在Objective-C / iPhone中检查zip文件是否受密码保护?

时间:2022-11-26 11:52:12

I'm using lib ZipArchive to unzip file on iPhone, it works pretty well, however I met a issue about checking if a zip file is protected by password.

我正在使用lib ZipArchive在iPhone上解压缩文件,它工作得很好,但是我遇到了一个关于检查zip文件是否受密码保护的问题。

I'm wondering if there's a function to check whether a zip file is protected by password before unzipping, but I didn't get lucky to find an api for that. So does anyone who know how to check it in Objective-C/iPhone or any API in ZipArchive I can use.

我想知道在解压缩之前是否有一个函数可以检查zip文件是否受密码保护,但我没有幸运找到api。任何知道如何在Objective-C / iPhone或ZipArchive中的任何API中查看它的人都可以使用。

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


1 个解决方案



You can check central directory in archive, and see if encryption bit is set there. However, you will need to read some documentation regarding zip file format.




You can check central directory in archive, and see if encryption bit is set there. However, you will need to read some documentation regarding zip file format.
