无法将spring mvc project属性导入eclipse

时间:2023-01-25 10:06:00

I am trying to import the project at http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-04-2009/jw-springmvc-cms-src.zip into eclipse.


I do File -> New -> Project.. -> Java Project From Existing Ant Buildfile. I give the path of the build.xml of the project.

我做File - > New - > Project .. - > Java Project From Existing Ant Buildfile。我给出了项目的build.xml的路径。

It imports the project into eclipse and shows the src and test folders. However, it does not show the WEB-INF, css etc. folders. Why? How can they also be viewed in the project structure in Eclipse.


1 个解决方案



You should try creating "by hand" the missing folders into your newly created project, then you can use Import -> File system to add the missing files into the respective folders...

您应该尝试“手动”将缺少的文件夹创建到新创建的项目中,然后您可以使用导入 - >文件系统将丢失的文件添加到相应的文件夹中...



You should try creating "by hand" the missing folders into your newly created project, then you can use Import -> File system to add the missing files into the respective folders...

您应该尝试“手动”将缺少的文件夹创建到新创建的项目中,然后您可以使用导入 - >文件系统将丢失的文件添加到相应的文件夹中...