使用Android Studio中的Gradle创建src文件夹的zip文件

时间:2022-11-26 11:52:18

Having no knowledge of how gradle really works and how to use it well (I just copy paste snippets here and there), I was wondering if it was possible to ask gradle to generate a zip file containing the "src" folder of my Android app when I do generate the signed apk?


It sounds strange, but I want some hard copy in addition to all the source control things included in Android Studio, just in case (as I don't manage well what would be the equivalent of source control for Photoshop and Illustrator...)

这听起来很奇怪,但除了Android Studio中包含的所有源代码控制内容之外,我还需要一些硬拷贝,以防万一(因为我管理得不好,相当于Photoshop和Illustrator的源代码控制......)


1 个解决方案


I think you should look at Gradle Distribution Plugin

我想你应该看看Gradle Distribution Plugin

According to the documentation you might have to do the following things.


In your build.gradle add somewhere on top:


apply plugin: 'distribution'

You can then just run gradle distZip and accoriding to the docs:

然后,您可以运行gradle distZip并符合文档:

You can run “gradle distZip” to package the main distribution as a ZIP, or “gradle distTar” to create a TAR file. To build both types of archives just run gradle assembleDist. The files will be created at “$buildDir/distributions/$project.name-$project.version.«ext»”.

您可以运行“gradle distZip”将主发行版打包为ZIP,或者“gradle distTar”来创建TAR文件。要构建两种类型的存档,只需运行gradle assembleDist。这些文件将在“$ buildDir / distributions / $ project.name- $ project.version。«ext»”中创建。

Or you can play with some options, if you'd like to. To add data to be packed and to set output folder add:


distributions {
    main {
        baseName = 'someName'
        contents {
            from { 'src/readme' }

apply plugin:'maven'

uploadArchives {
    repositories {
        mavenDeployer {
            repository(url: "file://some/repo")

And to start deployment you should execute in the command line:


gradle distZip

Hope it helps



I think you should look at Gradle Distribution Plugin

我想你应该看看Gradle Distribution Plugin

According to the documentation you might have to do the following things.


In your build.gradle add somewhere on top:


apply plugin: 'distribution'

You can then just run gradle distZip and accoriding to the docs:

然后,您可以运行gradle distZip并符合文档:

You can run “gradle distZip” to package the main distribution as a ZIP, or “gradle distTar” to create a TAR file. To build both types of archives just run gradle assembleDist. The files will be created at “$buildDir/distributions/$project.name-$project.version.«ext»”.

您可以运行“gradle distZip”将主发行版打包为ZIP,或者“gradle distTar”来创建TAR文件。要构建两种类型的存档,只需运行gradle assembleDist。这些文件将在“$ buildDir / distributions / $ project.name- $ project.version。«ext»”中创建。

Or you can play with some options, if you'd like to. To add data to be packed and to set output folder add:


distributions {
    main {
        baseName = 'someName'
        contents {
            from { 'src/readme' }

apply plugin:'maven'

uploadArchives {
    repositories {
        mavenDeployer {
            repository(url: "file://some/repo")

And to start deployment you should execute in the command line:


gradle distZip

Hope it helps
