
时间:2021-12-12 23:18:21

I try to tar.gz a directory and use


tar -czf workspace.tar.gz *

The resulting tar includes .svn directories in subdirs but NOT in the current directory (as * gets expanded to only 'visible' files before it is passed to tar


I tried to


tar -czf workspace.tar.gz . instead but then I am getting an error because '.' has changed while reading:

焦油-czf workspace.tar。广州。而是因为。在阅读时发生了变化:

tar: ./workspace.tar.gz: file changed as we read it

Is there a trick so that * matches all files (including dot-prefixed) in a directory?


(using bash on Linux SLES-11 (

(在Linux SLES-11上使用bash) (

15 个解决方案



Don't create the tar file in the directory you are packing up:


tar -czf /tmp/workspace.tar.gz .

does the trick, except it will extract the files all over the current directory when you unpack. Better to do:


cd ..
tar -czf workspace.tar.gz workspace

or, if you don't know the name of the directory you were in:


base=$(basename $PWD)
cd ..
tar -czf $base.tar.gz $base

(This assumes that you didn't follow symlinks to get to where you are and that the shell doesn't try to second guess you by jumping backwards through a symlink - bash is not trustworthy in this respect. If you have to worry about that, use cd -P .. to do a physical change directory. Stupid that it is not the default behaviour in my view - confusing, at least, for those for whom cd .. never had any alternative meaning.)

(这假定您没有跟随符号链接到达您所在的位置,并且shell没有试图通过通过符号链接向后跳转来猜测您的位置——在这方面bash是不值得信任的。如果你需要担心这个问题,使用cd -P。执行物理更改目录。愚蠢的是,在我看来,这并不是默认的行为——至少对那些患有乳糜泻的人来说,这是令人困惑的。从来没有其他的意思。

One comment in the discussion says:


I [...] need to exclude the top directory and I [...] need to place the tar in the base directory.


The first part of the comment does not make much sense - if the tar file contains the current directory, it won't be created when you extract file from that archive because, by definition, the current directory already exists (except in very weird circumstances).


The second part of the comment can be dealt with in one of two ways:


  1. Either: create the file somewhere else - /tmp is one possible location - and then move it back to the original location after it is complete.
  2. 要么:在其他地方创建文件——/tmp是一个可能的位置——然后在文件完成后将其移回原始位置。
  3. Or: if you are using GNU Tar, use the --exclude=workspace.tar.gz option. The string after the = is a pattern - the example is the simplest pattern - an exact match. You might need to specify --exclude=./workspace.tar.gz if you are working in the current directory contrary to recommendations; you might need to specify --exclude=workspace/workspace.tar.gz if you are working up one level as suggested. If you have multiple tar files to exclude, use '*', as in --exclude=./*.gz.
  4. 或者:如果您正在使用GNU Tar,请使用—排除=workspace.tar。广州的选择。=后面的字符串是一个模式——示例是最简单的模式——一个精确的匹配。您可能需要指定——排除=./workspace.tar。如果您在当前目录下工作,与建议相反;您可能需要指定——排除=workspace/workspace.tar。如果你按照建议做一个级别的话。如果您要排除多个tar文件,请使用'*',如在——rejection =./*.gz中。



If you really don't want to include top directory in the tarball (and that's generally bad idea):


tar czf workspace.tar.gz -C /path/to/workspace .



in directory want to compress (current directory) try this :


tar -czf workspace.tar.gz . --exclude=./*.gz



There are a couple of steps to take:


  1. Replace * by . to include hidden files as well.
  2. 取代*。也包括隐藏文件。
  3. To create the archive in the same directory a --exclude=workspace.tar.gz can be used to exclude the archive itself.
  4. 要在相同的目录a中创建归档文件——排除=workspace.tar。gz可用于排除归档文件本身。
  5. To prevent the tar: .: file changed as we read it error when the archive is not yet created, make sure it exists (e.g. using touch), so the --exclude matches with the archive filename. (It does not match it the file does not exists)
  6. 为了防止tar: .:文件在未创建归档文件时读取错误时发生更改,请确保它存在(例如使用touch),因此—排除与归档文件名的匹配。(它不匹配文件不存在)

Combined this results in the following script:


touch workspace.tar.gz
tar -czf workspace.tar.gz --exclude=workspace.tar.gz .



