如何将查询结果导出到Oracle SQL开发人员的csv中?

时间:2022-07-23 23:17:28

I'm using Oracle SQL Developer 3.0. Trying to figure out how to export a query result to a text file (preferably CSV). Right clicking on the query results window doesn't give me any export options.

我使用的是Oracle SQL Developer 3.0。试图弄清楚如何将查询结果导出到文本文件(最好是CSV)。右键单击查询结果窗口不会给我任何导出选项。

5 个解决方案



Version I am using


如何将查询结果导出到Oracle SQL开发人员的csv中?

Update 5th May 2012


Jeff Smith has blogged showing, what I believe is the superior method to get CSV output from SQL Developer. Jeff's method is shown as Method 1 below:

Jeff Smith已经在博客上展示了,我认为是获得SQL开发人员的CSV输出的高级方法。Jeff的方法如下所示:

Method 1


Add the comment /*csv*/ to your SQL query and run the query as a script (using F5 or the 2nd execution button on the worksheet toolbar)


如何将查询结果导出到Oracle SQL开发人员的csv中?

That's it.


Method 2


Run a query


如何将查询结果导出到Oracle SQL开发人员的csv中?

Right click and select unload.


Update. In Sql Developer Version 3.0.04 unload has been changed to export Thanks to Janis Peisenieks for pointing this out

更新。在Sql Developer版本3.0.04卸载中,由于Janis Peisenieks指出了这一点,所以已经更改了出口。

如何将查询结果导出到Oracle SQL开发人员的csv中?

Revised screen shot for SQL Developer Version 3.0.04

为SQL Developer版本3.0.04修改了屏幕截图。

如何将查询结果导出到Oracle SQL开发人员的csv中?

From the format drop down select CSV


如何将查询结果导出到Oracle SQL开发人员的csv中?

And follow the rest of the on screen instructions.




Not exactly "exporting," but you can select the rows (or Ctrl-A to select all of them) in the grid you'd like to export, and then copy with Ctrl-C.


The default is tab-delimited. You can paste that into Excel or some other editor and manipulate the delimiters all you like.


Also, if you use Ctrl-Shift-C instead of Ctrl-C, you'll also copy the column headers.




FYI, you can substitute the /*csv*/ for other formats as well including /*xml*/ and /*html*/. select /*xml*/ * from emp would return an xml document with the query results for example. I came across this article while looking for an easy way to return xml from a query.

FYI,你可以替换/*csv*/其他格式,包括/*xml*/和/*html*/。从emp中选择/*xml*/ *将返回一个带有查询结果的xml文档。在寻找从查询返回xml的简单方法时,我遇到了这篇文章。



FYI to anyone who runs into problems, there is a bug in CSV timestamp export that I just spent a few hours working around. Some fields I needed to export were of type timestamp. It appears the CSV export option even in the current version (3.0.04 as of this posting) fails to put the grouping symbols around timestamps. Very frustrating since spaces in the timestamps broke my import. The best workaround I found was to write my query with a TO_CHAR() on all my timestamps, which yields the correct output, albeit with a little more work. I hope this saves someone some time or gets Oracle on the ball with their next release.




CSV Export does not escape your data. Watch out for strings which end in \ because the resulting \" will look like an escaped " and not a \. Then you have the wrong number of " and your entire row is broken.




Version I am using


如何将查询结果导出到Oracle SQL开发人员的csv中?

Update 5th May 2012


Jeff Smith has blogged showing, what I believe is the superior method to get CSV output from SQL Developer. Jeff's method is shown as Method 1 below:

Jeff Smith已经在博客上展示了,我认为是获得SQL开发人员的CSV输出的高级方法。Jeff的方法如下所示:

Method 1


Add the comment /*csv*/ to your SQL query and run the query as a script (using F5 or the 2nd execution button on the worksheet toolbar)


如何将查询结果导出到Oracle SQL开发人员的csv中?

That's it.


Method 2


Run a query


如何将查询结果导出到Oracle SQL开发人员的csv中?

Right click and select unload.


Update. In Sql Developer Version 3.0.04 unload has been changed to export Thanks to Janis Peisenieks for pointing this out

更新。在Sql Developer版本3.0.04卸载中,由于Janis Peisenieks指出了这一点,所以已经更改了出口。

如何将查询结果导出到Oracle SQL开发人员的csv中?

Revised screen shot for SQL Developer Version 3.0.04

为SQL Developer版本3.0.04修改了屏幕截图。

如何将查询结果导出到Oracle SQL开发人员的csv中?

From the format drop down select CSV


如何将查询结果导出到Oracle SQL开发人员的csv中?

And follow the rest of the on screen instructions.




Not exactly "exporting," but you can select the rows (or Ctrl-A to select all of them) in the grid you'd like to export, and then copy with Ctrl-C.


The default is tab-delimited. You can paste that into Excel or some other editor and manipulate the delimiters all you like.


Also, if you use Ctrl-Shift-C instead of Ctrl-C, you'll also copy the column headers.




FYI, you can substitute the /*csv*/ for other formats as well including /*xml*/ and /*html*/. select /*xml*/ * from emp would return an xml document with the query results for example. I came across this article while looking for an easy way to return xml from a query.

FYI,你可以替换/*csv*/其他格式,包括/*xml*/和/*html*/。从emp中选择/*xml*/ *将返回一个带有查询结果的xml文档。在寻找从查询返回xml的简单方法时,我遇到了这篇文章。



FYI to anyone who runs into problems, there is a bug in CSV timestamp export that I just spent a few hours working around. Some fields I needed to export were of type timestamp. It appears the CSV export option even in the current version (3.0.04 as of this posting) fails to put the grouping symbols around timestamps. Very frustrating since spaces in the timestamps broke my import. The best workaround I found was to write my query with a TO_CHAR() on all my timestamps, which yields the correct output, albeit with a little more work. I hope this saves someone some time or gets Oracle on the ball with their next release.




CSV Export does not escape your data. Watch out for strings which end in \ because the resulting \" will look like an escaped " and not a \. Then you have the wrong number of " and your entire row is broken.
