HashMap :如何将Object本身替换为String

时间:2021-11-26 16:59:01
A a = new A();     //classA {   }

HashMap<String, Object> hm = new Hashmap<String,Object>();

hm.put("A", a);

My question is, How can i put the Object itself instead of "A" in same declaration?


hm.put(`a??`, a);

5 个解决方案



You simply cannot do that, the language prohibits it. It would only be possible if your class A is a subclass of String which is not possible, since String is declared as final in Java.


With respect to you interview question: It's not possible due to the generic type parameter that was chosen for the declaration. You can read more about that in Bounded Type Parameters.




If the class held a non-changing decent String field, you could use that.


// the id property must be a String, immutable and unique for each instance!
myMap.put(a.getId(), a);



If you want to make any object as a key in your HashMap, then that object has to be immutable.. Because, you don't want anyone to change your key, after you add them to your HashMap..


Just imagine, if your keys are changed after insertion, you won't ever be able to find your inserted value..


But if your key is immutable, then if anyone tries to change your keys, he will actually create a new one for himself, but you will still have yours..


That is what happens in case you use String as your key in HashMap(They can't be changed).. So, if you want your object to be a key, either you make your class a subclass of String (that you can't do), or, just make your class immutable..

如果你在HashMap中使用String作为你的键(它们不能被改变),那就会发生这种情况。所以,如果你想让你的对象成为一个键,你要么让你的类成为String的子类(你可以' t do),或者,只是让你的类不可变..



A a = new A();     //classA {   }

Map<A, A> hm = new Hashmap<A, A>();

hm.put(a, a);

But I do not see any point of putting a->a

但我认为没有任何意义 - a



This is actually possible using a raw type, like this:


Object key = ...;
Object value = ...;
Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();//a normal map
Map rawMap = map; // here is the raw type
rawMap.put(key, value); // it works!

This runs fine, but problems arise when you try to use the generic map later:


Integer value = map.get(key);// ClassCastException (unless value actually is an Integer)

That's why you were told that it's a "dirty trick". You shouldn't use it.




You simply cannot do that, the language prohibits it. It would only be possible if your class A is a subclass of String which is not possible, since String is declared as final in Java.


With respect to you interview question: It's not possible due to the generic type parameter that was chosen for the declaration. You can read more about that in Bounded Type Parameters.




If the class held a non-changing decent String field, you could use that.


// the id property must be a String, immutable and unique for each instance!
myMap.put(a.getId(), a);



If you want to make any object as a key in your HashMap, then that object has to be immutable.. Because, you don't want anyone to change your key, after you add them to your HashMap..


Just imagine, if your keys are changed after insertion, you won't ever be able to find your inserted value..


But if your key is immutable, then if anyone tries to change your keys, he will actually create a new one for himself, but you will still have yours..


That is what happens in case you use String as your key in HashMap(They can't be changed).. So, if you want your object to be a key, either you make your class a subclass of String (that you can't do), or, just make your class immutable..

如果你在HashMap中使用String作为你的键(它们不能被改变),那就会发生这种情况。所以,如果你想让你的对象成为一个键,你要么让你的类成为String的子类(你可以' t do),或者,只是让你的类不可变..



A a = new A();     //classA {   }

Map<A, A> hm = new Hashmap<A, A>();

hm.put(a, a);

But I do not see any point of putting a->a

但我认为没有任何意义 - a



This is actually possible using a raw type, like this:


Object key = ...;
Object value = ...;
Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();//a normal map
Map rawMap = map; // here is the raw type
rawMap.put(key, value); // it works!

This runs fine, but problems arise when you try to use the generic map later:


Integer value = map.get(key);// ClassCastException (unless value actually is an Integer)

That's why you were told that it's a "dirty trick". You shouldn't use it.