You can fix the . form by using --exclude:


tar -czf workspace.tar.gz --exclude=workspace.tar.gz .



You can include the hidden directories by going back a directory and doing:


cd ..
tar -czf workspace.tar.gz workspace

Assuming the directory you wanted to gzip was called workspace.




Update: I added a fix for the OP's comment.


tar -czf workspace.tar.gz .

will indeed change the current directory, but why not place the file somewhere else?


tar -czf somewhereelse/workspace.tar.gz .
mv somewhereelse/workspace.tar.gz . # Update



Actually the problem is with the compression options. The trick is the pipe the tar result to a compressor instead of using the built-in options. Incidentally that can also give you better compression, since you can set extra compresion options.


Minimal tar:


tar --exclude=*.tar* -cf workspace.tar .

Pipe to a compressor of your choice. This example is verbose and uses xz with maximum compression:


tar --exclude=*.tar* -cv . | xz -9v >workspace.tar.xz

Solution was tested on Ubuntu 14.04 and Cygwin on Windows 7. It's a community wiki answer, so feel free to edit if you spot a mistake.

解决方案在Ubuntu 14.04和Cygwin 7上进行了测试。这是一个社区wiki的答案,所以如果你发现了错误,请随时编辑。



A good question. In ZSH you can use the globbing modifier (D), which stands for "dotfiles". Compare:


ls $HOME/*


ls $HOME/*(D)

This correctly excludes the special directory entries . and ... In Bash you can use .* to include the dotfiles explicitly:


ls $HOME/* $HOME/.*

But that includes . and .. as well, so it's not what you were looking for. I'm sure there's some way to make * match dotfiles in bash, too.

但是,包括。和. .同样,这不是你想要的。我确信在bash中也有一些方法可以使*匹配dotfiles。



tar -czf workspace.tar.gz .??* *

Specifying .??* will include "dot" files and directories that have at least 2 characters after the dot. The down side is it will not include files/directories with a single character after the dot, such as .a, if there are any.

指定。? ?*将包含“点”文件和至少有两个字符的目录。缺点是它不会包含在点后只有一个字符的文件/目录,例如。a,如果有的话。



If disk space space is not an issue, this could also be a very easy thing to do:


mkdir backup
cp -r ./* backup
tar -zcvf backup.tar.gz ./backup



The problem with the most solutions provided here is that tar contains ./ at the begging of every entry. So this results in having . directory when opening it through GUI compressor. So what I ended up doing is:


ls -1A | xargs -d "\n" tar cfz my.tar.gz

ls -1A | xargs -d“\n”tar cfz .tar.gz

If you already have my.tar.gz in current directory you may want to grep this out:


ls -1A | grep -v my.tar.gz | xargs -d "\n" tar cfz my.tar.gz

ls -1A | grep -v my.tar。gz | xargs -d“\n”tar cfz .gz

Be aware of that xargs has certain limit (see xargs --show-limits). So this solution would not work if you are trying to create a package which has lots of entries (directories and files) on a directory which you are trying to tar.




Yet another solution, assuming the number of items in the folder is not huge:


tar -czf workspace.tar.gz `ls -A`

(ls -A prints normal and hidden files but not "." and ".." as ls -a does.)

(ls -A打印普通文件和隐藏文件,但不像ls -A打印“.”和“.”。)



Had a similar situation myself. I think it is best to create the tar elsewhere and then use -C to tell tar the base directory for the compressed files. Example:


tar -cjf workspace.tar.gz -C <path_to_workspace> $(ls -A <path_to_workspace>)

This way there is no need to exclude your own tarfile. As noted in other comments, -A will list hidden files.




