Xcode 9 Beta -无法添加新的操场页面。

时间:2023-01-23 19:03:17

In Xcode 9 Beta, I have created a new Playground (File -> New -> Playground). Now, when I am adding a new Playground page (File -> New -> Playground Page), it is not added/shown. Is this a bug ?

在Xcode 9 Beta中,我创建了一个新的游乐场(File -> new ->操场)。现在,当我添加一个新的操场页面(File -> new ->操场页面)时,它没有添加/显示。这是窃听器吗?

2 个解决方案



I am running into the same problem in beta and the final release of Xcode 9.0. As states in Release note below. Now I am using 2 steps to solve the issue.

我在beta版和Xcode 9.0的最终版本中遇到了同样的问题。在下面的发行说明中。现在我用两个步骤来解决这个问题。

https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/WhatsNewXcode/xcode_9/xcode_9.html ,


In Xcode menu, select File -> New -> Playground, Xcode will open window for you to choose a template.

在Xcode菜单中,选择File -> New ->操场,Xcode将打开窗口,让您选择一个模板。

Xcode 9 Beta -无法添加新的操场页面。

Selecting one of the templates and navigate to your project folder to save (first it will take you to a location that is nowhere near your existing project folder ,this should be fixed !). Once hit save the playground file will open (mine open in a new window), close that window. Next in ProjectNavigator, right click on your project or a group under project (wherever you want the playground to be added in the first place) . Select 'Add file To YourProjectName'. Choose the playground file you just created and click 'ok'. Your playground should be included now.


Xcode 9 Beta -无法添加新的操场页面。



In XCode 9, I can create New Page under existing playground by right-clicking on playground and Select "New Playground Page" as shown in below screenshot.

在XCode 9中,我可以通过右键点击操场并选择“新的操场页面”来创建新的页面,如下面的截图所示。

Xcode 9 Beta -无法添加新的操场页面。



I am running into the same problem in beta and the final release of Xcode 9.0. As states in Release note below. Now I am using 2 steps to solve the issue.

我在beta版和Xcode 9.0的最终版本中遇到了同样的问题。在下面的发行说明中。现在我用两个步骤来解决这个问题。

https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/WhatsNewXcode/xcode_9/xcode_9.html ,


In Xcode menu, select File -> New -> Playground, Xcode will open window for you to choose a template.

在Xcode菜单中,选择File -> New ->操场,Xcode将打开窗口,让您选择一个模板。

Xcode 9 Beta -无法添加新的操场页面。

Selecting one of the templates and navigate to your project folder to save (first it will take you to a location that is nowhere near your existing project folder ,this should be fixed !). Once hit save the playground file will open (mine open in a new window), close that window. Next in ProjectNavigator, right click on your project or a group under project (wherever you want the playground to be added in the first place) . Select 'Add file To YourProjectName'. Choose the playground file you just created and click 'ok'. Your playground should be included now.


Xcode 9 Beta -无法添加新的操场页面。



In XCode 9, I can create New Page under existing playground by right-clicking on playground and Select "New Playground Page" as shown in below screenshot.

在XCode 9中,我可以通过右键点击操场并选择“新的操场页面”来创建新的页面,如下面的截图所示。

Xcode 9 Beta -无法添加新的操场页面。