用程序。构建本机iOS应用程序的主要语言是目标c,框架是可可触摸。有在Visual Studio和.NET Framework这些技术的支持,虽然单开发正试图大量的iOS是移动设备的最先进的操作系统这对我们从苹果。根据他们开发iOS应用程序的要求,您必须使用:

  1. Intel based mac OSX.
  2. 基于Intel的mac OSX。

  3. Ios sdk
  4. Xcode or Dashcode.
  5. Xcode或Dashcode。

All these are available on only apple mac. So no luck for .NET players. But you can pure c to develop ios apps on widows. Just google it.

所有这些只在apple mac上提供。所以.NET玩家没有运气。但你可以纯粹在寡妇身上开发ios应用程序。只是谷歌吧。

I think it made you clear of the ios app developing processes, and it's requirement. Thank you.

我认为它让你清楚ios app开发过程,这是它的要求。谢谢。


Due to the libraries used - I'm fairly sure you need to run this on a Mac OS System. You can do some basic gcc compiling using cygwin if you wanted to - but other than that I would think you'll need Mac OS

由于使用了库 - 我很确定你需要在Mac OS系统上运行它。如果你愿意,可以使用cygwin进行一些基本的gcc编译 - 但除此之外我认为你需要Mac OS

It's why most of us are stuck buying a Mac Mini - getting a putty knife and adding more RAM and then struggling to get our old LCD monitors to work

这就是为什么我们大多数人都购买Mac Mini的原因 - 拿一把油灰刀加上更多内存,然后努力让我们旧的液晶显示器工作


Apple supported development from within Visual Studio would be really great! However, as far as i know Apple has absolutely no intention to release such a thing. Even the usage agreement that all iOS developers have to agree to disallows usage of the SDK on 'non-Apple branded computers'. In my humble opinion, this is really a bad thing because it forces multi-platform applications to be developed on multiple operating systems.

Apple支持Visual Studio中的开发非常棒!但是,据我所知,Apple绝对无意发布这样的事情。即使是所有iOS开发者必须同意禁止在“非Apple品牌计算机”上使用SDK的使用协议。在我看来,这确实是一件坏事,因为它迫使多平台应用程序在多个操作系统上开发。

Because of this, i have started implementing a Visual Studio 2010 package that allows for iOS development from within the IDE. To workaround the SDK agreement compilation is executed on a iOS powered device.

因此,我开始实现一个Visual Studio 2010包,允许在IDE中进行iOS开发。要解决此问题,SDK协议编译将在iOS设备上执行。

Development progress (including screenshots) can be folowed on:



Peter Vrenken


I think it's possible to identify a device/browser on the server side. Therefore, it should be possible to develop server-sided applications that behave like an iPhone app but run in the iPhone's Safari browser. I could very well imagine that with VS2010 the device support is significant for the iPhone in the way that it comes with a special JavaScript Library that your Safari implicitly downloads the first time. The Commerce Server appears to have a support like this already - good news for everybody who is not in love with Objective-C or maybe wants to minimize effort ind iPhone development

我认为可以在服务器端识别设备/浏览器。因此,应该可以开发服务器端应用程序,其行为类似于iPhone应用程序,但在iPhone的Safari浏览器中运行。我可以想象,使用VS2010,设备支持对iPhone来说非常重要,因为它带有一个特殊的JavaScript库,你的Safari第一次隐式下载。 Commerce Server似乎已经得到了这样的支持 - 对于每个不喜欢Objective-C或者想要最小化iPhone开发工作的人来说这是个好消息 FAMILYID = 2df25ab7-f38d-439E-9391-ef8f025e8064&displaylang = EN


Xcode must be used to develop for the iPhone. It is the only platform for which the iPhone SDK is available

必须使用Xcode为iPhone开发。它是iPhone SDK唯一可用的平台


I believe you can use Mono to develop for the iPhone. You can read more about this here


This requires Static compilation, and I've heard the process is pretty difficult at this point. Here is an article that provides some details


If you are beginning iPhone development similar to myself I'd suggest sticking with XCode and the Apple tools. Although they offer a different developer experience then we are used to from Microsoft tools, they seem to have a good helpful community around them.


Update: Mono Touch now allows you to do development using MonoDevelop and statically compile for the iPhone. Here is the link with more info

更新:Mono Touch现在允许您使用MonoDevelop进行开发并为iPhone进行静态编译。这是更多信息的链接


According to my knowlage, the iPhone SDK must be run on Mac OS system, so I dont think that you will be able to develop using VS.

