
时间:2022-06-27 07:02:03

I am trying to check if the username and email have already been used before. When the user tries to enter a username that has been used before the error message displays. Same with email. However when a user tries to sign-up with a different username and email an error appears saying myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery must be outside rdr close but I can't put it there as it will then not be recognised.


Anybody have a solution to this issue?


protected void registerbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string newuser = regusername.Text;
    string newfirst = regfirst.Text;
    string newlast = reglast.Text;
    string newemail = regemail.Text;
    string newpass = regpass.Text;

    string connectionString = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["photoconnection"].ConnectionString;

    SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);


   string query1 = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=@nuser OR email=@nemail";

   SqlCommand myCommand1= new SqlCommand(query1, myConnection);
   myCommand1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@nuser", newuser);
   myCommand1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@nemail", newemail);

   SqlDataReader rdr = myCommand1.ExecuteReader();

    if (rdr.HasRows)
       //when in read mode ask for data
        while (rdr.Read())
            string uname = rdr["username"].ToString();
            string email = rdr["email"].ToString();

            if (regusername.Text == uname)
                samevar.Text = "This Username already exists. Please choose another";


            else if (regemail.Text == email)
                samevar.Text = "This email already has an account associated with it. Please choose another";



        string query = "INSERT INTO users (username, firstname, lastname, email, password, userrole) VALUES(@nuser, @nfirst, @nlast, @nemail, @npass, 'registered')";
        SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(query, myConnection);

        myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@nuser", newuser);
        myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@npass", newpass);
        myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@nfirst", newfirst);
        myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@nemail", newemail);
        myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@nlast", newlast);

        regusername.Text = "";
        regpass.Text = "";
        regfirst.Text = "";
        reglast.Text = "";
        regemail.Text = "";







1 个解决方案


You cannot execute any commands on a connection which is associated with an open data reader. You have to close the reader or use another connection. Because your reader is used by the open reader exclusively.



You cannot execute any commands on a connection which is associated with an open data reader. You have to close the reader or use another connection. Because your reader is used by the open reader exclusively.