Using find is probably the easiest way:


find . -maxdepth 1 -exec tar zcvf workspace.tar.gz {} \+

find . -maxdepth 1 will find all files/directories/symlinks/etc in the current directory and run the command specified by -exec. The {} in the command means file list goes here and \+ means that the command will be run as:

找到。-maxdepth 1将在当前目录中找到所有文件/目录/符号链接,并运行-exec指定的命令。命令中的{}表示文件列表在这里,\+表示命令将以以下方式运行:

tar zcvf workspace.tar.gz .file1 .file2 .dir3

instead of


tar zcvf workspace.tar.gz .file1
tar zcvf workspace.tar.gz .file2
tar zcvf workspace.tar.gz .dir3



Don't create the tar file in the directory you are packing up:


tar -czf /tmp/workspace.tar.gz .

does the trick, except it will extract the files all over the current directory when you unpack. Better to do:


cd ..
tar -czf workspace.tar.gz workspace

or, if you don't know the name of the directory you were in:


base=$(basename $PWD)
cd ..
tar -czf $base.tar.gz $base

(This assumes that you didn't follow symlinks to get to where you are and that the shell doesn't try to second guess you by jumping backwards through a symlink - bash is not trustworthy in this respect. If you have to worry about that, use cd -P .. to do a physical change directory. Stupid that it is not the default behaviour in my view - confusing, at least, for those for whom cd .. never had any alternative meaning.)

(这假定您没有跟随符号链接到达您所在的位置,并且shell没有试图通过通过符号链接向后跳转来猜测您的位置——在这方面bash是不值得信任的。如果你需要担心这个问题,使用cd -P。执行物理更改目录。愚蠢的是,在我看来,这并不是默认的行为——至少对那些患有乳糜泻的人来说,这是令人困惑的。从来没有其他的意思。

One comment in the discussion says:


I [...] need to exclude the top directory and I [...] need to place the tar in the base directory.


The first part of the comment does not make much sense - if the tar file contains the current directory, it won't be created when you extract file from that archive because, by definition, the current directory already exists (except in very weird circumstances).


The second part of the comment can be dealt with in one of two ways:


  1. Either: create the file somewhere else - /tmp is one possible location - and then move it back to the original location after it is complete.
  2. 要么:在其他地方创建文件——/tmp是一个可能的位置——然后在文件完成后将其移回原始位置。
  3. Or: if you are using GNU Tar, use the --exclude=workspace.tar.gz option. The string after the = is a pattern - the example is the simplest pattern - an exact match. You might need to specify --exclude=./workspace.tar.gz if you are working in the current directory contrary to recommendations; you might need to specify --exclude=workspace/workspace.tar.gz if you are working up one level as suggested. If you have multiple tar files to exclude, use '*', as in --exclude=./*.gz.
  4. 或者:如果您正在使用GNU Tar,请使用—排除=workspace.tar。广州的选择。=后面的字符串是一个模式——示例是最简单的模式——一个精确的匹配。您可能需要指定——排除=./workspace.tar。如果您在当前目录下工作,与建议相反;您可能需要指定——排除=workspace/workspace.tar。如果你按照建议做一个级别的话。如果您要排除多个tar文件,请使用'*',如在——rejection =./*.gz中。



If you really don't want to include top directory in the tarball (and that's generally bad idea):


tar czf workspace.tar.gz -C /path/to/workspace .



in directory want to compress (current directory) try this :


tar -czf workspace.tar.gz . --exclude=./*.gz



There are a couple of steps to take:


  1. Replace * by . to include hidden files as well.
  2. 取代*。也包括隐藏文件。
  3. To create the archive in the same directory a --exclude=workspace.tar.gz can be used to exclude the archive itself.
  4. 要在相同的目录a中创建归档文件——排除=workspace.tar。gz可用于排除归档文件本身。
  5. To prevent the tar: .: file changed as we read it error when the archive is not yet created, make sure it exists (e.g. using touch), so the --exclude matches with the archive filename. (It does not match it the file does not exists)
  6. 为了防止tar: .:文件在未创建归档文件时读取错误时发生更改,请确保它存在(例如使用touch),因此—排除与归档文件名的匹配。(它不匹配文件不存在)

Combined this results in the following script:


touch workspace.tar.gz
tar -czf workspace.tar.gz --exclude=workspace.tar.gz .



You can fix the . form by using --exclude:


tar -czf workspace.tar.gz --exclude=workspace.tar.gz .