根据我的知识,iPhone SDK必须在Mac OS系统上运行,所以我不认为你将能够使用VS进行开发。


Okay, I know this post is old, but I feel as though I need to correct some things. First of all, it is entirely possible to develop for iPhone using Visual Studio 2010. The steps required to do so are long and complicated, but basically involve the following

好的,我知道这篇文章很老了,但我觉得我需要纠正一些事情。首先,完全可以使用Visual Studio 2010为iPhone开发。这样做所需的步骤既冗长又复杂,但基本上涉及以下内容

(note: these are rough steps as I don't recall the exact commands I used to invoke these things, but I have managed to get a working ARM CortexA8 and A9 GCC compiler successfully running with the latest iOS Dev SDK on Win 7 x64 and using Visual Studio 2010)

(注意:这些都是粗略的步骤,因为我不记得我用来调用这些东西的确切命令,但我已经设法使用Win 7 x64上最新的iOS Dev SDK成功运行ARM CortexA8和A9 GCC编译器使用Visual Studio 2010)

  1. Get Cygwin and make sure you grab the GCC compiler collection.


  2. Get LLVM and the GCC front-end(not sure if Clang works as I haven't tried it)


  3. Get ODCCTools.

  4. Download the latest Xcode(from a torrent if you're on a PC). Note: Due to the fact that Xcode and the iOS SDK use various open source copyleft packages, Apple has to release the SDK to the general public for free. However, as of iOS 5, they've decided to make it so that only people using the App Store on a Mac can download it. I have attempted to contact Apple to see if they plan on releasing the various packages openly, but I haven't heard a response.

    下载最新的Xcode(如果您在PC上,请从torrent中下载)。注意:由于Xcode和iOS SDK使用各种开源Copyleft软件包,因此Apple必须免费向公众发布SDK。但是,从iOS 5开始,他们决定这样做只有在Mac上使用App Store的用户才能下载它。我试图联系Apple,看看他们是否打算公开发布各种套餐,但我没有听到回应。

  5. Compile LLVM

  6. Compile ODCCTools. Note: ODCCTools requires some modifications in order for it to work with the latest LLVM GCC Front-end. I've contacted the current owner and he basically told me he is no longer supporting it.

    编译ODCCTools。注意:ODCCTools需要进行一些修改才能使其与最新的LLVM GCC前端配合使用。我联系了当前的老板,他基本上告诉我他不再支持它了。

  7. Using the assembler and linker you just compiled from ODCCTools, recompile the GCC front-end.


At this point, you'll have a working compiler for the iOS platform using all the latest and greatest from the LLVM guys and the fixes and improvements that have been made to GCC(C++0x anyone?). Or, if you're really lazy and you don't want to go through all this hassle, you can use the compiler that is already generated from iphone-devtools. However, doing this will only give you a compiler that doesn't support the CortexA8 or A9 instruction set which means that your application will run a little slower, plus the are using an older version of GCC which means all the fixes and improvements that have been made in the last 4 years will be ignored.

在这一点上,你将拥有一个适用于iOS平台的工作编译器,使用LLVM人员中的所有最新和最好的,以及对GCC(C ++ 0x任何人?)的修复和改进。或者,如果你真的很懒,而且你不想经历所有这些麻烦,你可以使用已经从iphone-devtools生成的编译器。但是,这样做只会给你一个不支持CortexA8或A9指令集的编译器,这意味着你的应用程序运行速度会慢一点,而且使用旧版本的GCC,这意味着所有的修复和改进都有在过去4年中取得的成绩将被忽略。

All you need to do now is configure visual studio.

您现在需要做的就是配置visual studio。

There are a few ways to configure visual studio to accept the new compiler you just made(or downloaded). I opted to use a python script which then generates makefiles and the various project/solution files, but you may want to choose something a little less heavyweight.

有几种方法可以将visual studio配置为接受刚刚制作(或下载)的新编译器。我选择使用python脚本然后生成makefile和各种项目/解决方案文件,但你可能想要选择一些不那么重量级的东西。

At this point, you should be able to compile for iphone, but in order to run on the iphone you need to jailbreak your phone. Jailbreaking is legal, but it does void your warranty. Once jailbroken, then you can use SSH to upload your executable to the phone and then you're done.


If you want to publish your app on the App Store, you'll still need to get a developer certificate and go through the publishing process outlined by Apple. At this point, you will need a Mac. If all you want to do is develop for the iPhone, then this will allow you to do so, but if you want to publish to the App Store, you will need a Mac.

如果您想在App Store上发布您的应用程序,您仍需要获得开发人员证书并完成Apple概述的发布流程。此时,您将需要一台Mac。如果您只想为iPhone开发,那么这将允许您这样做,但如果您想要发布到App Store,则需要Mac。

The reason I went through the pain of doing all of this is because I have a very complicated setup for my continuous integration. I compile for 8 different target machines, 5 different configurations, and deploy and run massive amounts of unit tests. I didn't want to have to setup a different Mac box just to handle the iOS platform when I knew that I could just set it all up to run on one machine. Ultimately, trying to do iOS programming on a Win7 machine if iOS is your target platform is definitely not worth the hassle for ordinary developers.



