我将如何为Android OS或Linux OS制作全新的GUI?

时间:2023-01-27 11:20:46

I am getting into making my own embedded system and I wanted to use an open source OS to run on it but I can't seem to find any information for making a completely customized GUI (Meaning desktop Icons, Menus, and windows). Would anyone know how to go about doing this? Or could point me into the right direction to research?


2 个解决方案



You've got quite a vague question there :


Here is an article on how to port Android to an embedded system


Information for making a completely customized GUI (Meaning desktop Icons, Menus, and windows)


You can start by learning android development.


Developers have full access to the same framework APIs used by the core applications. The application architecture is designed to simplify the reuse of components; any application can publish its capabilities and any other application may then make use of those capabilities (subject to security constraints enforced by the framework). This same mechanism allows components to be replaced by the user.




Have you picked out a development kit for this yet? If you get a Beagleboard or something with a TI processor, there are great resources for getting started with Android or Linux. The beagleboard would be a particularly good choice, due to a rather active community.


Freescale also has good support, particularly with its Linux builder LTIB.


I am not entirely familiar with how one would go about re-inventing a GUI for Android, but in Linux a good place to start might be with GTK+ or Qt libraries.

我并不完全熟悉如何重新发明Android的GUI,但在Linux中,一个好的起点可能是GTK +或Qt库。



You've got quite a vague question there :


Here is an article on how to port Android to an embedded system


Information for making a completely customized GUI (Meaning desktop Icons, Menus, and windows)


You can start by learning android development.


Developers have full access to the same framework APIs used by the core applications. The application architecture is designed to simplify the reuse of components; any application can publish its capabilities and any other application may then make use of those capabilities (subject to security constraints enforced by the framework). This same mechanism allows components to be replaced by the user.




Have you picked out a development kit for this yet? If you get a Beagleboard or something with a TI processor, there are great resources for getting started with Android or Linux. The beagleboard would be a particularly good choice, due to a rather active community.


Freescale also has good support, particularly with its Linux builder LTIB.


I am not entirely familiar with how one would go about re-inventing a GUI for Android, but in Linux a good place to start might be with GTK+ or Qt libraries.

我并不完全熟悉如何重新发明Android的GUI,但在Linux中,一个好的起点可能是GTK +或Qt库。