
时间:2022-01-02 07:46:04

Alright, another interesting problem over at Route 50.


We wanted to implement a true forum lightbulb system where posts that are unread by a user (after the user's account is created) show as unread until that status is cleared or until the user reads them.


We figured the best and easiest way to do this would be to implement a table of unread messages.


The Columns are: user_id, board_id, thread_id, post_id, timestamp, and hidden


This is working very well and very quickly for seeing which boards/threads/posts are unread (and linking to them) per user, however it is INCREDIBLY slow for a user to post to the forum even though only a single SQL query is being run:


INSERT IGNORE INTO `forums_lightbulb` SELECT `id`,'x','x','x',UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),0 FROM `users`

I'm sure this is the result of having 3065 user accounts. How can I speed up this process? I'd prefer to keep the system as Real-Time as possible.


Important Note: Please limit your answers to a shared hosting environment with no additional budget. We are limited to PHP and MySQL 5.1.53-log

重要说明:请将您的答案限制在共享托管环境中,无需额外预算。我们仅限于PHP和MySQL 5.1.53-log

4 个解决方案



What PHPBB does is a very quick way to do it. It keeps a table that marks for each thread and each forum when the last time was a user opened it. And uses that to determine if there are unread messages. It allows a Users*Topics + Users*Forums storage usage scheme while allowing a check with pretty simple and fast queries.


You can see how it works from the database structure.


# Table: 'phpbb_forums_track'
CREATE TABLE phpbb_forums_track (
    user_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
    forum_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
    mark_time int(11) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (user_id, forum_id)
) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`;

# Table: 'phpbb_topics_track'
CREATE TABLE phpbb_topics_track (
    user_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
    topic_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
    forum_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
    mark_time int(11) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (user_id, topic_id),
    KEY topic_id (topic_id),
    KEY forum_id (forum_id)
) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`;



Sorry to say, but the solution proposed in the question is an unscalable design.


I was looking into this problem over here, which had a decent discussion on it (before I showed up). Take a look there.


In your case, storing U*M records to track "unread" posts, where U is the number of users and M is the number of messages, would get out of control very, very quickly. This is because its best-case efficiency requires all users to read every message (and most users don't care about everything, as most everything on a forum is noise). Average case, maybe 20% of users have read 100% of posts, but 80% have read near 0% of posts and never will read the rest. This means that you're being forced to store 0.8*U*M, with U and M only ever increasing, geometrically. No amount of indexing will fix this.

在您的情况下,存储U * M记录以跟踪“未读”帖子,其中U是用户数,M是消息数,将非常非常快速地失控。这是因为它的最佳效率需要所有用户阅读每条消息(并且大多数用户并不关心所有内容,因为论坛上的大多数内容都是噪音)。平均情况下,可能有20%的用户已经阅读了100%的帖子,但80%的用户已经阅读了近0%的帖子,而且从未阅读其余的帖子。这意味着您*存储0.8 * U * M,而U和M仅在几何上增加。没有多少索引会解决这个问题。

The previous @will-hartung answer has the more efficient approach.

之前的@ will-hartung答案具有更高效的方法。

I see that this is pretty old, and I hope you found a better solution in the meantime.




Here is the most efficient way:


  1. have a table called read_threads which stores the thread_id, and user_id
  2. 有一个名为read_threads的表,它存储了thread_id和user_id

  3. have a column in the users table called mark_read_date which stores the date the user clicked on the mark all threads read link in your forum
  4. 在users表中有一个名为mark_read_date的列,它存储用户在标记中点击所有线程读取链接的日期

  5. in order to determine if a thread is read, your query will check if it is in the read_threads table, or if its last_post_date (the date the last post was made to it) is older than the users mark_read_date
  6. 为了确定是否读取了一个线程,您的查询将检查它是否在read_threads表中,或者它的last_post_date(最后一个帖子的日期)是否早于用户mark_read_date

It is important that you also remove all rows from the read_threads table when a user clicks the mark all threads read link in your forum.




On read:

insert into read_articles(user_id, article_id);

On display:

SELECT a.*, r.user_id FROM articles a 
LEFT OUTER JOIN read_articles r ON (a.article_id = r.article_id and r.user_id = $user_id)
WHERE (article_filter, like forum or thread id, or whatever)

On your result set, if user_id is not null, then they've read the article. Otherwise, they haven't.


Index as appropriate. Server warm with biscuits and jam.




What PHPBB does is a very quick way to do it. It keeps a table that marks for each thread and each forum when the last time was a user opened it. And uses that to determine if there are unread messages. It allows a Users*Topics + Users*Forums storage usage scheme while allowing a check with pretty simple and fast queries.


You can see how it works from the database structure.


# Table: 'phpbb_forums_track'
CREATE TABLE phpbb_forums_track (
    user_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
    forum_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
    mark_time int(11) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (user_id, forum_id)
) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`;

# Table: 'phpbb_topics_track'
CREATE TABLE phpbb_topics_track (
    user_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
    topic_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
    forum_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
    mark_time int(11) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (user_id, topic_id),
    KEY topic_id (topic_id),
    KEY forum_id (forum_id)
) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`;



Sorry to say, but the solution proposed in the question is an unscalable design.


I was looking into this problem over here, which had a decent discussion on it (before I showed up). Take a look there.


In your case, storing U*M records to track "unread" posts, where U is the number of users and M is the number of messages, would get out of control very, very quickly. This is because its best-case efficiency requires all users to read every message (and most users don't care about everything, as most everything on a forum is noise). Average case, maybe 20% of users have read 100% of posts, but 80% have read near 0% of posts and never will read the rest. This means that you're being forced to store 0.8*U*M, with U and M only ever increasing, geometrically. No amount of indexing will fix this.

在您的情况下,存储U * M记录以跟踪“未读”帖子,其中U是用户数,M是消息数,将非常非常快速地失控。这是因为它的最佳效率需要所有用户阅读每条消息(并且大多数用户并不关心所有内容,因为论坛上的大多数内容都是噪音)。平均情况下,可能有20%的用户已经阅读了100%的帖子,但80%的用户已经阅读了近0%的帖子,而且从未阅读其余的帖子。这意味着您*存储0.8 * U * M,而U和M仅在几何上增加。没有多少索引会解决这个问题。

The previous @will-hartung answer has the more efficient approach.

之前的@ will-hartung答案具有更高效的方法。

I see that this is pretty old, and I hope you found a better solution in the meantime.




Here is the most efficient way:


  1. have a table called read_threads which stores the thread_id, and user_id
  2. 有一个名为read_threads的表,它存储了thread_id和user_id

  3. have a column in the users table called mark_read_date which stores the date the user clicked on the mark all threads read link in your forum
  4. 在users表中有一个名为mark_read_date的列,它存储用户在标记中点击所有线程读取链接的日期

  5. in order to determine if a thread is read, your query will check if it is in the read_threads table, or if its last_post_date (the date the last post was made to it) is older than the users mark_read_date
  6. 为了确定是否读取了一个线程,您的查询将检查它是否在read_threads表中,或者它的last_post_date(最后一个帖子的日期)是否早于用户mark_read_date

It is important that you also remove all rows from the read_threads table when a user clicks the mark all threads read link in your forum.




On read:

insert into read_articles(user_id, article_id);

On display:

SELECT a.*, r.user_id FROM articles a 
LEFT OUTER JOIN read_articles r ON (a.article_id = r.article_id and r.user_id = $user_id)
WHERE (article_filter, like forum or thread id, or whatever)

On your result set, if user_id is not null, then they've read the article. Otherwise, they haven't.


Index as appropriate. Server warm with biscuits and jam.
