错误:[$ resource:badcfg]资源配置错误。预期的响应包含一个数组但得到一个对象

时间:2020-12-27 20:18:30

I am a complete noob with respect to angular, just going through a codeschool tutorial and I've hit my first hurdle.


I am getting Error: [$resource:badcfg] Error in resource configuration. Expected response to contain an array but got an object

我收到错误:[$ resource:badcfg]资源配置错误。预期的响应包含一个数组但得到一个对象

Here is my code:


var bulletinApp = angular.module('bulletinApp', ['ngResource']);

bulletinApp.controller('PostsController', ['$scope', 'Post', function($scope, Post) {
    $scope.heading = 'Welcome';
    $scope.posts = Post.query();

    $scope.newPost = {
        title: 'Test Post'


bulletinApp.factory('Post', ['$resource', function($resource) {
    return $resource('/posts');

I found an answer here: Error in resource configuration while using $resource.query() function with AngularJS/Rails

我在这里找到了一个答案:在使用带有AngularJS / Rails的$ resource.query()函数时资源配置出错

That says I should add this to my resource declaration:


'query': {method: 'GET', isArray: false }

Problem being I have no idea where I am supposed to add this, or even if this is the problem I'm having?



bulletinApp.factory('Post', ['$resource', function($resource) {
  return $resource('/posts', {'query': {method: 'GET', isArray: false}});

After this I am still receiving the error. Also in the tutorial, there was no need for this and I've followed it pretty much to a tee, why would the get method be getting an object instead of an array?


3 个解决方案



Add {} after '/posts'.

在'/ posts'之后添加{}。

bulletinApp.factory('Post', ['$resource', function($resource) { 
    return $resource('/posts', {}, {'query': {method: 'GET', isArray: false}}); 

For details, see this post.




The result of 'Get' is array or just object? If it's an array, set isArray=true, else set isArray=false, like the guy said above

'Get'的结果是数组还是只是对象?如果它是一个数组,设置isArray = true,否则设置isArray = false,就像上面说的那样

bulletinApp.factory('Post', ['$resource', function($resource) { 
return $resource('/posts', {}, {'query': {method: 'GET', isArray: false/*true*/}}); 

And attention IsArray is different with isArray. Or if you got your data by json, please add *.json as url

并且注意IsArray与isArray不同。或者,如果您通过json获取数据,请将* .json添加为url



The next line of the error message in the console is a url to a fuller description of the error:


Error: [$resource:badcfg] Error in resource configuration. Expected response to contain an object but got an array

According to the linked page either your server's not returning what you think it is or you need to tell $resource to expect an array from the server.

根据链接页面,您的服务器不会返回您认为的内容,或者您​​需要告诉$ resource期望服务器中的数组。



Add {} after '/posts'.

在'/ posts'之后添加{}。

bulletinApp.factory('Post', ['$resource', function($resource) { 
    return $resource('/posts', {}, {'query': {method: 'GET', isArray: false}}); 

For details, see this post.




The result of 'Get' is array or just object? If it's an array, set isArray=true, else set isArray=false, like the guy said above

'Get'的结果是数组还是只是对象?如果它是一个数组,设置isArray = true,否则设置isArray = false,就像上面说的那样

bulletinApp.factory('Post', ['$resource', function($resource) { 
return $resource('/posts', {}, {'query': {method: 'GET', isArray: false/*true*/}}); 

And attention IsArray is different with isArray. Or if you got your data by json, please add *.json as url

并且注意IsArray与isArray不同。或者,如果您通过json获取数据,请将* .json添加为url



The next line of the error message in the console is a url to a fuller description of the error:


Error: [$resource:badcfg] Error in resource configuration. Expected response to contain an object but got an array

According to the linked page either your server's not returning what you think it is or you need to tell $resource to expect an array from the server.

根据链接页面,您的服务器不会返回您认为的内容,或者您​​需要告诉$ resource期望服务器中的数组。