Yes it is possible go to this link:



I don't think visual studio 2010 is supporting native iOS app development. But it is possible to write applications for ios using visual studio 2010. As far as I am concerned, microsoft is trying to make it possible. According to my experiences of developing applications for iOS, I used mac air book, Xcode & iOS sdk for building iOS apps. The main language for building native iOS apps is objective c and the framework is cocoa touch. There is no support for these technolOgies in visual studio and .NET framework, although mono develop is trying a lot iOS is the most advanced OS for mobile devices which is to us from Apple. According to their requirements for developing iOS apps you have to use:

我不认为visual studio 2010支持本机iOS应用程序开发。但是可以使用visual studio 2010为ios编写应用程序。就我而言,微软正试图让它成为可能。根据我开发iOS应用程序的经验,我使用mac air book,Xcode和iOS sdk来构建iOS应用程序。构建本机iOS应用程序的主要语言是目标c,框架是可可触摸。有在Visual Studio和.NET Framework这些技术的支持,虽然单开发正试图大量的iOS是移动设备的最先进的操作系统这对我们从苹果。根据他们开发iOS应用程序的要求,您必须使用:

  1. Intel based mac OSX.
  2. 基于Intel的mac OSX。

  3. Ios sdk
  4. Xcode or Dashcode.
  5. Xcode或Dashcode。

All these are available on only apple mac. So no luck for .NET players. But you can pure c to develop ios apps on widows. Just google it.

所有这些只在apple mac上提供。所以.NET玩家没有运气。但你可以纯粹在寡妇身上开发ios应用程序。只是谷歌吧。

I think it made you clear of the ios app developing processes, and it's requirement. Thank you.

我认为它让你清楚ios app开发过程,这是它的要求。谢谢。


Due to the libraries used - I'm fairly sure you need to run this on a Mac OS System. You can do some basic gcc compiling using cygwin if you wanted to - but other than that I would think you'll need Mac OS

由于使用了库 - 我很确定你需要在Mac OS系统上运行它。如果你愿意,可以使用cygwin进行一些基本的gcc编译 - 但除此之外我认为你需要Mac OS

It's why most of us are stuck buying a Mac Mini - getting a putty knife and adding more RAM and then struggling to get our old LCD monitors to work

这就是为什么我们大多数人都购买Mac Mini的原因 - 拿一把油灰刀加上更多内存,然后努力让我们旧的液晶显示器工作


Apple supported development from within Visual Studio would be really great! However, as far as i know Apple has absolutely no intention to release such a thing. Even the usage agreement that all iOS developers have to agree to disallows usage of the SDK on 'non-Apple branded computers'. In my humble opinion, this is really a bad thing because it forces multi-platform applications to be developed on multiple operating systems.

Apple支持Visual Studio中的开发非常棒!但是,据我所知,Apple绝对无意发布这样的事情。即使是所有iOS开发者必须同意禁止在“非Apple品牌计算机”上使用SDK的使用协议。在我看来,这确实是一件坏事,因为它迫使多平台应用程序在多个操作系统上开发。

Because of this, i have started implementing a Visual Studio 2010 package that allows for iOS development from within the IDE. To workaround the SDK agreement compilation is executed on a iOS powered device.

因此,我开始实现一个Visual Studio 2010包,允许在IDE中进行iOS开发。要解决此问题,SDK协议编译将在iOS设备上执行。

Development progress (including screenshots) can be folowed on:



Peter Vrenken


I think it's possible to identify a device/browser on the server side. Therefore, it should be possible to develop server-sided applications that behave like an iPhone app but run in the iPhone's Safari browser. I could very well imagine that with VS2010 the device support is significant for the iPhone in the way that it comes with a special JavaScript Library that your Safari implicitly downloads the first time. The Commerce Server appears to have a support like this already - good news for everybody who is not in love with Objective-C or maybe wants to minimize effort ind iPhone development

我认为可以在服务器端识别设备/浏览器。因此,应该可以开发服务器端应用程序,其行为类似于iPhone应用程序,但在iPhone的Safari浏览器中运行。我可以想象,使用VS2010,设备支持对iPhone来说非常重要,因为它带有一个特殊的JavaScript库,你的Safari第一次隐式下载。 Commerce Server似乎已经得到了这样的支持 - 对于每个不喜欢Objective-C或者想要最小化iPhone开发工作的人来说这是个好消息 FAMILYID = 2df25ab7-f38d-439E-9391-ef8f025e8064&displaylang = EN