You can include the hidden directories by going back a directory and doing:


cd ..
tar -czf workspace.tar.gz workspace

Assuming the directory you wanted to gzip was called workspace.




Update: I added a fix for the OP's comment.


tar -czf workspace.tar.gz .

will indeed change the current directory, but why not place the file somewhere else?


tar -czf somewhereelse/workspace.tar.gz .
mv somewhereelse/workspace.tar.gz . # Update



Actually the problem is with the compression options. The trick is the pipe the tar result to a compressor instead of using the built-in options. Incidentally that can also give you better compression, since you can set extra compresion options.


Minimal tar:


tar --exclude=*.tar* -cf workspace.tar .

Pipe to a compressor of your choice. This example is verbose and uses xz with maximum compression:


tar --exclude=*.tar* -cv . | xz -9v >workspace.tar.xz

Solution was tested on Ubuntu 14.04 and Cygwin on Windows 7. It's a community wiki answer, so feel free to edit if you spot a mistake.

解决方案在Ubuntu 14.04和Cygwin 7上进行了测试。这是一个社区wiki的答案,所以如果你发现了错误,请随时编辑。



A good question. In ZSH you can use the globbing modifier (D), which stands for "dotfiles". Compare:


ls $HOME/*


ls $HOME/*(D)

This correctly excludes the special directory entries . and ... In Bash you can use .* to include the dotfiles explicitly:


ls $HOME/* $HOME/.*

But that includes . and .. as well, so it's not what you were looking for. I'm sure there's some way to make * match dotfiles in bash, too.

但是,包括。和. .同样,这不是你想要的。我确信在bash中也有一些方法可以使*匹配dotfiles。



tar -czf workspace.tar.gz .??* *

Specifying .??* will include "dot" files and directories that have at least 2 characters after the dot. The down side is it will not include files/directories with a single character after the dot, such as .a, if there are any.

指定。? ?*将包含“点”文件和至少有两个字符的目录。缺点是它不会包含在点后只有一个字符的文件/目录,例如。a,如果有的话。



If disk space space is not an issue, this could also be a very easy thing to do:


mkdir backup
cp -r ./* backup
tar -zcvf backup.tar.gz ./backup



The problem with the most solutions provided here is that tar contains ./ at the begging of every entry. So this results in having . directory when opening it through GUI compressor. So what I ended up doing is:


ls -1A | xargs -d "\n" tar cfz my.tar.gz

ls -1A | xargs -d“\n”tar cfz .tar.gz

If you already have my.tar.gz in current directory you may want to grep this out:


ls -1A | grep -v my.tar.gz | xargs -d "\n" tar cfz my.tar.gz

ls -1A | grep -v my.tar。gz | xargs -d“\n”tar cfz .gz

Be aware of that xargs has certain limit (see xargs --show-limits). So this solution would not work if you are trying to create a package which has lots of entries (directories and files) on a directory which you are trying to tar.




Yet another solution, assuming the number of items in the folder is not huge:


tar -czf workspace.tar.gz `ls -A`

(ls -A prints normal and hidden files but not "." and ".." as ls -a does.)

(ls -A打印普通文件和隐藏文件,但不像ls -A打印“.”和“.”。)



Had a similar situation myself. I think it is best to create the tar elsewhere and then use -C to tell tar the base directory for the compressed files. Example:


tar -cjf workspace.tar.gz -C <path_to_workspace> $(ls -A <path_to_workspace>)

This way there is no need to exclude your own tarfile. As noted in other comments, -A will list hidden files.




Using find is probably the easiest way:


find . -maxdepth 1 -exec tar zcvf workspace.tar.gz {} \+

find . -maxdepth 1 will find all files/directories/symlinks/etc in the current directory and run the command specified by -exec. The {} in the command means file list goes here and \+ means that the command will be run as:

找到。-maxdepth 1将在当前目录中找到所有文件/目录/符号链接,并运行-exec指定的命令。命令中的{}表示文件列表在这里,\+表示命令将以以下方式运行:

tar zcvf workspace.tar.gz .file1 .file2 .dir3

instead of


tar zcvf workspace.tar.gz .file1
tar zcvf workspace.tar.gz .file2
tar zcvf workspace.tar.gz .dir3